The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1656: People?

The whole night was spent quietly. Everything in Li's family was as usual. The next morning, Li Yifei packed the white flash in a small box and carried the box to find Murong Yuanqing and Feng Lao. As for Liu Zhenren, it is said that he went to travel. , Left here long ago.

After the three had breakfast, the helicopter landed on the Li's apron.

The three of them got on the helicopter and went straight to the destination of the trip.

Not a famous mountain, the landscape and trees are unique, and even the air is exceptionally fresh. This mountain belongs to the False Master. Back then, the False Master didn’t need money or officials, so he wanted it here. The leaders at that time had a lot of hands. The place where Master Xuwang lived is nominally divided into a nature reserve, but after entering, there is no cave. The nearest village is also more than 30 miles away. Usually few people come here, and it has been built as a temple, except False masters, there are only a dozen people in the monastery. False masters do not accept disciples. These people are all attached to the monastery. There are walking monks from all over the world, and some were adopted by False masters when they were young.

There are people of all ages, but without exception, they are all true to the Buddha, there is no two-mindedness. Belief in the Buddha is different from believing in the Buddha. Some people believe in the Buddha but follow blindly. Some believe in the Buddha but are rational, and some believe in the Buddha. But there is no Buddha.

"I have faith, but I am not a **** or Buddha." This is what Murong Yuanqing said. Li Yifei asked him what he believed and got the answer. Li Yifei didn't ask any more. He also knew what Murong Yuanqing believed in. .

The helicopter landed on an open space in front of the temple. After it was stable, Li Yifei jumped down, and the two masters behind him also got down. The helicopter rose slowly and returned to the original road.

Take a look at the surroundings. The temple is surrounded by mountains. The temple is still in a primitive state. There is no electricity. It is not that it cannot be pressed. It is not needed. It works at sunrise and rests at sunset. The monks pay attention to not eating at noon and daily work and rest. Very regular.

Li Yifei glanced at it and walked quickly toward the temple gate. He was thinking of the child and the child's mother. He hadn't seen each other for so long, and Li Yifei missed it very much.

The door of the monastery was closed. Li Yifei walked over and pushed a bit, and found that the gate of the temple was closed tightly. It should be plugged in. Li Yifei knocked on the door. The gate of the temple is not big, and even the whole temple is not too big. Pang Pang's voice sounded abruptly and seemed to break the peace of the temple.

Behind them, the two masters also came over. The two of them were still feeling that they hadn’t been here in fifty years. They had been here after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It seems that they have not changed much since then. There was no change, not even the big trees facing the door.

The two stopped and watched Li Yifei knock on the door, Feng Lao still said with a smile: "This vain, knowing that we are coming, and closed the door, just his broken place, let alone locked the door, it has not been a month. Nothing in the person will be lost."

Murong Yuanqing also smiled and said, "That's different. The temple door needs to be closed. The door that opens to welcome guests is also called a temple?"

Old Feng pointed his finger at him and said, "You have cursed monasteries all over the country with these words."

"I didn't, just talk about a phenomenon!" Murong Yuanqing shook his head.

As the two chatted and laughed, Li Yifei had knocked on the door for a minute. When he got to the back, he was afraid that the people inside would not hear him, so he smashed it hard. The sound was enough to spread far away, not to mention the front door, even if it was a temple. The people behind can hear clearly enough.

However, Li Yifei paused and listened to the sound inside, but he heard nothing. He knocked a few more times, but still no one came out.

Li Yifei turned to look at the two masters, pointed at the temple gate, and said, "What's the matter? No one inside? We are not in the wrong place, right."

Murong Yuanqing and Feng Lao both put their smiles away. They glanced at each other, and both shook their heads, and said, "How could it be that they came to the wrong place? It's here. Although they haven't been here for decades, how can they come to the wrong place!"

Feng Lao also said: "It must be here. What the old bald donkey is talking about? Yesterday he called and said so well. I won't open the door today? You let it go and I will knock on the door. Open the door, I smashed his door."

Murong Yuanqing followed: "Let's take a moment, this gate has been a long time ago, you broke it, and there is nothing to pay him back."

Feng Lao walked over, clenched his fist and started smashing the door, shouting loudly, "The one inside, get out of me if you are not dead, and close the door for what you are doing!"

Pang-bang-bang, smashed, Feng stopped, listened, and found that there was no response inside, he couldn't help frowning, and muttered: "This is asleep? I've been so violent, why is there no one? ."

Murong Yuanqing was not kidding anymore. He put away his smile, walked to the door, reached out and pushed the door, and found that the door was tightly closed. Murong Yuanqing sighed and said, "I told you yesterday. Come here, why is there no one today?"

All three of them are masters, and they can all show their power, but they can't feel that there is anyone inside, at least no one is within a range of tens of meters.

When they came to this conclusion, the three of them couldn't help it anymore. Feng Lao immediately backed up two steps and slammed his head against the door. This gilt wooden door weighing more than a thousand catties was knocked open by him. Two door panels Flew towards the yard, the yard was very clean, and there was no weed on the stone-paved road.

The yard is the size of a basketball court with houses on both sides. There is a large hall in front of it. The door is open. You can see several Buddhas standing inside. The yard is as quiet. Li Yifei took out his cell phone and started calling Jiang Ningxiang.

Murong Yuanqing also took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Master Xuxuan, while Lao Feng quickly walked towards the hall in front of him.

What's the matter, I contacted yesterday and said that I was here, but today there is no one?

Li Yifei's phone went through, but no one answered. Murong Yuanqing's phone didn't go through, so he quickly dialed Yao Lingfu's phone. This time the phone went through, but no one answered.

The two felt tight, could something be wrong, right?

When I was just thinking about it, I heard Feng Lao's voice from the front hall: "You two come here, there is someone here!"

The two ran over and came to the main hall. They saw a person lying beside Feng Lao's feet. Feng Lao said, "This person is behind the Buddha statue, and there are two more."

Murong Yuanqing bent over to sniff the man's breath, and said after a few seconds: "I'm not dead, but my breath is weak."

Li Yifei has dragged the other two out. These three are dressed in monk costumes. They are different in age. One looks older than Murong Yuanqing, and the other two are slightly younger. The three are lying on the ground. Li Yifei I also checked, it was indeed not dead, but he used his infuriating arousal, and the three of them did not wake up.

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