The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1591: Teach you to be a man

"That's you?" The pig-killing man stood in front of Li Yifei with a knife, looked at Li Yifei'condescendingly', shook the knife in his hand, and said directly, "Kneel down and kowtow."

The security guards around looked stunned, and they were full of murderous intent. They dared to make Li Yifei kneel down, and a few of them even dared to fight the other side desperately. Isn't it possible that the patriarch of the Li family can be so profane?

Li Yifei smiled softly and said, "Don't you kneel?"

The pig-slaughter man spread his legs and stood in front of Li Yifei with a grin, and said, "Don't kneel? Hehe, I will kill you. Tell you, Lao Tzu's son can't be bullied. I'm fighting this way to keep him from being bullied. ."

"Coincidentally, I did this to prevent my women and children from being bullied." Li Yifei put down Erlang's legs, stood up slowly, stared at each other and said, "But today, it is your woman and your child who bullied me first. Child, so since you are here, you have to follow this Liangzi."

"Furthermore, I also give you a choice, either kneel down and kowtow three heads now, say a few soft words, admit it, and I will take it as the past."

"Do you recognize you, I cut you down!" Before Li Yifei finished speaking, the killer man swung his knife and slashed over.

Li Yifei stood still, without blinking his eyes. If he let this guy cut it, he wouldn't have to go, but after a second, the corner of Li Yifei's eyes jumped slightly. This seemingly wild pig-killing man actually knows kung fu, and, The knife is pretty good.

Li Yifei narrowed his eyes, leaped back and kicked out at the same time.

"Where to run!" The Killer yelled, holding a knife in his right hand and making a fist with his left hand, blocking Li Yifei's foot, fists and feet collided, and his body was stopped. He took two steps back and looked at Li Yifei in surprise. , Shook his left hand, grinned, and said: "No wonder it's so arrogant, it turns out to be kung fu!"

Standing with his hand in hand, Li Yifei said lightly: "It's a pity that your skill is average."

This pig-killing man's kung fu is really good, the bottom plate is very stable, the strength is also great, but not brute force, this guy's knife just changed three moves in the air, six angles, each angle is towards Li Yifei The position was cut over, but Li Yifei was faster than him, so he hid one by one. From the outside, it seemed that this pig-killing man's knife slashed randomly in the air several times, and Li Yifei hid him.

As soon as he moved, the younger brothers who followed him also drew out their knives, and several security guards blocked them automatically, pulling out the swinging sticks they were carrying and fighting with these people.

The bodyguards of the Li family consist of three or four people in a security team. These people are combined, and their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. Li Yifei not only cares about them, but also, one of them is equipped with a gun. It is really impossible to deal with. You can also use a gun, although the impact will be Bigger.

The pig-killing man chased and chopped ten knives in a row, but did not cause any harm to Li Yifei. He himself was a little panting, with red eyes, staring at Li Yifei, and said, "If you are able, don't run away."

"Yes." Li Yifei nodded seriously.

The fat woman yelled: "Husband, hack him to death for me, because he insulted our son and beat me!"

The pig-killing man turned around and shouted: "Shut up the old lady, don't you let him make trouble."

By this time, the killer man had realized that he might not be able to deal with it today. Not only does the opponent have bodyguards, the man himself is very fierce. But things have happened, Li Shi can only bite the bullet and continue to chop.

Li Yifei really didn't hide. Seeing the other party rushed up again, Li Yifei said, "The road is quite wild!"

This sentence refers to the sword technique of this Li Shi. Li Yifei just saw it for a long time and found that he couldn't recognize it, but it was very routine. If it weren't for his good posture and fast speed, I am afraid it would be really troublesome. Of course, this refers to Li Yifei. Without using infuriating energy.

Facing the knife that Li Shi had chopped over, Li Yifei not only did not hide, but stretched out his palm to face the opponent's blade, Li Shi's eyes flashed a hideous look, shouted, and slashed hard.

Li Yifei's arm suddenly turned in the air, waved an afterimage, flexed his fingers, and flicked on the knife. With a bang, the knife in Li Shi's hand flew out and plunged into the ground. His face was horrified, and his hand was still slashing. But the knife is gone.

what happened? Li Shi thinks that even if he can't beat Li Yifei, he will definitely not suffer much. Today's matter will at most be resolved after a disturbance, but whoever thinks that it will be disadvantaged in a blink of an eye, and his knife will be given to him by the other party if he doesn't know why. Knocked away.

With a dazed effort, Li Yifei had already arrived in front of him, still that hand, with one palm pushed out, hitting Li Shi’s chest, Li Shi’s hands had no time to resist, he just felt that his entire chest was suddenly sinking in. This is not over. That palm was just the beginning, and the next palm followed. At the same position, Li Yifei hit five palms within one second, each of which was superimposed, and the last palm had the greatest power.

Li Shi's mouth sprayed blood and his body flew out. After more than ten meters, he slammed into the iron net before he could stop. If there is no iron net to stop him, I am afraid he will not stop.

Fighting is only a matter of less than a minute. The reason why Li Yifei didn't take a shot and defeated the pig-killing man was to explore the reality. After all, in real life, it is very rare to encounter a real martial artist, but he tried a few times. Next, I found that this person had two tricks, but he had two tricks, but his mind was wrong, and his moves were all ultimate moves. If Li Yifei was replaced by an ordinary person today, he might have been chopped into a blood gourd long ago.

Li Yifei stopped and stood in place. When the people Li Shi had brought him saw Li Shi being beaten out, they slowly stopped. Of course, most of them stopped when they were lying on the ground. It's miserable, these people don't know much martial arts, and under the cooperation of security guards with routines, they soon fell.

The fat woman didn't understand one thing until this time. Today caused trouble, caused a big deal, even the man who looked like a **** of war in her eyes was beaten to the ground, she immediately shivered with fright, did not dare to say another word Then, her son was also scared, his face pale, hiding in the arms of the fat woman, afraid to speak out.

Li Yifei glanced at the knife he had flicked into the rubber ground, and called a security guard, and said, "Check the details of this person."

The Li family does not practice hegemonism, and it will not be a disaster for the land, but if you encounter such a person, Li Yifei has to check if he can't say it.

The security took the order, immediately subdued these people, reported to the police, and went to find out the details of this person.

Li Yifei didn't talk to Li Shi or say anything. After the explanation, he walked out of the bumper car site and looked for his two daughters and Chu Xiaoyao.

Half an hour later, the security called and told Li Yifei Li Shi's information.

After listening, Li Yifei blinked twice and muttered to himself: "What kind of luck is this, I can find a... spy?"

This Li Shi’s identity is very complicated. It is a new ruffian who has emerged from Yecheng in the past year or so. His subordinates have now grown to more than 20 people. Li Shi is really kung fu, dare to start, and has his own way of making friends. , So some local gangsters gathered soon, but Yecheng belongs to the Li family, so even those who really have a dark society, most of them ran away, and most of the people who stayed behind were petty people, so The appearance of Li Shi gathered those who made little trouble.

Rumor has it that this Li Shi is also a member of the Li family, otherwise the Li family does not care about being so arrogant, and the police do not care about it.

Regarding this matter, the Li family was wronged, because the Li family did not even know the existence of such a person. In the past six months, the Li family has been busy fighting with those families, fighting wits and courage. Li Yifei is not very at home. I really don’t know these things. .

This was just Li Shi’s surface identity. After entering Li Shi’s house, the security guards found information that he had not sent out. It happened that one of the security guards knew French and found that it was a military secret document, so I didn’t dare to read it and collect evidence. Put it away and hand it over to the police who arrived. The police checked and found that it was a military secret document.

Li Shi was immediately arrested. At this time, Li Shi did not have the arrogance and spirit of the previous one. After being arrested, he explained that he was a multiple spy. He was sent to the vicinity of Yecheng more than a year ago to collect freely. Some confidential incidents, at the same time, they secretly monitored the Li family, but Li Shi didn’t know who needed the Li family’s information. He just knew that he would pass the information out when he knew some of it was collected, and he would naturally give it to him. remuneration.

According to this person’s account, the Li family’s news is even higher than some military and political secret documents, but the Li family’s things are not easy to get, so Li Shi doesn’t get much. He can only see and hear some occasionally. He sorted it out and sent it out. It was mostly useless materials, but he was still able to get a lot of rewards.

When Li Yifei heard the news, he didn't know what to say for a while. He never thought that the news of the Li family could be discussed at the same level as those of military and political secrets. If there is a Li Shi, it is difficult to guarantee No Zhang Shi, Zhao Shi...

"What's this, there are people who make this kind of fortune..." Li Yifei drank his saliva, and couldn't help but feel a little depressed. There is no way to stop this. If someone really buys the news of the Li family, as long as the money is enough, like Li There will only be more people like lions, not less, and more and more.

Li Yifei couldn't think of any secrets in the Li family that needed such people to care about. Although the Li family was mysterious, it was not so mysterious.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yifei found that there was no way to prevent this, so he could only let it go, communicate more with the police, and take precautions with the computer, so that it would be difficult for those people to obtain something through physical means.

Thinking of this, Li Yifei flicked his fingers in the void, and found that he had been bored for a long time. It was meaningless. Seeing Chu Xiaoyao beckoning at him, Li Yifei lowered his level and rushed forward.

When she arrived, she found that Chu Xiaoyao and her two daughters were preparing to ride the Ferris wheel, but she wanted Li Yifei to sit with them.

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