The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1670: Divert attention

But now, after all, I can only think about it. When Li Yifei came out, Xu Yingying suppressed this idea. The current situation does not allow it. It is a burden to say it, but when Li Yifei gets rid of the Witch Gu in his body , Presumably Xu Yingying will be the first to ask for a child.

Li Yifei walked out wearing a pair of loose pants. His hair was still dripping with sweat and he was cold. He took a shower directly with cold water. He didn't touch a woman for many days. Now, once the YU fire burns, Li Yifei is worried. Will be burned to ashes, just holding the warm, fragrant Xu Yingying upstairs, she was already ready to move, so he quickly poured cold water to wash away.

When he came to the bed, Li Yifei had already evaporated the water on the surface of his body with infuriating energy. When he came to the bed, he looked down at Xu Yingying who was playing games with his mobile phone, and called his wife softly. Xu Yingying replied not salty nor salty. With a yeah, Li Yifei pulled the corner of his mouth, changed the direction and angle, and called his wife again.

Xu Yingying glanced at him, and answered again, Li Yifei smiled, and simply sat on the side of the bed, rubbing his **** in, lying next to Xu Yingying, tilting his head and watching Xu Yingying play the game.

Of course, Xu Yingying didn’t suddenly leave Li Yifei in the cold. It’s just that she was thinking about having a baby. When she thought about it, Xu Yingying became emotional. There seemed to be many small bugs in her body. She didn’t know where she was hiding on weekdays. After coming out, from the limbs, from the top of the head, from any part of the body, they came out together. When the little bug passed by, the body felt a tingling and itchy feeling.

Following Xu Yingying’s fantasy, the little bugs finally gathered in the lower abdomen and then down, so she couldn’t help but clamped her legs, as if if she didn’t clamp some, the bugs would crawl out along a certain place. .

For a woman of this age, the needs of certain aspects are gradually increasing. Both physically and psychologically, they have reached the most wonderful moment. It is most appropriate to use one sentence of marrow-knowledge to describe. Xu Yingying usually does not want to be okay, she thinks She finally couldn't control it, so that...When Li Yifei came out, she even felt that she had to change a pair of underwear, otherwise she couldn't sleep at night.

And Li Yifei didn’t know this. When he came out of the bathroom, he really sniffed and smelled a special smell. It was a hormonal secretion. Li Yifei’s nose was too sensitive. Although the smell was very weak, Still caught, he didn't realize what it was like until he was lying on the bed.

It's no wonder that Li Yifei blinked his eyes to divert attention from playing games, and seemed a bit innocent. The two of them were about to be unable to bear the other side, but they both endured it in their own way.

After a few minutes of silence, the character in Xu Yingying's game died. She couldn't help pouting her mouth, and put down her phone regrettably. He glanced sideways at Li Yifei, and found that he was lying on his back, looking at the roof of the shed, his eyes diverged, as if in a daze.

Xu Yingying simply turned over and lay on her side, her head resting on her arm.

"Wife." Li Yifei noticed the movement beside him, and lay on his side, looking at Xu Yingying.

Xu Yingying's eyes widened. Looking at him, Li Yifei said, "I'm sorry, I..."

"I'm going to change my underwear, huh! Big bad guy!" Xu Yingying suddenly got up, covered Li Yifei's mouth with her little fragrant hand, and blocked his words back. When Li Yifei said the first word, Xu Yingying guessed it. He was about to say something, so she reacted quickly and directly blocked Li Yifei's remaining words back. She turned over to do it, and quickly jumped to the floor without wearing slippers. She stepped on the floor with bare feet and said With a crackling sound, he twisted his **** and walked to the bathroom.

Li Yifei still maintained the expression that he was about to apologize, and watched Xu Yingying walk in. Li Yifei's eyes were twisted buttocks. A few seconds later, Xu Yingying walked out again. She glanced at Li Yifei who was lying on the bed and whispered. "My feet are wet, my husband, go to the cabinet over there and help me get a pair of underwear."

Li Yifei gave a cry, turned over, walked to the cabinet, opened the cabinet, and pulled out a box with a box of underwear neatly placed inside, exuding the scent of washing. Li Yifei took out one, walked over and handed it to Xu Yingying, Xu Yingying's face He took it slightly drunkenly, turned and walked back, closing the door specifically to prevent Li Yifei from seemingly, taking off the underwear that he had just changed after taking a shower, and Xu Yingying lightly tapped, revealing a clear mark on it.

This was just changed. Xu Yingying threw the underwear into the small basin special for washing underwear. After thinking about it, Xu Yingying took off her nightdress again, turned on the shower, and rinsed it. Who knew the water flow from the shower was too strong , Spraying on her body made her clever, even unwilling to move away...

Li Yifei stood by the window, did a few chest expansion exercises, adjusted his breathing, calmed himself down, and soon heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, he turned around and took a look, after a while, Li Yifei His ears moved, and he heard Ruoyouruowu's voice. It was a suppressed voice. Li Yifei was too familiar with it. This voice was like the switch of the detonator. With a light click, Li Yifei just pressed it down. Those thoughts were immediately hooked up, and the blood from all over his body was mobilized and began to flow somewhere.

It's hard for you, the expression on Li Yifei's face is not much better than crying.

Originally it was a rinse, but after nearly 20 minutes, Li Yifei heard the buzzing sound, and immediately thought of what it was. Isn’t that the thing he and Chu Xiaoyao and Xu Shanshan came back from fiddled with? Many women who got it back were not happy, who knows... they have already started to use it secretly.

Li Yifei didn't think his face was unsightly, he was just a little melancholy. If his health is okay, he should be the one who did this.

You have tools, what about me? Li Yifei looked at the bathroom door, eager to see through. Just at this moment, Li Yifei thought of something. He walked to the window and picked up the phone. There was already a message on it. Li Yifei copied the number and dialed it out. There were seven or eight sounds. After that, put it on.

"Golden Eagle?" A slightly rough voice was transmitted over the phone. Just listening to this voice was enough to hear that the other party was full of breath, and could even make up the image of that burly man.

This call from Li Yifei was made to Satan. This is the number he has now been found. Today I received a letter brought back by the apprentice himself. Li Yifei didn’t want to delay this matter anymore, and just used this matter to divert attention. .

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