The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1704: Tiannan Zhao's calculations

Good is not assets, talents, or the number of people in the family. Of course, it is not Li Yifei. There are many women. The quality is very high, and there is also Su Mengxin. These are not important. The Zhao family wants women, what kind of look Not? Celebrity? Ladies? Dignitaries? She's still a princess, even if she doesn't look like that, she can have a plastic surgery like that.

What Zhao Tiannan thinks is not this. The so-called looking at the essence through phenomena, Zhao Tiannan thinks about the Li family's model. Of course, there are many accidental factors in the rise of the Li family, but there are also inevitable factors, that is, the Li family's model, unlike those already entrenched in the dozens With the long-standing bloated and decayed family of the year, the Li family's model is very novel, and at the same time, it is more dependent on the will of the country.

The few pages of information in Zhao Tiannan's hands are all about the Li family, big things and small things, but they are all representative. For example, the few things that Li Yifei did recently can be said to be up to the sky. Listening, I am satisfied with the above. It is not easy for a soldier to do this. Even Zhao Tiannan has to praise after reading these materials. What a young man.

This model of the Li family can be called a new type of family. It will not be too offensive to the country. It is what the country wants to see. Zhao Tiannan certainly knows what the country’s actions represent in the past few years. I really like that kind of huge clan arrogant one side, but there is no good way to deal with these families, only slowly through policy influence.

The Zhao family naturally knows, but as the largest family in Tiannan Province, how did the Zhao family change? Even if Zhao Tiannan is the best patriarch of this generation and has the most authority, he can't change this established model.

Facts have proved that families that cannot follow the will of the country will eventually die out, and families that cannot correctly understand the intentions of the country have been established for decades, and most of them are history. It is precisely this realization that Zhao Tiannan, who is over 70 years old, feels deeply. Weakness. Although he is healthy, free from illness and disaster, and has a keen mind, he can't find a good way to make changes.

The Li family, after a few years of establishment, quickly expanded to the top of a province. Such a family conforms to the country's hopes and conforms to its national interests. Of course, the country hopes that there is no family, but it is not possible at present. Then the "obedient" family like the Li family is a pleasing family, plus Li Yifei and others will be humans, and naturally "favored".

"The tail is big, it's hard to change!" Zhao Tiannan sighed. He was the only person in the house. At this time of the day, he spent his time alone thinking. This is almost a thing that cannot be shaken every day. In a quiet environment, think about some things. This is the habit of Zhao Tiannan. Similarly, as the second-generation patriarch of the Zhao family, the old man whose name is prefixed with the word Tiannan is definitely not as impulsive as a child does.

After seeing the Li family clearly, seeing the will of the country, and seeing the ups and downs of the various roles behind the Li family, Zhao Tiannan thought for a while and had a plan.

Compared with the Zhao family, the Li family is still too weak. It doesn’t even need Zhao Tiannan to come forward. The next generation of the Zhao family can find an individual to destroy the Li family. Of course, this is Zhao Tiannan’s idea, but the Li family’s model is more It was Zhao Tiannan who was interested, so he didn't plan to use thunder to destroy the Li family.

Picking up the phone, Zhao Tiannan dialed the number. It was for the father of the second son of Zhao, who was also the second son of Zhao Tiannan. Once the phone was connected, Zhao Tiannan ordered a few words down. After hearing this, Zhao Tiannan nodded and agreed. He didn't dare to have a second.

After giving instructions to the Li family, Zhao Tiannan temporarily let go of this matter. It is impossible for him to worry too much about this matter. Would adults and children have trouble getting along? Maybe someone will, but not everyone will.

Everyone in the Li family, thousands of miles away, didn't know Zhao Tiannan's decision, but before Li Yifei left, he had already explained that he must be careful of Zhao family's revenge and not take it lightly. The reason is very simple. The Zhao family is too big and powerful. The Zhao family can doze off and sneeze, but if the Li family does not pay attention, the other party may sneeze and the Li family will catch a cold. It might still be like bird flu. Serious illness.

Everyone in the Li family pays more attention to Li Yifei’s battle. Before Li Yifei left, he had promised that he would never worry about his life. If he could not fight, he would admit defeat and would never fight life and death. This is not Li Yifei’s greed of life and fear of death. His responsibilities are different, he can't work hard.

The second son of Zhao, who was in the provincial capital, soon received his father’s call and pressed the answer button with joy. After hearing a few words, his face changed drastically, and he retorted a few words in a puzzled manner. After hearing his father’s explanation, Zhao The second son turned his anger into liking again, and quickly said: "Okay, I know what to do, Dad, tell grandpa, just wait for my good news!"

I don’t know what Zhao Er Gongzi’s father said over there, Zhao Er Gongzi said impatiently: "I know, I will be measured, don’t worry, it’s just a small family, even if it can be played, what will happen this year? Without money, nothing can be fun."

After hanging up the phone, the second son Zhao called Zhao Wu, and so and so ordered, Zhao Wu took the order and left, and the second son Zhao rubbed his hands in the room for a while, with an evil smile on his face and muttered. "Let you hit me? Huh, Li Yifei, I don’t want to play with you to death, I will be such an awesome name for nothing!"

Kirishima, countless people waiting, whistling in the distance, a figure smashed down, as if falling from the sky, only a few people can see clearly, this person is because the speed is too fast, so far away, jumping high, in order to break the human limit countless times The limit jumped over and fell heavily on the ground, as if a thousand catties hit the ground.

The people around were obviously far away, but they felt a tremor on the ground, and those who were closer even felt a gust of wind blowing over, hitting their faces, causing pain.

The island was silent for a moment, and people's attention was instantly concentrated, and they were all guessing who came, whether it was a golden eagle or Satan.

MiG lifted his eyelids and looked at the figure still hidden in the dust and mist. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he said lightly: "This time you are here first."

Ganma, who remained empty and sat for a long time, still closed his eyes and moved his lips slightly, not talking, but reading an obscure scripture. But by looking at it, he also knew who came.

The smile on Auerbach’s face, the protagonist in red, gradually converged, and a radiance emerged from his deep eyes. Looking at the figures in the venue, Auerbach drew a cross on his chest. I wonder if he was praying or Compassion.

Omba, the Chilean wolf, had a look of evil in his eyes, and her surroundings became cold, so that people who were already some distance away from her had to stay away.

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