The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1804: All fall apart

"According to your logic, sending that old man to the hospital would be a death. Do you want to kill all the doctors who treated? Just because they didn't save your grandfather?" Li Yifei asked indifferently.

Su Li's mouth moved, of course she wouldn't do that, just to talk about, besides, she never thought that grandpa would die.

When asked by Li Yifei, Su Li stepped back two steps and said without aura: "I didn't say that again."

Li Yifei said with no shame, "Then what do you mean by those words? If I am a narrow-minded person, I will attack you just now. Even if your grandfather can live, I will be treated to death!"

Su Li directly shouted: "No!"

On the contrary, Dynasty and Ma Han didn't believe that Li Yifei would do that. They thought that this young man was quite interesting at this time. Either it was really awesome, or it was really funny, just hope it was the former.

"Daughter-in-law, sit down, I'll go see the old man." Li Yifei turned around and said to Song Lianyao.

He is really ready to make a shot, instead of taking this opportunity to make friends with the so-called Su family. It is not necessary. Even if there is no such thing today, he will directly shoot with Dynasty Mahan. Li Yifei is confident that he will not be able to beat. , At best, it's just a little troublesome.

The reason that really made him decide to save the old man over there was that Li Yifei felt that it was not easy to have a cultivator in China. He is so old and can save one. This kind of compassion comes from Murong Yuanqing and others. Learned.

How sad Murong Yuanqing was after the death of a vain master. If this old man is familiar with Murong Yuanqing and others, he can't help it, and he will complain when he looks back.

As for Li Xiang, he apologized, whether he was willing or not, but Li Yifei's purpose was achieved. He is a man of particularity, he is what he says. At this time, he will save people if he apologizes, then he will save people.

When Wang Chao and Ma Han saw that Li Yifei was finally willing to save people, they hurried to follow. Su Li looked at Li Yifei's back, stomped his feet, and followed up with the sword. Only Li thought, he held his fingers twice as thick. , I want to cry without tears, I don’t know what to tell with and people.

Song Lianyao didn't sit there either, but followed. She likes to watch this kind of excitement.

Huang Zicong and the others blinked and wiped their sweat secretly. Fortunately, they didn’t mess with the secret way. The young man who pretended to be a good match looked like a real cow. If he provokes him, I feel that he and others will not have good fruit. .

At this moment, the sound of an ambulance sounded outside, pulling the siren and rushing over, Li Yifei turned around and said, "Let the ambulance wait. After a while, the old man wakes up and has to go to the hospital for treatment."

"Hey, okay." Huang Zicong quickly turned around, and the dignified boss Huang Da went to block the door in person, making the police car and the ambulance staff wait.

Su Li was holding the sword, standing behind Li Yifei, looking at Grandpa who was lying on the ground with closed eyes and dark complexion, she wanted to cry. She gritted her teeth and thought to herself, if Li Yifei could not save Grandpa, she really Will pierce the back of the opponent's heart with a sword, huh, it will definitely be, and you still say that!

Li Yifei walked over and squatted down, took Su Lao's hand, and began to pulse. He just didn't have true energy, but in the past few years, he has learned a lot with Murong Yuanqing and others, and it is all useful to him. The knowledge of medicine also includes some medical knowledge. This medical knowledge is not the Western medicine of today, but also called modern medicine. It is the ancient Chinese medicine handed down from China and its magical skills. Among them, there is one of the most miraculous medical techniques. According to the rumors, Huangdi Xuanyuan It already existed at that time, and it was called Zhu Youshu. It was the most miraculous medical technique. Senior Yao Lingfu was a descendant of Zhu Youshu. This is why Senior Yao Lingfu taught Nayi to cultivate herbs. Let her help Li Yifei temporarily relieve the witch Gu in his body.

Zhu Youshu, this is a legendary technique. Li Yifei doesn't learn much, but he knows a lot about some medical knowledge. Su Lao's pulse is empty, and he can't feel it if he doesn't feel it carefully. If it is described as a metaphor, it is normal. A person's pulse is one hundred points, so the pulse of Su Lao may be only a few counts. The difference can be imagined, and it also reflects Su Lao's health at this time.

Although I don't know who this old Su is, since Li Yifei decided to take action, he didn't hesitate anymore. He changed the way to check, but now there is no True Qi in his body, and Li Yifei cannot directly measure it.

In two minutes, Li Yifei raised his head, and a circle of people stood around. Dynasty Mahan and the two also squatted down. They were beside Li Yifei. Their faces were full of worries. They understood their father's condition and knew It's useless to go to the hospital, so I pin my hopes on Li Yifei.

Su Li was still standing behind Li Yifei with a pretty face. She always felt that Li Yifei was pretending, but in fact she had no abilities. In that case, she would definitely kill him because he was delaying Grandpa's treatment time.

Of course, if the treatment is cured, she will thank him, but that must be after the cure.

Li Yifei looked around and said, "What are so many people doing around? They are all scattered."

Most of those people are from the Su family. When Li Yifei said this, his face showed an unhappy expression, but Ma Han immediately said, "Didn't you hear? You all find your own house. If something goes wrong, you are also responsible. Humph, I have to take the old man Laoyingcheng!"

As soon as Ma Han spoke, those people would naturally not stay too much. They quickly turned around and walked away. Huang Zicong and other local people couldn't see it like this, so they quickly found a house to stay.

For a while, there were only a few people left in the whole hall. Li Yifei looked at that Li Xiang again, tilted his head towards the room inside, and Li Xiang grunted heavily and walked in.

"And you, you also go in." Li Yifei said while looking at Su Li.

Su Li stared at once and asked, "Why should I go in, this is my grandfather!"

"Nonsense, didn't I know it was your grandfather? But you are even more a woman!" Li Yifei replied.

"I'm his granddaughter!" Su Li argued for reasons, always feeling that Li Yifei was particularly rude to him, which was very uncomfortable for Su Li, who was all in love with him.

Li Yifei smiled and said, "The treatment needs to strip off the clothes of Mr. Su. Are you sure you want to stay here?"

"You!" Su Li felt that Li Yifei was insulting grandfather, so she quickly said: "No, you have distracted everyone. Who knows what you are doing, what if you are insulting my grandfather?"

"Are you kidding me, I have bad intentions with an old man? Even if I have bad intentions with you, I can't treat him!" Li Yifei sneered.

Su Li immediately raised the soft sword in his hand and was about to stab Li Yifei, or the dynasty scolded: "Ali, don't mess around, if your grandfather needs to take off your clothes, you are indeed inappropriate."

"Then he can't talk like that!" Su Li said angrily. When he turned to see Song Lianyao, he pointed to her and said, "Then why can she be here?"

Li Yifei looked back at Song Lianyao and said, "You can't be here, except for my body, you can't look at other people."

Song Lianyao nodded obediently, and walked towards a room. Seeing that Song Lianyao had gone, Su Li had no choice but to stomped and walked in.

When everyone was gone, Li Yifei asked again: "Do you two have real energy?"

"Yes, Ma Han and I have both." Dynasty said hurriedly. Although the two of them are not good at cultivation, they still have true energy. Moreover, when Li Yifei mentioned true qi, the two of them felt even more happy. Doesn't this mean that Li Yifei is really capable, otherwise how could he know the word true qi?

"Well, go get the soft sword of the crazy girl just now, and tell the hospital that you are ready to match the blood type. Today we are going to give the old man a blood, otherwise he will not be saved!" Li Yifei said while commanding : "I don't know who is so cruel. Even if the old man is normal, he can't live long, and even poisoned him!"

Seeing that Li Yifei even knew this, Dynasty Mahan no longer questioned Li Yifei’s abilities. Dynasty went to tell the people outside to prepare, and Ma Han went to ask for the soft sword that Suli carried with him. Of course, After explaining to the little girl for a while, she was willing to hand the sword to the second uncle.

Retrieving the soft sword, Li Yifei had already stripped off most of Su Lao's clothes, and saw that the exposed skin of the old man was black, frowning at Dynasty and Ma Han, and at the same time, he was even more worried. Ma Han held the soft sword. Sword squatted down and asked, "Sir, are you sure you can do this?"

"Of course, otherwise, can I take this job? If I'm not sure, I'm leaving early, do you think you two can keep me?" Li Yifei said.

Wang Chao and Ma Han did not hear Li Yifei's words, and just listened to him to confirm that they could do it.

"Seal these acupuncture points with infuriating energy!" Li Yifei pointed at the acupuncture points on Su Lao's arms and walked to his shoulders in turn. Seeing the two of them hesitated, Li Yifei said in a more serious tone: "The speed should be fast. Worried about strength, this old man can still bear it."

The two were cruel, and in accordance with Li Yifei's request, they stretched out their hands at the same time, and went down at the acupuncture points designated by Li Yifei, and sealed them with infuriating energy.

But this was just the beginning. Li Yifei was holding a soft sword and pinching the tip of the sword in both hands. Carelessly, that sharp soft sword made a small cut in his finger. Li Yifei hissed, and a drop of blood quickly flowed. Came out.

Looking at Dynasty and Ma Han, my heart trembled, and at the same time I was thinking, damn, can this kid do it? I cut my finger with a sword, but now I want to heal the old man?

"I'm trying the sword." Li Yifei said as usual.

Dynasty wiped the sweat from his face, and saw Li Yifei pinching the tip of the sword and piercing the old man’s chest. This was almost cruel. When the two of them reacted, the tip of the soft sword had already penetrated the old man’s chest. .

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