The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1614: Trapped

"It turns out that this white flash was raised!" Looking at the words on the stone tablet, Li Yifei smashed his mouth and sighed. The two of them went through hard work and ran to this dangerous place because of this white flash. I finally let out a sigh of relief.

But Bai Shan hasn't found it yet, it's not the time to be happy right now.

Looking around, there were no other stone monuments. Xu Shanshan found a stone and sat down. Li Yifei looked around and broke the square inch formation at the door. Most places in the temple could be covered. People saw that the space was really not very large, it was only equivalent to the area of ​​an ordinary church. Most of it was still occupied by stone pillars. There was no weird place at the end. There was only a place similar to an altar, which was considered a little protruding.

There are many bones in the temple, more than a dozen, more than the bones at the door. Obviously not only Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan have cracked the formation, there are more people, but they don't know why they died here.

Li Yifei looked at the altar and suddenly felt worried. That Baishan was raised by the Han Dynasty. It is at least two thousand years away from now. Is that thing... still alive?

Recalling the words of Master Xuwang, Li Yifei remembered the original words of Master Xuwang: "I went to Nanjiang once a few years ago and found something. When I was fine, I cracked it and found that there was a map on it, one of which said The expert once explored a place in southern Xinjiang, and after entering it, he found Bai Shan, but at that time the expert had something else to do, so he didn't delve into it. Then he made a map and wrote a few simple sentences."

This means that the expert is not necessarily a modern person, but may also be an ancient person. The expert once discovered this place, and seems to have come in, and found the white flash, but he left without careful study. Leave a simple map.

Of course, it is also possible to be a modern person. For one or two hundred years, he will be regarded as a modern person for the time being. If this is the case, then the possibility of white flash memory is very high.

While wandering around the temple, Li Yifei was also checking for danger. After walking around, Li Yifei determined that there was only one formation, so he greeted Xu Shanshan. The two began to investigate the temple carefully, hoping to find some clues.

Ten minutes later, Xu Shanshan walked to the door, planning to go out and take a look at what those giant pythons were doing, but when she walked to the door, she felt a soft elasticity and blocked her back.

"Oops. I can't get out here." Xu Shanshan turned her head and said to Li Yifei.

Li Yifei hurriedly walked over, stretched out his hand and tried it, and found that, as Xu Shanshan said, there was a barrier blocking the two of them at the door. When the hand stretched out, it would be bounced back by a soft force.

Li Yifei tried to swing his fist, slightly harder. After a second, he felt a counter-shock force from his fist, which was greater than the previous one. The shock caused Li Yifei to take a step back to resolve the rebound. Power.

Slightly surprised, Li Yifei raised his eyebrows, and walked back to aim at the air in front of him. This time the true energy was poured into his fist. Li Yifei accumulated his power for a few seconds before blasting out a punch again. This time Li Yifei suffered a greater rebound. Flew out by shock.

Xu Shanshan was too late to pull Li Yifei. Seeing him fly out six or seven meters, his buttocks landed first, rolled around on the ground, and jumped up quickly.

Li Yifei was happy. He patted his **** and said, "Interesting, this formation will bounce back the power."

Xu Shanshan walked over, helped him tidy up his clothes, and deliberately checked the buttocks he had just fallen on. The two escaped here from the pythons. The clothes were already in tatters and the backpack was lost. At this time the image was very miserable. .

Glancing at him angrily, Xu Shanshan said, "There is a formation here, let's find another way."

Li Yifei pointed to his finger and said, "It's still missing, and it's broken over there."

A few minutes later, Li Yifei personally proved that the hole on the top of his head and the collapsed part on the other side could not get out. There was also a non-existent film blocking the two of them. After a while, the two proved one. thing.

They were trapped. Within 20 meters of the altar, there was a thin film that was invisible to the naked eye, but the body could feel it, whether it was overhead or underground... Underground, I don’t know yet, the ground is stone. Yes, with the same material as the stone pillar, the two of them could not explore the situation below the ground for the time being.

The price was that Li Yifei's **** fell several times. Fortunately, his skin was thick and thick and he didn't take it seriously.

What’s more worrying is not just that they can’t get out of the film for the time being, but that the two of them have no food, no water, and all the things they brought are in the backpacks outside. The clothes on their bodies are not very reliable, like Li Yifei. Almost a bird was exposed, even the underwear was cut a large part, and the two buttocks were also exposed to varying degrees.

Xu Shanshan was a little better. At most, there was a deep gully on her chest, which attracted Li Yifei's attention, but after a few glances, Li Yifei didn't look at it and turned his attention to the broken formation.

The two are not hungry for the time being, but they are a little thirsty. There are only stones and nothing else.

Xu Shanshan sat next to the altar, watching Li Yifei busy back and forth, and couldn't help but say: "Come and rest and regain your strength. If it doesn't work, let's try the two of them together to see if it can break. Break out of the formation."

Li Yifei stopped when he heard the words, walked over, stood in front of Xu Shanshan, looked at her condescendingly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You should rest first, I'm not tired, so look for it."

After speaking, Li Yifei looked around again, sighed, and said, "I now know how these bones came from. I was wondering just now that since these people can break the formation at the door, it is enough to prove that they are not ordinary people. , How could I die here.

Xu Shanshan's face changed slightly. She was trapped by the formation. She was not too worried because she believed in Li Yifei, but after he said this, Xu Shanshan thought of so many masters coming in from the past and present, all living trapped here, which is enough to explain This formation is very difficult to crack.

Li Yifei stretched out his hand and wiped Xu Shanshan's cheek. There were mud marks on her small face, which looked a little pitiful. Li Yifei bent over to hold Xu Shanshan's cheek, kissed him gently, and said softly, "Don't worry. I will find a way out."

"I'll look for it with you, and you can tell me some methods." Xu Shanshan grabbed Li Yifei's hand and stood up, entering a desperate situation. She could not sit and wait for death, let alone watch Li Yifei look for it alone and rest here by herself.

There are methods, but they are stupid. Li Yifei used to encounter formations. First of all, he would feel and perceive the existence of formations, just like the formation when he came in. But now this trick is not very good. Li Yifei basically Can't feel the existence of the formation, some, only the invisible resistance, blocking the two and the outside world.

I don’t know how long it took. The two searched every inch of the place, and the sky outside was also dark. Through the collapsed place, the two could see many stars, as if they were right in front of them, but they would never be touched. .

There is wind and air in the formation, and the smell of the rainforest can drift in. Even when it rains in the rainforest in the second half of the night, the rain can also fall in and fall to the ground through the formation.

Xu Shanshan picked up the rain for a while, ran to Li Yifei quickly, and said, "Hurry up, drink some, we at least have water now."

Li Yifei was not polite. He put his mouth in Xu Shanshan's hand and took two sips. Xu Shanshan took another handful. Li Yifei still drank it. It was not that he could not pick it up by himself, but drank the water Xu Shanshan took. , She will be happier.

Sure enough, Xu Shanshan ran three times in a row, with a smile on her face. The two of them didn’t plan to look for it in the middle of the night. They were going to lie down and rest for a while, and then it rained, so Li Yifei was lying down. posture.

Xu Shanshan has drunk a lot herself. The two people’s current cultivation base can last for several days without eating or drinking. If there is water, they can last more days. As for how long they can last After having this cultivation base, I haven't tried it, so I don't know.

Li Yifei sat up cross-legged, and listened to Xu Shanshan muttering: "It would be great if I could decorate it with water."

Suddenly Xu Shanshan's eyes lit up and she looked at the altar. There was a depression on the altar. On the surface, there was nothing. It was a stone pit with a big washbasin. The two of them have checked many times here, knocking with their hands and fists. It didn't reflect anything, so Xu Shanshan thought of the container, so he hit the top of it.

When she thought of it, she acted immediately. Xu Shanshan started to collect rainwater with her little hands. When it was full, she ran to the altar and poured the water in her hands. He took a look at how much water can be received by the two little hands. , The stone basin was too small compared to the washbasin, so she only took a look, then turned around and went to catch the rain.

After so many times, Xu Shanshan was still repeating, Li Yifei, he also stood up, walked to a leaky place, stood in a place where there is no leak, and watched quietly. Li Yifei's eyes were fixed on the ground.

It’s raining tonight. It’s all loud noises outside. There is also a lot of rain. It gathers and flows to the ground and even becomes a stream. The whole temple is flat. The rain should be spread everywhere, not like Now it falls on the ground, flows out for a certain distance, and disappears.

Yes, it just disappeared. There were no gaps on the ground. The stone was a whole piece, but the rain was gone, and it disappeared in front of Li Yifei.

He stared at him for a long time, so that Xu Shanshan called him, but he didn't even hear. Xu Shanshan asked him to pick up rainwater together. If a pot was filled, the two of them would have enough drinking water for a few days. When the next rain arrives, even if there is no food and water supply, the two can meditate more to absorb the true energy to supply the body's needs. Even if they can't get out, they can live many more days.

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