The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1608: Re-enter the rainforest

The two travelled during the day and stopped at night to rest. After five days, the first suspected location was searched roughly. This is already at the border of China and Vietnam. The two even ran into patrolling border guards. Fortunately, the two The certificate was issued in advance, and the order was issued from above, so that there was no misunderstanding. Otherwise, the behavior of the two would be seen by the border soldiers and they would either be arrested for questioning, or they would be able to shoot on the spot.

There was no harvest in this area. Li Yifei called Murong Yuanqing and the others to report, and followed these soldiers to the border station. After a short rest, he left with Xu Shanshan and followed Murong Yuanqing and others. Where people discuss, plan to go to Vietnam to search first. Among the three places, the suspicious spot located in Vietnam is the most likely. The reason why I came to search here in southern Xinjiang first was because I was worried that it might be missed.

That place is already in Vietnam. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan need to take a car to go to the rainforest. According to the information they found, although the place is off the beaten track, it has a beautiful name called Xiangba. It is also rare in Vietnam. Some people come, belong to the tropical rain forest, and the battlefield even decades ago is safer than here, because it is a bit scary for ordinary people. Even in the surrounding areas, several or even dozens of people enter the jungle every year. Died inside, or disappeared completely.

Therefore, this area is classified as a dangerous area, and local residents almost never come to this place, even if there are potentially valuable animals and plants in it, locals can grab them and sell them.

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan first passed the border defense and came to Vietnam. They hired a car and two guides to drive all the way to the outskirts of that area.

There is no threat of landmines in the forest here, but it was also a battlefield back then. I don’t know how many locals were ruined inside, the US army, and the Chinese soldiers, there are also various snakes and beasts, and the danger is unknown.

Vietnam has been part of China's territory since ancient times. Just like the provinces and cities nowadays, rather than the territories of the state or other ethnic groups, the territories such as China’s vassal and tribute. Qin Shihuang occupied Vietnam for the first time, killed the local Vietnamese, and established three counties: Nanhai County, Guilin County, and Xiang County. Later, the Han Dynasty established the Jiaozhi Provincial History Department on the basis of the above three counties, which belonged to one of the thirteen Provincial Provincial Departments (the Provincial Department of Provincial History). The Department of History of the Jiaozhi County governs nine counties: two in Guangdong, two in Guangxi, two in Hainan Island, and three in Vietnam. The three counties in Vietnam are: Cochin County (in the area of ​​Hanoi, it is the administrative center of the Department of Cochin History), Jiuzhen County (in the Hue area of ​​central Vietnam), and Nichinan County (in the area of ​​Ho Chi Minh City). Ruling the Vietnam region is like China's own territory. The people there are also Huaxia-Han. The father of the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Bo worked in the Jiaozhi area.

In the late Tang Dynasty, the country was divided. The jundus in various places have established separate regimes. The soldiers of the Jinghai Navy in Jiaozhi also established a separatist regime. The later Song Dynasty was weak and failed to regain the Jiaozhi. Since then, Vietnam has gradually become independent. However, Vietnam at that time was not like Taiwan now, not recognizing itself as a Chinese. Instead, he said that he was a part of China, thinking that the time was the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties: the Song Dynasty was the Northern Dynasty, and Vietnam was the Southern Dynasty. Vietnam has even implemented a policy of Han chauvinism in the surrounding areas, which has sinicized many other ethnic groups.

During the Ming Dynasty, Vietnam eliminated the Champa country, which was dominated by Indian culture, and sinicized the entire country. The capital of Champa was also changed to "Saigon", which means that from this place, Western barbarians (referring to Vietnam) ) Tribute. The Ming Dynasty once regained Vietnam, but poor management made Vietnam independent again. Since then, Vietnam has separated from China.

From the perspective of the entire history, this place once belonged to China, so the talent of China would leave a map, because maybe it was the land of China in his time.

It took Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan two days to arrive at the destination and stand on the periphery of the forest. The guide they hired said that they would not go inside. Li Yifei took out the money and sent the two guides away. .

This time, the two of them didn’t bring much, but they had a few more things than before, such as guns, bullets, and knives. Li Yifei once fought across the border with his teammates, knowing that this seemingly lush, full of vitality forest. How much danger is hidden, it is just an ordinary rainforest, not the vast expanse of rainforest in front of me, which I don’t know how wide and dense it is.

He took out the phone and called the family. Li Yifei told the family that the two of them were ready to enter the rainforest. Let them look forward to the good news.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yifei put the phone away, raised Xu Shanshan's small hand beside him, took a breath, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, because you are there." Xu Shanshan pursed her lips and pointed to the front, and said: "The minefields are coming, are you still afraid of this rain forest?"

"Haha, let's go, find it early, go home early, but I still have to be reminded that the danger here will not be less than the place before, so you must be more vigilant."


This place is still on the outskirts of the rainforest, but it is already quite dangerous. The two of them traveled for a long time and walked out more than ten miles. They have encountered several dangers. They encountered two pythons, more than ten venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, poisonous centipedes, etc. It’s not enough.

The big python, Li Yifei didn't move, but drove it away. As for the venomous snake that didn't open his eyes, Li Yifei took out the snake gall and swallowed it. The snake meat was also not eaten. There are many parasites in the snakes on the edge of the woods. Barbecuing in the wild is not easy to kill the parasites in the body, and you may get sick if you eat it.

Xu Shanshan felt nothing at first. After all, she had been to the Amazon rainforest, but when she entered it, she realized the difficulty. There are no landmines here, but there are more dangers. Moreover, some poisonous insects are not afraid of the protection of the two. Infuriated.

It was another two days on the road. Both of them were able to go on the way during the day and night, and only took a good place to rest. There have been several rains in the past two days, making it more difficult to travel in the rain forest.

The most dangerous thing is not just carnivores and poisons, but groups of elephants. The destructive power of these guys is amazing, and they can’t be frightened away by power. In the past two days, Li Yifei and the two met three elephant herds and found two. After the man, the elephant not only didn't run away, but also rushed to expel them. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan had to run away.

On the third day, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan finally arrived at the destination. The judgment was easy because their communication equipment failed and the satellite navigation system was not working well. Li Yifei knew that they had entered something that was unclear. The place is just like the Kunlun stone wall they have been to.

This is good news on the contrary, at least it proves that there is something here, and it won't be an empty run.

Put away the communication equipment, Li Yifei distinguished the direction, and Xu Shanshan continued to go inside. On the way in, he would make a mark every 100 meters. If there is no accident, even if there is no communication equipment, he will not worry about getting lost. .

The two did not go far. First they saw a pile of white bones. On the white bones, there were almost no traces of flesh or blood. The skeleton was very large. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan walked over to check, it should be the skeleton of an elephant. The bones are full of fine bite marks, as if they have been brushed many times with a steel brush, but they are not bite marks on teeth, but...

The two watched for a while, and they didn’t find out what caused it. Looking at the marks on the bones, it seemed that it had just happened. Li Yifei asked Xu Shanshan to wait for him on the spot. He searched nearby, but again I found several corpses, no, it should be said that they were white bones. The flesh and internal organs on the corpses were long gone. Only the white bones were left, which looked a bit horrible. These white bones also had fine bite marks on them, not caused by large teeth. Yes, the same as the skeleton of that elephant.

The surrounding ground is not a swamp ground. Although it is already soft, it will not trap people. Li Yifei first ruled out the possibility of these animals being trapped in it and unable to leave, leading to starvation. Moreover, he also found the skeleton of a python. Things can't be trapped in the swamp, but they still die in it.

When he came back, Li Yifei frowned slightly, Xu Shanshan looked at him and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Li Yifei shook his head and said, "No, let's go inside carefully."

The two continued to move inward, and the more they walked inward, the more these strange bones increased. Similarly, the communication tool between the two had always been without signal.

I saw dozens of bone frames. These fierce animals seemed to have been fixed by people, and then they were pulled away from the flesh and internal organs, leaving the bones here, making people confused. They walked for a short time. Seeing that it was getting dark, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan decided to stop and prepare to cook. When they were full, they would study whether to go inside.

When Xu Shanshan went to the side for convenience, she found something strange, and she hurriedly asked Li Yifei to come.

Li Yifei, who was cooking, put down the things in his hands, hurriedly ran over, pushed aside the dense branches in front of him, and saw the wreckage of an airplane. This airplane is still an old-fashioned airplane. It looks like a transport airplane from decades ago. At this time, half of the transport plane was buried in the ground, and the other half was also covered by vines. The plane was already corroded and dilapidated. Following the direction of Xu Shanshan’s fingers, Li Yifei saw two human bones, wearing flying clothing outside. , Maintain the driving posture.

The two walked slowly towards the plane. There were not many such crashed planes, but there were definitely not many in those years. At this moment, there was a sound of crashing from the plane, breaking the silent woods. It also made Xu Shanshan's heartbeat suddenly accelerate.

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