The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1630: The way out is blocked

Ruan Xiaotian was dead. He was strangled to death by Li Yifei himself. He told Li Yifei a news that made him mad, that is, this valley is probably still a formation, a terrifying formation. If you want to get out, you need to find a way. , Otherwise you will always be stuck here.

As for the cave where I came from, I can only go back in the opposite direction.

Li Yifei didn't believe in evil. He spent an hour and ran back and found that the cave had collapsed. Li Yifei also understood why Ruan Xiaotian said that he could only enter and cannot leave the cave. He had bombed the cave.

Li Yifei, who ran back, grabbed the dying Ruan Xiaotian. This former peerless and powerful man was listless and weak at this time. Because of the excessive bleeding and the lack of water, he was swollen and his whole body appeared a lot fatter.

Ruan Xiaotian couldn’t squeeze anything out. This guy had fallen into a semi-conscious state. He even said a lot of his cold palm. It could be said that he had started to talk nonsense. Li Yifei strangled him to death. .

Ruan Xiaotian has lived for so many years and has a profound cultivation base. He doesn't know how many lives he has taken on his back. This time he has directly killed more than a hundred people. He has thought about many ways to die, and he has encountered many dangers before. Escaped under the shadow of death several times, but did not expect to die under the hands of Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan.

So he didn't stare at him, and Li Yifei didn't close his glasses, so he just threw it on the ground.

The icy arm began to melt slowly, everyone died, and the true energy was dissipated. No matter how difficult it was to refine the cold palm, it would turn into rotten flesh under the high temperature of the rainforest.

Li Yifei didn't say anything. He carried the backpacks of the two and asked Xu Shanshan to dispose of the bodyguards. He didn't know if anyone had escaped, but if the entrance was sealed, it would be even more difficult for ordinary people to survive here. Difficult, meeting a wolf like that is enough for them.

Besides, it is not necessarily just a scary creature.

The two returned to the edge of the small valley. The giant pig and the white python below saw the two reappearing. They were originally drowsy. At this time, they both got up and looked at Li Yifei with their heads held up.

The food for the two of them was also there, and there was even some more food inside. I don't know which hapless guy stuffed his food in. At this time, it became Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan's food.

Xu Shanshan took out the food, peeled it, and handed it to Li Yifei, saying, "Yifei, eat some first, but let's take a rest. It's almost 20 days now. Even if something goes wrong, I am afraid it has already happened. It’s useless if we are in a hurry."

Li Yifei took the food, nodded, and said: "I know, don't worry, you sit down, we sleep for a few hours, and we are going to find Bai Shan first. As for the way out, we should also find it by the way, regardless of this. If things are true or false, we must get out as soon as possible."

"Good!" Xu Shanshan nodded.

The two had eaten something, Li Yifei came to the edge of the cliff, looked at the two guys below, and said: "I will save you guys. You will help me find Bai Shan and the way out. If you agree, I promise to save you guys. If you don’t agree, just assume that I didn’t say anything."

The giant pig and the white python thought for a long time this time. They didn’t seem to understand Li Yifei’s words, and they seemed to have understood them. After a minute, the giant pig’s head nodded.

Li Yifei said: "Okay, the agreement is reached, I hope you can keep the promise, I will find the way for you now!"

Li Yifei did what he said. He first collected the weapons from the mercenary gods, including machine guns, pistols, bombs, shoulder-mounted grenade launchers, and a few grenades. Li Yifei also collected them. These are weapons. Li Yifei also found some sturdy tree vines. These tree vines are very strong. The ones that Li Yifei found were the thickest ones, with the thickness of human wrists. Li Yifei collected some and tied the vines to a tree. Attach one side to the side close to the small valley and tie it to another tree, making the two as tight as possible.

This kind of tree is not too tall, it is more than ten meters and twenty meters, and it is not very thick. Otherwise, if it is a big guy with a diameter of several meters, Li Yifei has nothing to do, unless he finds a place next to the valley. Digging down a little bit, you have to dig until the year of the monkey, not to mention that the two of them don't even have the equipment to take advantage of, only an engineer shovel.

Another way is to bring in water, pour it in, and flood the two guys up, but this is also a bad idea. The creek at the entrance is higher than here, but if you want to bring it here, it's even a bulldozer. , I have to push it for a few days, without considering the beauty of the project, just digging a ditch.

Since there are so many trees here, let's use them.

These two guys are so big that Li Yifei couldn't think of a good way for a short time.

Li Yifei even found a few solid bombs. This discovery was even more useful. Li Yifei placed the solid bomb on the side of the tree and calculated the explosive equivalent of the thing. Everything was ready. Li Yifei went over to remind the giant pig and the white python.

At this moment, there was a chattering noise in the forest. Li Yifei looked up and saw the monkeys running back. These guys were frightened by gunshots and fled, and even the big monkey ran far away.

The big monkey has a very strange posture. One leg is not very good. It twisted and twisted when running. When the monkeys saw the two, they grinned and looked very hostile. After all, in the daytime, they are human creatures. With that terrifying vocal weapon, they almost killed them.

It was the giant pig below, roaring a few times, as if helping Li Yifei to explain to the monkey.

The big monkey looked gloomy and was silent for a while. The big monkey slowly leaned over, looked at Li Yifei, and pointed to his ass. There was a bullet planted there, which tortured him.

Li Yifei took a look, pointed at the wound on the big monkey, and said, "Do you want me to get it out for you?"

The big monkey nodded, and Li Yifei said, "Yes, I will help you get it out."

The big monkey nodded again, and Li Yifei found tools and let the big monkey get down.

Knowing that Li Yifei is different from those people, the big monkey asked Li Yifei again, so he could only climb down obediently. Li Yifei didn't even use anesthetic, so he used a small knife to dig out two bullets from the big monkey.

Throughout the process, although the big monkey grinned, he did not resist. When Li Yifei finished his work, he exhaled, got up from the ground, and walked two steps, and found that although the wound hurts, it didn’t have the kind of heart-shaking feeling. Inside, I feel unbearable every time I move.

When the little monkeys saw that the big monkey was all right, they all smiled and turned to Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan, as if thanking them.

The big monkey bowed his head to Li Yifei, also thanking Li Yifei.

"Now I want to blow up the tree, you keep these monkeys away." Li Yifei said.

The big monkey thought for a while, turned around and yelled twice at the little monkeys. Those little monkeys immediately jumped into the distance, and some even ran tens of meters away. Li Yifei set the time and took Xu Shanshan to hide. Behind a big tree, at the same time, he was pulling the vine forcefully.

After the loud bang, the entire valley trembled, and the target tree was also blown off and fell down in the direction of the vines. The big monkey also participated and helped to pull it together.

Soon, the big tree that was blown off fell down in the direction of the preset.

The white python underneath had already hid away. The giant pig was too big to get in, so he raised his head and watched the big tree fall. The giant pig's eyes widened and prepared to avoid it.

After dozens of seconds, the big tree banged and fell down. Because of the vines, the big tree had its roots up and fell down.

The angle was good, Li Yifei nodded in satisfaction, and cut off the vines.

After so many times, Li Yifei sent down a few big trees, but it was still not enough. Li Yifei decided to go down himself and adjust his position.

Xu Shanshan pulled him. Although he didn't speak, Li Yifei understood what she meant. He shook his head and said, "It's okay. I'll take things down."

"Good." Xu Shanshan nodded.

Li Yifei descended into the small valley and stood with the giant pig and the white python, and he could more truly feel the shapes of these two big guys. Human beings would appear so small when standing in front of them.

The giant pig and the white python also came over and looked at Li Yifei curiously. Seeing him so little, the giant pig grinned twice, as if expressing something.

Li Yifei walked over and patted the tusks of a giant pig. He looked at this elephant-like creature. He didn't know what age this animal was. He said it was a pig, but it was a bit too long, if it was an elephant. Everyone believes that as for the white python... Li Yifei felt that if this thing appeared on the edge of the West Lake, everyone in the right place would believe that it was a white lady.

Communicate with the two, Li Yifei used the vines that Xu Shanshan dropped to tie a big tree, let the giant pig hold it, and adjust the angle.

Li Yifei can come down because he is light and small, but if the two guys want to go up, especially the giant pig, they need to adjust.

The big monkey above couldn't bear his loneliness, and jumped down the tree. This guy jumped onto the body of the giant pig, looking like he was riding on him, dancing and dancing.

The giant pig stopped immediately, roaring dissatisfiedly, and the big monkey laughed, making it more cheerful.

As a result, the giant pig went on strike and kept stumbling, trying to get rid of the giant monkey, otherwise it would not work.

Li Yifei stopped the two and persuaded a few words, the big monkey jumped down, and the giant pig roared dissatisfiedly. Li Yifei had to say, "I have other things to do. If you don't want to go up, just go and make trouble. Up,"

So the giant pig began to work seriously, and it took a few hours to adjust the trees. Li Yifei went up and blasted a few big trees down, completing the final paving.

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