The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1611: Deep Pool Monster

Li Yifei was prepared for a long time, and swiped his knife. The monster that burst out of the water was three meters long. He thought it was a crocodile. But when he left the water, Li Yifei saw that it was not a crocodile, but a kind of nothing. The past species have fish mouths but limbs and even claws.

This thing rushed out of the water, and with the force of the impact, it rushed to Li Yifei instantly.

Li Yifei slashed out unceremoniously, and Xu Shanshan also stretched her hand behind her back, preparing to draw out the weapon.

The sharp machete slashed at the strange fish, making a sharp rubbing sound. Although Li Yifei's knife was useless, his strength was definitely not small. It only left shallow scars on the strange fish, instead of directly cutting it. Chop off.

Li Yifei jumped away in one step, and the strange fish was hit without being afraid. After landing, with his mouth open, his limbs pedaled vigorously, and he rushed towards Li Yifei.

"Be careful!" Xu Shanshan drew out her machete and wanted to come over to help, but Li Yifei stopped him: "Be careful in the pool, there's more."

Of course, there is more than this weird fish in the water pool. As soon as Li Yifei's words fell, there was a loud noise in the water pool, and four monster fish of the same size rushed out. These weird creatures moved equally fast after leaving the water, even more than the crocodile lizard. Flexible, their big mouths are full of fangs, so there is no need to doubt their biting ability.

The four fish that came out later rushed towards Xu Shanshan, who was closer to them.

"Go back, don't try hard." Li Yifei was a little worried about Xu Shanshan's safety. He swung a knife and slashed at the back of the strange fish. The sharp blade only cut a shallow scar. The skin of these strange fish was unusually hard, as if It is a natural stone armor with strong defense power.

With a slash, Li Yifei jumped up and rushed to Xu Shanshan to help her fend off a fish's attack.

Xu Shanshan was just a little frightened at first. After adapting to the power and looks of these strange fish, her attack power was not weak, and her true energy was poured into the knife. Xu Shanshan asked, "Shall we kill directly?"

"Kill." Li Yifei gave the answer. Unless the two of them run away now, these strange fish will never give them a chance. If they don't kill them, they will have to be killed by these strange fish.

The five strange fish roared, banged on the ground and besieged Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan.

The knives carried by the two were sharp, but they were all bought temporarily in the store. They were not good knives. They slashed at the strange fish continuously, causing limited damage, but blunt the knife in Li Yifei's hand.

Li Yifei stepped on the head of a strange fish, stomped it on the ground, and stomped it hard. Li Yifei jumped up and the person was in the air. He shouted to Xu Shanshan: "Attacking its limbs, the joints are very fragile."

Xu Shanshan replied, used a knife to force a strange fish away, and slashed towards the front paws of another strange fish.

With a single hit, the front paw joint of the strange fish was really fragile, and Xu Shanshan cut a wound directly.

It was enough to break the defense. Li Yifei attracted the attention of the three strange fishes. It took less than two minutes to remove the limbs of the three strange fishes. The strange fishes roared and couldn't attack again.

The strange fish is not dead. If you get close to it, you may still be suddenly attacked by it. Xu Shanshan also solved the other two strange fishes there. Only one escaped back into the water with its broken body, and the other was directly attacked. Xu Shanshan cut off his head with a knife, but even though the head of the strange fish was broken, Xu Shanshan's knife also knocked out a gap.

When Li Yifei walked back, Xu Shanshan was picking the fish head with a knife and saw it cut open.

"Ahhh... come here and see what this is?" Xu Shanshan cried out in surprise. The knife in his hand cut the fish head with all force, and suddenly a thing fell out of the cut fish head. Yes, it is wrapped in a layer of red fleshy membrane, and when it rolls out, it seems to be not light enough to be the size of a ping pong ball.

Li Yifei walked over, picked up this thing, and cut open the outer layer of flesh, which turned out to be a pearl-like thing inside.

"This..." Both of them were very surprised. There was such a big pearl in the head of this strange fish?

Li Yifei gave the'pearl' he got out to Xu Shanshan, he went to another strange fish, ended its life, then cut his head with a knife, searched for it for a while, and found one too. Pearl', but the volume of this'pearl' is a bit smaller.

Cut the heads of four monster fishes in a row, and found two "pearls" the size of a ping-pong ball, and two smaller ones. This discovery made Xu Shanshan very happy. She went to the pool to pick the "pearls" 'Clean it up and show it to Li Yifei.

Although it looks like a pearl, it is not a real pearl after all. Li Yifei took it and studied it for a while. Li's family also has a lot of pearls, bought by himself and given by others, but common pearls do not have this size.

"Marrow beads?" A word came out of Li Yifei's mouth. Xu Shanshan's eyes lit up. She had also heard this word. Like Li beads, it is rumored that the marrow beads are created in the brain. The beads are produced by the lower jaw of the dragon.

Whether there is a dragon or not, neither of them knows, but the dragon totem in ancient times was also derived from many kinds of animals. It used snakes as its body, fish scales as its body, lion head as its head, lion tail as its tail, and antlers as its body. Snake horns and eagle claws are used as snake claws. The combination of these things is a dragon. Then, it is possible that the beads in the brains of the strange fish will be regarded as the dragon's marrow beads...

"This luck..." Li Yifei held a bead and found that it was cool when he started it. Not only did the place where he held it became cold, he felt a coolness passing from the bead, and it entered his body. Li Yifei closed his eyes and felt it before saying: " This thing can be calm and calm, and it seems to be able to help cultivation. It is a good thing!"

After hearing Li Yifei's words, Xu Shanshan looked back at the deep pond and said with some regret: "Then I will put it away, but unfortunately I ran off one. It is estimated that I will not live long after that one. I cut it out. hurt."

"Haha, it's okay. There are already four. These strange fish have never been discovered. I don't know how many years have been living in this strange pond. We can't kill them all at once. We still have to keep some. ."

"Well, remember this place, if this bead is really useful, you can get it again."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to find it again. It's hard for me to follow the road I came back now." Li Yifei looked up and looked around. The road when he came was destroyed by the group of fierce marching ants, and Li Yifei too. Lost.

Xu Shanshan covered her mouth and smiled, without laughing at Li Yifei, unbuttoned her backpack, turned it over for a while, found a pair of underwear, wrapped the four beads in, and even carefully separated each other so as not to damage it.

Li Yifei was holding Xu Shanshan's knife next to him. Seeing her being so careful, he said, "Don't be too careful. Cut your knife up, it's all right."

Xu Shanshan gave him a white look, and said in a way that you don't understand: "If it breaks a bit, it won't be perfect. In fact, it's best to have a few more and let us kill them so that we can go home alone."

"Haha, let's go, get out of here, let's find a place to eat something, take a break, and then look down." Li Yifei said, pinning the knife on Xu Shanshan's backpack and holding her hand. Open the road ahead with a knife in one hand.

The two left the deep pool for a while, and many strange fish rushed out of the deep pool. This time there were more than a dozen of them. They rushed to the shore. These strange fish went straight to the dead fish, and they fought one after another. Eat the corpse of the companion clean, after eating, these strange fish lie on the shore for a while, bask in the sun, shake their tails, and slide back into the deep pool.

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan traveled more slowly. After coming down from the waterfall, the forest became denser, and Li Yifei needed a knife to open a long way for a certain distance.

The two stopped at this time and looked at a big tree twenty meters away. The tree was thick and tall, but this was not the reason for the two to stop. The real reason was the things on the tree.

A boa constrictor with a bucket thick and more than ten meters long was sitting right on the tree, with its head hanging down, eyes squinted, looking at Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan.

Both of them are congenital masters. Walking in the forest these days, as long as they release their breath, ordinary animals will not bump into it without opening their eyes. Even if they happen to meet each other by accident, most of them turn their heads and leave, but this python is wrong. Not only did it not avoid it, but it was also provocative, vomiting a letter with its head slightly raised.

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan looked at each other. It was not that they had never seen this kind of python. In the Amazon rainforest, the largest python in the world, also called anaconda, can grow to ten Many meters, but more people live near water sources, because they are too big without the help of water, these guys will prey and exercise will become very difficult.

The guy in front of him is also very big, but he can climb the tree, and he doesn't seem to have much effort.

The two came to look for things. The more different and weird this place is, it also proves that the place marked on the map is here. Similarly, the probability of finding the white flash is greater. They are not here to destroy. You don't have to kill what you encounter.

Xu Shanshan was still a little frustrated when she saw such a big python. She turned her head to look at Li Yifei and said, "Otherwise, let's go around."

Li Yifei nodded. Just about to agree, he saw that the python suddenly slipped from the tree. Only then did the two of them see that its body length was more than ten meters longer than previously estimated, and it could even reach about fifteen meters. Look like.

This is probably already a new world record, because the world's largest green anaconda is only about ten meters long.

The python slid down from the tree without stopping, and went straight to the two of them. Xu Shanshan pulled out the blunt knife nervously.

Li Yifei beside him also drew out the knife. Obviously, the two couldn't leave.

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