The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1606: Deminer

Li Yifei has been on several missions here. I am fairly familiar with the environment here. I know that the most dangerous thing here is not necessarily snakes and insects, not necessarily the changeable environment and poisonous insects, but hidden underground mines. All kinds of mines, plastic mines, anti-infantry mines, etc.

Especially plastic mines, the validity period can reach 120 years, and the war is only half past, and there are still decades of validity. The entire border, countless villagers have been mutilated. Li Yifei remembers when he was on the mission. Passing by a village, there are a hundred people in the whole village, but there are less than one hundred legs. Many men and women have only one leg, and some have both legs broken, and even a few years old children have been bombed. Broken legs, arms, and eyes, there was a deminer who was rescued from the mountain by Li Yifei and other teammates.

The deminer accidentally stepped on a landmine while voluntarily clearing mines, and was directly blown off a leg. His eye was also blinded by shrapnel. There were even a dozen shrapnel in his body. He has not taken it yet. come out.

These deminers are all villagers in nearby villages. Many of them are spontaneous. Land is the basis for their survival. This land is full of dangers. If they do not eliminate them, their sons and daughters will be killed and injured. Instead of letting their children face the danger at any time, they would rather face the danger themselves.

After finishing the mission, Li Yifei helped the villagers in that village to mine mines for a day. Together with his teammates, he knocked out more than 800 mines of all kinds and cleared several mountain mines.

There are so many landmines in a few small hills, and there are countless hills and hills along this stretch of border.

Dangers are everywhere. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan did not carry modern inspection equipment. They relied solely on Li Yifei's experience and observations, and they were traveling at an acceptable speed.

When the two climbed over two mountains, they saw a person, a very old woman moving forward with both hands and feet. The sudden appearance of this woman shocked Xu Shanshan. She stood behind Li Yifei, watching this with alert. woman.

The old woman’s face is very scary, one eye seems to have disappeared, there is only a terrible scar, half of the face is twisted together, even more terrifying is that this old woman has only one leg, the other has only one leg, and Her left hand was gone, only the part above the wrist.

No wonder, she has to crawl in this mountain forest instead of walking normally.

Xu Shanshan's heartbeat was a bit fast, and she had no intention of showing hostility, but a woman who looked like a female ghost suddenly appeared in this dense forest. If there was no Li Yifei by her side, she would have screamed in shock.

Li Yifei was not afraid. After he saw the other party clearly, he knew what was going on. In this mountain, there are many people who are worse than the old woman. However, there is no village in front of this place, no shop behind, how could the other party run away? Come here?

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan spoke, and walked over.

The remaining eye of the old woman could only be opened a little. She turned over, sat up and watched Li Yifei approaching, and said hoarsely, "The people outside, this is not your place, it's too dangerous. , Turn around and go back!"

They spoke Huaxia, although the accent was a little weird, both Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan understood.

"Old man, thank you for your reminder. We know there are a lot of mines here, so we will be careful." Li Yifei walked over, took out a bottle of mineral water and a piece of bread from the bag, handed it to the elderly, and knelt down and asked: "Old man, Why are you in this forest? I'm afraid there are large beasts here."

On the road just now, Li Yifei saw the feces of wild boars and the traces of destruction, and even saw the footprints of some cats. The fight with tigers he and Prince Sasha had said happened in southern Xinjiang.

Not to mention large beasts, even some small animals are enough to kill such an old man.

The old man did not refuse Li Yifei’s kindness. The hand she carried behind her back was pulled back. Li Yifei only saw a bag, which looked a little ragged, like it was sewn with some kind of animal skin, with a few things in it. A machete, a wooden axe, an old shotgun, and a few small tools.

No wonder the old man dared to stay alone in such a place. If there is no weapon to defend herself, any animals that emerge can kill her.

When Xu Shanshan saw the old man revealing his weapon, he hurriedly walked over and explained: "Old woman, we have no malice, you..."

The old man grinned, looking a little sullen, and said hoarsely: "I know you have no malice, otherwise you won't give me food, and I have no malice against you, because I'm just here to clear mines."

Hearing the word demining, Li Yifei respected the old man, Xu Shanshan also squatted down, and asked curiously: "Old man, how do you clear mines like this? Oh, I didn’t mean that, I mean, you I’m not in good health anymore, so let the job of mine clearance be given to young people, otherwise you yourself will be very dangerous,"

The old man smiled miserably and said, "Oh, there are no young people anymore. My old woman will live a day, and she will die in the mountains one day, and she will be buried by others, so she happens to be company with my old man and son!"

It turned out that the old man’s wife and son were all killed by landmines in the mountains. His wife went to clear the mines. He didn’t pay attention to his feet. He accidentally stepped on a trigger mine and didn’t find it. So after the touch, he bombed it He became a piece of meat, but his son went up to the mountain to plant the land. He went down with a pickaxe and hit the landmine directly. The explosive was triggered. When he was rescued, he was left with a breath. The transportation in the mountain was not convenient. His son also died.

The old man lost his husband, lost his son, and suffered terribly. At the same time, he hated the landmines in the mountains to the extreme, so he asked people to learn how to find and dismantle mines, and then took the tools into the forest.

It's not that the neighbors hadn't persuaded her, but the old man was even more persistent and said that even if I drained one each time, the children in the village would be less dangerous.

With the increase in the number of mines, the old man’s experience has become more and more proficient. Thousands of landmines have been cleared over the years. However, when I was clearing mines once, I encountered a situation where two landmines were side by side. The old man thought that there was no danger and planned to clear the mine, but when he touched that mine, the trigger mine below exploded, directly exploding the old man into what he is now.

Only a few days later, she was discovered by the people in the village, and she was rescued. She was raised for a full year. The elderly had no income. Now they rely on relatives and neighbors to help her, and the state gives her a little money every month. Not much, not enough for the elderly to live on her own, it must be that she has no disaster.

After recovering from the injury, the neighbor advised the elderly to stay at home if they were like this. If they continue to toss, they may not live long, but the elderly is even more stubborn. She said that even if she was crawling, she would continue to clear mines. The children in the village will not have any disabilities in the future, and will lose their lives at any time.

The scope of mine clearance is getting wider and wider. At first, the elderly can walk around the village on one leg, go out in the morning and go home in the evening. Later, the scope is far away. The elderly may walk to the place and it takes more than half a day, so they can only bring Dry food is only a few days after entering the mountain, and among these, it is often necessary for the elderly to eat and sleep in the forest.

Whether facing a beast, a poisonous snake, or a mosquito poisonous insect bite, the old man has to face it himself, and she is a disabled person!

Li Yifei also saw that the old man was carrying the torn bag. There were already a few drained landmines, plastic, trigger type, conventional, and several types. The fuze had been removed by the old man.

She is not a soldier, nor a government worker. In theory, she is not obligated to enter such deep mountains to clear mines. Moreover, after being bombed like this, she can let go, but the old man is still insisting. This time, the old man has been in the mountains for four days. If you don't go out, you must go out tomorrow, otherwise she will have nothing to eat. For her, there will be no food in the deep mountains.

The old man did not refuse Li Yifei's food. A piece of bread was eaten quickly, and after drinking half a bottle of water, Xu Shanshan took out another pack of compressed biscuits and a bag of beef from the bag with a face full of face, and put them in the old man's hands.

The old man didn't reject her kindness either, just smiled embarrassedly and said, "Thank you, you two are good people, so don't walk into the mountains anymore. It's really not fun in that."

"Thank you, we know, otherwise... we will send you out first!" Li Yifei said.

The old man shook his head and said, "When I am full, I have the strength to go out by myself. If you must go in, hurry up. The mountains and forests during the day are much safer than at night. If it is at night, Don't walk around, the devil in this mountain has killed too many people."

The two nodded again and again, and the old man stuffed the food Xu Shanshan handed her into a torn bag, sorted the contents, tied the bag, and slowly climbed down the mountain.

Li Yifei couldn't bear it, but even if he sent the old man to the house, he couldn't help her all the time, so he chased up, drew a knife, and cut the old man with a cane, hoping that she can hold on after she climbed the road. go back.

The two have been watching the old man disappear. The old man will not crawl all the time. Only when he has no strength to walk will he crawl forward with both hands and feet.

"Let's... be careful too!" Xu Shanshan took Li Yifei's hand and said in a complex mood. Until then, after listening to the stories told by the old man and seeing the old man, Xu Shanshan realized that there is It's not fun, it's really dangerous.

Li Yifei nodded, let go of Xu Shanshan's hand, looked up at the sun, and said: "We can still walk for two hours, try to go out for some distance, and stop to rest when we are done.

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