The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1762: Xiao Wu gets angry

In just this moment, dozens of lives disappeared in front of Li Yifei. Although it was just a dragonfly and dozens of ants, it was also life, wasn't it?

They were so innocent that they were flew to death here. Li Yifei couldn't feel the sudden disappearance of those lives, but he was just suddenly sad.

Today, he has a lot of strange emotions. At this time, he witnessed the death of these lives, and his emotions are even worse. Li Yifei lowered his head and looked at the ants who are still busy at his feet, and muttered: "The meaning of your life is What? It will die anytime and anywhere, passing vehicles can crush you, human feet can crush you, a gust of wind can blow you away, a puddle of water can drown a pile, and other insects can also eat you, but you Still busy, looking for food, nurturing offspring, and serving the queen..."

"What about you? Flying all over the sky, busy like this, then disappeared forever." Li Yifei raised his head and looked at Dragonfly again.

At this time, his mood was very wrong. While witnessing his death, Li Yifei's heart began to be confused, his brain began to entangle, he asked himself like a dream, then answered, then asked...

After so many times, Li Yifei didn't know how to describe this feeling, or he didn't even realize that his heart would be so confused.

It didn’t take long for him to feel hot in his heart. Several emotions were mixed, and his heart seemed to be burning, and he was about to burn to the ground. But Li Yifei couldn’t ask for help at this time. Others were on the street, even Suddenly fainted, maybe someone would dare to come and rescue him, take him to the hospital or something.

At this time he had realized that there seemed to be a problem, but it was too late.

It just so happened that a butterfly from the sky suddenly flew over. Its speed was extremely fast, as if it had just flapped its wings a few times, and it had reached Li Yifei. It landed on top of his head. The little butterfly was still flashing its wings, not fast or slow. After about six seconds, Li Yifei, who was hot in his heart, suddenly felt a coolness, which passed from the top of his head. Slowly, his brain cooled down, and his body was also slowly cooling off, especially in his heart. The burning heat was also dispelled by this coolness.

After he was sober, Li Yifei felt as if he had experienced a serious illness. He was sweating all over his body and his clothes had gained momentum.

Li Yifei stretched out his hand, the little butterfly landed on the palm of his hand, with its wings closed, and stayed quietly in the palm of his hand, as if he was tired. Find a place to rest.

Li Yifei recognized that this butterfly that was not afraid of people was the Gu God Xiao Wu. It did not know where it came from and saved Li Yifei once, and Li Yifei recalled what happened just now, but he was afraid after a while. He just had a problem in his heart , If the development is allowed to continue, I am afraid that it will eventually become mad, and even more serious consequences will occur.

Thanks to Xiao Wu, the magical coolness it passed over temporarily suppressed Li Yifei's heat.

Looking at the life and death of the dragonfly and the ant, Li Yifei almost fell into it, but this can't be blamed on the dragonfly and the ant, because there is a problem in his own heart.

The cultivation base is too fast, Li Yifei lacks a certain amount of precipitation, and after several months of running around, Li Yifei has no time to calm down and maintain.

"Huh!" Li Yifei let out a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, and said to Xiao Wu: "Thank you, Xiao Wu, if it weren't for you today, I might be out of luck!"

Xiao Wu spread her wings and slapped it a few times, as if she was saying, "You're welcome!"

Li Yifei stood up, the palm of his hand was always open, distinguished the direction, and found that the place where he was, even if it was a straight line, it was five or six kilometers away from home, which was a very long distance, but Xiao Wu could actually fly here. But it can be retrieved. For a butterfly, it is already amazing.

There was something wrong with his body, and Li Yifei didn't plan to continue wandering outside, and planned to go home with Xiao Wu, but he just walked out less than two hundred meters when he heard a loud noise coming from the front, Li Yifei couldn't help but look over.

It was a pay seeker. Li Yifei watched a group of people dressed as migrant workers jam in front of a building. These people were male and female, old and young, some holding banners, and others not posting a message. Speaking of sitting in front of the building, more people are standing there.

Some people are clamoring, while others are silent. It is three o'clock in the afternoon, which is the hottest time of the day. These people are exposed to the sun.

The door of the building was closed tightly. Someone smashed the door, but there was no response from inside.

Li Yifei took a few glances, and then he was about to walk across the road. He was not the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor. It was annoyance for things like this, but he couldn't help everyone.

Xiao Wu was flying in the sky, really called a Diao, with an elegant posture, like an elf, Li Yifei looked up at Xiao Wu, and walked forward.

But when he just walked not far, Li Yifei heard a sudden screaming out of the crowd. The workers who were asking for pay seemed to finally be unable to bear it, and began to yell impatiently. The reason why Li Yifei stopped was... this group In the scolding, a familiar name Li Yifei was mentioned.

Handing Group, these four characters are no stranger to Li Yifei. This is a construction company. It has built several communities in Yecheng. There are high-end and ordinary residential communities, but this is not enough for Li Yifei to know the name. This is because this company now belongs to the Li family and is one of the many industries in the Li family. In other words, these salary-seeking people are scolding the Li family’s company and indirectly scolding the Li family’s people.

This made Li Yifei unable to continue walking far. He stopped, twisted, frowned, and looked at the group of people in front of him.

He still doesn't know what happened, but why do these people scold Handing Group? And why does Handing Group not pay wages?

Although Li Yifei is not very involved in the company's affairs, he at least knows one thing, that is, the cash flow of the Li family is very abundant, not to mention the small construction company under its umbrella, it is the entire group and the entire Li family's industry. There are things that are not paid in arrears.

But right now, this is what happened, so Li Yifei is very strange. If it is said that the wages of a few people are owed, it may be due to some special reasons. But there are more than a hundred people here. How many workers are there on a construction site?

Moreover, these people have probably been here for a long time. Maybe they stayed for an afternoon or a day. No one will handle it. This is extremely abnormal. Therefore, Li Yifei not only stopped, but also walked over. Malu, came to this group of people.

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