There was no fight this time, because Li Yifei's injury hadn't healed yet, and the saint would never attack Li Yifei in this state.

For this decision, the people in the jihadist organization are helpless. They are actually very worried that the saint will not be able to survive the heart demon, but they can’t help. Some even want to assassinate Li Yifei directly, and others propose to control Li Yifei with poison. , When he was able to fight against the saint, he couldn't play his full strength, and the saint would naturally win.

However, the saint had already ordered that no one should interfere in the battle between her and Li Yifei, nor should she deal with Li Yifei, otherwise, don't blame her for trouble with those people.

Many people in the jihadist organization listened to this ban. Others did not listen. The saint did not know. Anyway, Li Yifei returned to China safely and landed at the Capital Airport. After leaving the terminal, Li Yifei took a taxi. When he arrived in the city center, he didn't make a direct transfer to go home, but came to Mr. Su's place.

The old man has been in poor health recently. Last month, Su Mengxin had just taken care of him for a period of time, and his health improved a bit. But in the past few days, he said he had another cold. Li Yifei stopped by to take a look. The old man is the backbone of the Su family. There are not many generations of people in the climate, and the old man Su is also very helpless. Fortunately, the granddaughter is still very tidy, and the grandson-in-law is also good, and it is still very comforting for the old man.

People, no matter where they are, there are some knots that can't be solved. Father Su has been a country all his life, and he has very little control over his children, but he is anxious to get angry when he sees them failing to keep up.

No, after Li Yifei arrived, Grandpa Su began to talk about some trivial things about these descendants.

Li Yifei also listened very carefully, but seldom expressed his opinion, unless it was the old man who asked the question before he thought about it carefully and said his thoughts.

Li Yifei suddenly felt a little sour in his heart. Looking at the old man Su’s gray hair and wrinkled face, he suddenly realized one thing. Perhaps, the old man is really old. When he first met the old man, he was not like this. In a few years, he has grown like this, even much older than the last time I saw him.

This rate of aging is not normal, and the old man may really not be able to live long.

Especially, after the old man finished nagging his children, he said something that made Li Yifei unable to speak for a long time. The old man took out a box from a drawer beside him, slowly opened the box, and said, "This is what I gave to my great grandson. Gifts, it’s a pity that I haven’t waited to see the child or give a gift. I don’t know if I can see the poor child while I’m alive. I’ve been stunned for most of my life. When I’m old, I can’t even protect my great grandson.

Li Yifei burst into tears all of a sudden. It is said that there are tears that do not flick, just because he is not sad, everyone is old, and he doesn’t think so about others, but when he hears this kind of remark, Li Yifei feels a little bit sad. Uncontrollable.

"Okay, people are getting old, sometimes they can't control their emotions, and they can't talk to those unfilial sons and grandchildren in the family. That is to say, I just nag when I see you, and I've heard it. For this family, I have to live well. I haven't seen my little great-grandson yet. This gift... I still accept it. When I see him, I will give him the gift personally and tell him, this Grandpa gave it to him!" The old man said, he laughed, as if he had thought of the scene.

Li Yifei held the old man's hand, nodded his head, and said very seriously: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely find the child and bring him to see you."

"Well, I know, and I believe you can find it too!" Grandpa Su said.

That night, Li Yifei moved into the bedroom next to Mr. Su, and he could still hear Mr. Su's coughing at night. He didn't even have the strength to cough.

Li Yifei didn't fall asleep for half the night. He wanted to help Old Man Su take a look at his body, but he didn't know much about medical skills. He knew that Zhen Qi can cure many diseases and strengthen the body, but Li Yifei doesn't have this Qi now, and doesn't know. When will I fully recover.

Li Yifei even wanted to ask Murong Yuanqing and the others how they could make an old man's body better and live at least a few more years.

But he also knew that organ failure in the human body is an irreversible process, even if it is organ replacement, it may not be possible. This is not disease, but natural aging.

People who cultivate like him can indeed live for a long time, because true qi is a process that goes against the sky. It absorbs the spiritual qi from the natural world into the body, and after transformation, it nourishes every cell in the body and every inch of the body’s organs. Excluding impurities and toxic substances, such a person can naturally live longer.

But at the same time, this is also a process of depriving other creatures of better aura. If you have it, others won't, because the total amount is so much.

Li Yifei struggled this night for a long time and didn’t think of a good way. He wanted to let the old man live for a few more years, not for doing something by borrowing the old man’s background. The Li family has grown up to now and has not borrowed from the Su family much. When taking advantage of the situation, Li Yifei didn't want to lose a grandfather more.

But Murong Yuanqing and others have no good way to do this. Li Yifei also knows that the last time he saved the old man Su’s comrade-in-arms, Li Yifei asked, and like the last time the method of using infuriating energy to stimulate the body's potential, It doesn't apply to Old Man Su, Li Yifei wanted to prolong his life, not take a few days of life.

I got up in the morning and visited Old Man Su. Li Yifei even wanted to take him home and serve him day and night, but wherever he went, he would not even go to his children's house, let alone Li's house.

Li Yifei stayed one more day and stayed with him for one day. He played chess, drank tea, and chatted. Throughout the past and present, the well-known and well-informed man told Li Yifei a lot of truths. Li Yifei has made a lot of money, and I am very grateful. This grandpa.

On the third day, Li Yifei still had to leave. To go to the airport, the old man was very open-minded. He sent Li Yifei to the door and stopped going out. He waved his hand and said, "Go, bring my great grandson next time. "

Even the foreign words were removed, and he was the great-grandson directly. It can be seen the expectation in the old man's heart. Li Yifei took a deep breath, nodded vigorously, and said that grandpa take care of his body, and then turned into the car.

As the car drove out of the alley, Li Yifei could still see the old man. He seemed reluctant to go back. Li Yifei also looked back, wanting to remember this scene deeply.

After all, this is just an old man, an old man who is old enough to die at any time.

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