The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1736: Don't talk, ask me

In another half a month, Li Yifei can finally act'freely'. This free action means that Li Yifei can walk normally, control his body, and he will not fall down randomly. Unlike two weeks ago, I don’t rely on it. Supported by a shelf, he can't walk, and his body balance is not good.

In the past half month, Li Yifei recovered faster, but he still couldn't mobilize his dantian. He could feel that some true energy had been accumulated in the dantian, but it could not be used by him. Li Yifei could only recover slowly, and wait for his body to recover. Give it a try.

Even Li Yifei was already able to jog for a while, but he had to watch him next to him, or else he would think like it is now, and he slammed his head on the concrete floor, and his forehead broke a piece, the size of a coin.

Then he lay on the ground and didn’t get up for a long time. The saint was watching Li Yifei from a distance. He didn’t expect that he would suddenly fall down. When it was reflected, it was too late. The saint rushing over saw Li Yifei’s appearance. Frozen, then he covered his mouth and laughed, his waist was bent.

Anyway, he is a world-class master, and... he fell on his own foot, and fell like this, no one can think of it!

"Hey, a little sympathetic!" Li Yifei said in dissatisfaction. He put up his hands and kept his head away from the ground. This fall didn't hurt much. The key was the fire, especially when the saint smiled, Li Yifei understood what she was laughing at. , I feel a bit speechless.

It's no wonder that Li Yifei lost control of his body and fell straight down.

The saint put a smile away, just about to speak, when he saw that half of Li Yifei's face was full of blood, she hurriedly exclaimed, bent down and stretched out his hands to pick up Li Yifei, and picked him up. At this time, she didn't care about other things, so the saint hurriedly checked Li Yifei. , Found that Li Yifei just scratched the skin on the forehead, but the blood flow was a little bit more, so she was more relieved.

Holding him back to the house, looking for disinfectant and the like, he quickly handled it. During this process, Li Yifei adjusted it, and even laughed at himself and said: "This can be regarded as an early experience of the time when he was a hundred and ten years old. If you are in physical condition, you really don’t rely on your muscles and bones for energy!"

"Also, I don't know you can fall, so I will be next to you next time I run!" The saint said distressedly.

With their bodies like this, they wouldn't be able to say a word of pain when they were stabbed, but when they saw the other person fell and broke a little blood, they would be anxious. In the final analysis, it was because they had each other in their hearts and cared.

Li Yifei stretched out his hand to squeeze the face of the saint, squeezed it gently, then released it, and said, "It's okay, today is an accident. I will pay attention next time. I also want to recover from running."

"That's it. I can just exercise. Recently, I have eaten and slept, and I have had a belly."

"Small belly? Are you there? Let me see, why don't I know you have a small belly." Li Yifei said, and stretched out Anlu Mountain's claws, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to get a dip. Of course, he was greeted with a slap. After knocking off the evil hand, the saint asked again: "How is it, does it hurt?"

"It hurts!" Li Yifei grinned immediately.

Knowing that he was pretending, but the saint still cared very much, pouting her small mouth, and blowing on Li Yifei's forehead, Li Yifei closed his eyes comfortably.

The saint blew a few breaths, and when she saw Li Yifei's expression of enjoyment, she stopped, and saw Li Yifei suddenly open her eyes, looked at her, and asked seriously, "Is it good?"

"How does it feel?" The saint was puzzled.

"The feeling of being in love!"

The saint was unable to answer for a while. She realized that the two people's life is not just in love, and even living together. Although it is normal to live together abroad, especially in Europe and America, even in China, it is also very normal. Normal, but... the saint of the dignified jihadist organization, living with a Chinese man, and still staying with each other day and night, it became the miss of each other after waking up before going to bed.

The saint Weiwei was speechless. She blinked, looked at Li Yifei, nodded seriously, and said: "It's very good, I feel very happy every day, and I don't think about many things anymore, sometimes, even if there are things. I don’t do it, and I don’t feel bored looking at each other in a daze."

"Remember what it feels like these days."

"Huh?" The saint raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Yifei in confusion.

"Look at me like this, even if it is recovered, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover to the original condition. Then you will be happy these days, start lightly!" Li Yifei said.

The saint’s face changed. The two of them barely mentioned these things these days. Most of the time, the saint could forget the battle between the two after Li Yifei was injured. As a result, Li Yifei would bring it up and it was so pitiful. Xi's...

The saint's voice went cold, and said: "Relax, if you don't fully recover, I won't fight you. I want to defeat you. It must be you when you are in full victory, and you cannot let me!"

"Stupid girl!" Li Yifei stretched out his hand and squeezed the saint's face again, and said, "I'm joking, didn't you hear it out? What you should do at this time is to come over and kiss me! Not angry !"

The saint stunned slightly, and spent a few seconds contemplating Li Yifei's words. Some did not respond. She was new to love, and she was really inexperienced in some aspects. Could it be that Li Yifei was right?

After hesitating, Li Yifei held on to his body and leaned in with his big mouth, and said vaguely, "Stop talking, kiss me!"

Stop talking, kiss me! This is Li Yifei begging for a kiss, but he was worried that the saint would not agree, so Li Yifei directly took coercive measures, held the saint's face, and kissed him without a word.

A kiss is a good medicine. There was once a joke about a man and a woman sitting in a park. The woman said that her eyes hurt, and then the man kissed her eyes, and the woman no longer hurts. Then she said that her face When it hurts, the man kisses his cheek, then the woman doesn’t hurt anymore, the woman says his mouth hurts, and the man kisses his mouth... After so many times, an aunt who rests next to her is full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Ask the man, is it so magical to kiss? Auntie has hemorrhoids, and it hurts auntie, can you help auntie...

The second half has nothing to do with this article, but the first half is also applicable to Li Yifei. After a long kiss, Li Yifei feels more comfortable, his forehead is not so painful, and the person is also lightly lying down. On the saint’s slender thigh, Li Yifei turned his face sideways, rubbing on the thigh...

The saint's eyes were blurred, she did not push Li Yifei away, she was also reminiscing about such a kiss, and at the same time thinking of Li Yifei's words, if the two of them played that game at this time, would she release the water?

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