In the end, Zuri followed them into the car, and a group of twenty cars drove in the desert. These people have different equipment, but they are all the best equipment. The races are also different. The yellow race, the white race, and the black race. The brown ones and the pure dark chocolate ones are strictly speaking mercenaries, and their combat literacy is really good.

Li Yifei has obtained the blueprint on the road and is drawing the strategy on a piece of paper. When he was the captain of the Flying Eagle squad, he would also direct the squad to fight, but generally speaking, what he commanded was on the spot. Policies are usually specified in advance.

I don’t know the situation in the factory at the moment, but with so many hostages, it is very likely to be managed in one place, otherwise there will be mistakes. The most likely place is in the dormitory, so Li Yifei highlighted the dormitory and asked another one. The bodyguard of the factory asked him to tell the surrounding terrain and unite everyone’s weapons. Li Yifei needed to find a weak point to carry out an assault. At least he had to ensure the safety of most of the hostages. As for the annihilation of the enemy, that would be the next thing. Is secondary.

When people die, there is nothing. Li Yifei didn't want to rush to the end. Workers from China were killed and injured by those terrorists.

The place is a certain distance from Dubai. After driving at high speed for two hours, three helicopters caught up from behind. Two of them were armed helicopters and one was for civilian use. These three helicopters were temporarily transferred by Sachar. The gunship was provided by the Prince Parsons. His right to mobilize two helicopters is no problem. The other is a Sachar helicopter, a modified large helicopter, which can also be loaded with weapons.

Li Yifei decided to use an armed helicopter to attack the enemy by surprise. He and Sophia led the people in assault from the helicopter, first to protect the hostages, at least to minimize the innocent casualties, and then other people assault in from the front, when the time comes, the inside and the outside should cooperate.

After driving for another two hours, the straight-line distance from the factory is less than 10 kilometers. At this speed, I am afraid that it will be there in five or six minutes. Li Yifei let the lead car slow down, and he is ready to get off, get on the gunship, and before getting off. Li Yifei took a deep look at Su Li. He actually understood her thoughts, but he still said: "If you are afraid, close your eyes and listen to the song. Don't think too much. If someone rushes out of it, don't join in. In the past, you two protected her, but it was really impossible. I allow you to drive away early!"

This means that in case of an accident, Li Yifei must also ensure that Su Li is fine.

Su Li's face turned pale and nodded, and said, "Then, be careful."

Sophia smiled at her and didn't speak. Just on the road, Li Yifei worried that she was too nervous and uncomfortable, so she had already injected a breath of real energy into her body. At this time, Su Li's body was very warm.

However, Su Li still felt a little unnatural when shaking hands with Li Yifei in front of a few people.

Sitting in the car, Su Li watched several people get out of the car one after another. Sashar and Salama finally did not listen to Li Yifei's words and chose to rush in to kill the enemy.

Salama wanted to charge Li Yifei with all his heart, as for Sasha, this guy was completely passionate, and he wanted to kill with a handful of M16.

"I don't advise you. But you must be careful." Li Yi said to Sachar before flying into the helicopter.

"Don't worry, I know how to measure." Sachar said.

When the helicopter was about to take off, Li Yifei's cell phone rang suddenly, and Su Li took the cell phone and ran out of the car and called Li Yifei's name.

Li Yifei took the phone, saw the number on it, his face was happy, he hurriedly answered the sound, and shouted: "Hello? Is it Shanshan?"

He was actually very afraid of a man's voice from the other side, which meant that two women were also caught.

Fortunately, God is blessing the two women. The terrorists have not found them for the time being, but both of them have their phones in the car. Xu Shanshan just took her phone back and gave it to Li Yifei. Made a call.

"Old...well, brother-in-law!" Xu Shanshan almost called the wrong name. Her voice was very small, deliberately suppressing her voice.

"Shanshan, it's me, how are you and Fang Qing now?" When Li Yifei heard Xu Shanshan's voice, his heart was agitated.

Xu Shanshan said hurriedly, "Brother-in-law, do you know what's going on here?"

"I'm almost there, how about you, is it safe for the time being?"

"Sister Fang Qing and I are still safe for the time being. The two of us are hiding." Xu Shanshan replied in a low voice. When he heard Li Yifei not only knew about it, but even people were almost there, Xu Shanshan couldn't help but be overjoyed. Qing came yesterday, and originally planned to return today, but the terrorists rushed in. At that time, she was accompanying He Fangqing to the bathroom. Seeing the outside through the glass, Xu Shanshan's first reaction was to rush out and These people were fighting, but seeing that there were too many enemies, she hurried back and took He Fangqing, who had finished using the toilet, and ran to a corner of a factory building to hide it. This was a dark room. The terrorists searched this place, but But no two were found.

"Brother-in-law, those terrorists killed a few workers, but they weren't our people, but local workers." Xu Shanshan said, "It was about one hundred and fifty people. Now the workers are all being rushed. In the dormitory, other terrorists scattered and guarded everywhere. The money I brought was robbed by them!"

"These are trivial matters. It’s fine if you and Fang Qing are fine. As for the workers, if there are unfortunate victims, we will avenge them. Now it is important that you and Fang Qing should protect themselves. There are many enemies. It is not you alone. It's resolved, you two hide, wait for your husband to save you!" At this moment, Li Yifei didn't hide his identity. Sophia felt it was normal, and the eyebrows of Su Li who gave him the phone trembled. She knows the identities of the two women controlled by the terrorists. One is Xu Yingying’s twin sister, the other is the big sister, Li Yifei’s wife, but now she is talking to Li Yifei, it’s clearly Xu Yingying’s sister. Husband...

This big pervert is really... Su Li doesn't know what language to use to describe Li Yifei.

Li Yifei didn't pay much attention to this matter. He went on to say, "What else do you know, where is the leader of this group?"

Xu Shanshan thought for a while and said: "The details are not clear, but I think it should be in the headquarters office, where the conditions are the best, and the money was originally placed there. If your husband wants to attack, I think first It’s better to attack there. By the way, husband, don’t come during the day. The weapons in these people’s hands are very advanced. I see even anti-tank weapons. One of them has small missiles on it. I’m worried that you will rush up directly. It will lose a lot."

"Even this?" Li Yifei frowned. He can face a hundred people, and not necessarily anyone can hurt him, but if he faces a missile, Li Yifei has to run as far as he can. The mortal tire can't stop this thing.

It was almost late in the afternoon, Li Yifei looked up at the sky, turned around and asked, "How long will it be dark?"

"Two to three hours." Sachar said.

"Tell everyone, take a rest for the time being, send a few small groups of people to guard around, and those who meet the other party will take it directly, and the other party can't let the other party pass the message back. Let's go in after dark. The other party has heavy weapons in his hands. It’s too risky to rush up like this.” Li Yifei said. After receiving news from Xu Shanshan, Li Yifei had to change his combat plan. It is important to save people, but if Xu Shanshan and He Fangqing are temporarily safe, then this policy is fine. changed.

Everyone nodded and quickly separated several teams. Several cars drove in the predetermined direction. The rest were standing by. Li Yifei started to select some elites and prepared a team of twenty people, and rushed in with him first. See if you can go straight to Huanglong, catch Yala first or kill, and the rest will naturally be messed up.

The most important reason why Li Yifei is not in a hurry to attack is because he knows that Xu Shanshan and He Fangqing are safe now, or not to mention that there are guides inside, there are anti-tank weapons, even if it is a volcano, Li Yifei would not hesitate. Jump in.

The place where Xu Shanshan and the two hid was a dark room. If they were not insiders, they would not be able to find this place. They blocked the door and even found a few boxes of water and some food shipped from China. , The two don’t even have to worry about what to eat.

And just after ending the call, Yala issued an order. His subordinates got a message from a local man. This news made Yala feel better. That is, there are two senior Chinese seniors. The manager is said to be two women.

I originally thought that the highest was a manager or something, but I didn't expect that there were two senior managers who were said to have come from Huaxia. This was great. If you catch these two people, the bargaining chip will be even higher.

On the other hand, the safety of these people is also higher. This time the number two person in the organization was arrested. Yala was very angry. The officials in Dubai were so ignorant that they even dared to arrest his people. Ra decided to teach the other party a lesson. As for grabbing a large amount of US dollars and Dirhams, it was a windfall.

Yala quickly ordered to get the two senior managers out and take care of them. He was already thinking about how much ransom should be ransomed by China. For ordinary people, one million per person would be fine. As for For those two executives, Yala felt that one billion dollars each should be considered a reasonable price.

Kidnapping hostages and extorting money is something these terrorists often do. Of course, they don't succeed every time, but as long as they succeed once, they will be happy for a while.

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