The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1557: Outsider

Not to mention anything else, these men at the dinner table today, except for Li Yifei, Yueyang will help if something goes wrong. This is the advantage of the circle. Everyone eats and drinks, even unimportant women can exchange and play. When something happens, Also really particular.

In particular, Yue Yang felt that he knew Yan Silong, this guy was not at a high level, but he was in a good position, he could speak in general, and he might not be weaker than the officialdom.

But today... after being beaten, Yue Yang wanted to find the place back, but after standing up, he saw a few people in the other party's crowd, and his heart was suddenly sad, right, the other party actually found that People, the power of the two sides immediately disparity.

The old man in his family is a ministerial cadre, is this something Yue Yang can contend?

Only Zhao Yi, Xiaohua, a woman who is worth millions and tens of millions of dollars as money, in the capital, a house drawn out by anyone, I am afraid it will be worth the price, really not much, let alone, Yue Yang's net worth of tens of millions did not mean that he had tens of millions in cash, in fact, most of them were invested in the business.

Just admit it, Yue Yang said to himself, let alone him, even if the people in the private room are called out, it is not the opponent of the other party, of course, if he really wants to fall out, Yue Yang feels that there is Yan Silong and his captain, If you do it, you may not suffer a lot.

But you can't do that, so he won't be able to get along in the capital.

Yue Yang's unprecedented sense of defeat at this moment struck, and he quickly lowered his head, not looking at that person.

Zhao Yi was still being dragged. Seeing Yue Yang didn't speak, she was even more frightened. After struggling twice, she turned around and shouted at Yue Yang: "Brother Yue, help me!"

Yue Yang couldn't take care of himself. Hearing her shouting, he raised his head and said to the other side: "Everyone, I was wrong just now. I drank too much and hit this buddy. I am willing to compensate. Please let my female companion go."

"Sneez..." The person who did the first laughed, then took a sip, and spit on Yue Yang's body, mockingly said: "What are you, do you pay him back for compensation? Just your two money, I am embarrassed to come out show off?"

The other said: "It's okay to hit me, but if I hit my brother, I will kill you directly!"

The other party laughed for a while, Yue Yang only nodded, and apologized: "Yes, I was wrong, I should never, please forgive me..."

If there were only those few competitors, Yue Yang would definitely not be afraid, let alone bow his head. Even if he was beaten first, he would find his place later, but the other party had the second-generation prince, and the few people around him were not good. , How could Yue Yang not bow his head.

What's more, they have been beaten, and this will be tough and useless.

When Zhao Yi saw Yue Yang like this, she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. First of all, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that the beating group had a bigger backing, so that Yue Yang, who was important at the wine table just now, had to apologize and bow down. People cannot be simple.

She thought of what Xiaohua had said to her before. In this city, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. If you want to go this way, don't start lightly. If you are optimistic about the people, make a decision, otherwise you will easily lose business.

When I saw it now, it was really like this. I thought that Yue Yang was already a rich and powerful person. As a result, he didn't even get out of the door.

Her expression at the moment, on the contrary, is not so scared, she is just a woman, at most a bit of beauty, can the other party be her?

Yue Yang's apology was not forgiven. The person on the other side seemed to be looking at a clown, oh no, clowns would not use this kind of look. It should be said that they were looking at a monkey. Those people looked at Yue Yang with contempt in joking.

The people eating around were comforted by the security guards. Some hurriedly checked out and left. Some courageous people thought that they would not affect themselves, so they continued to sit down to eat and watch the theater. After all, this kind of real-person combat without money, but not. More common.

The young man on the opposite side spit out two words lightly, but made Yue Yang's smiling face instantly froze, only to hear the other party say: "Kneel."

Kneel, this word is a very vivid word in Chinese characters. Kneeling to parents, kneeling to elders, kneeling to heaven and earth is justified, but other than that, kneeling is not a good word. The second generation actually let him down Kneeling, this is no ordinary humiliation.

If Yue Yang knelt down today, he might not be able to see it in the private room, but it won't be long before he can raise his head in a circle of Yue Yang's level.

Following the words and two words of the second generation, the atmosphere on the scene became suppressed. Even Zhao Yi, she was looking at Yue Yang, wondering whether he would kneel, and if he would, then she would be true. There is no need to hook up with this kind of person.

"Didn't you hear? My brother told you to kneel down." A little brother stared at Yue Yang.

"Kneel down!" several people shouted in unison.

kneel? Kneeling, I can't stand up! Yue Yang was shouting in his heart.

The second generation said: "You don't need to kneel. You will get out of the capital in the future, and finally you will go abroad!"

This is the decisive killing order. Of course, these people know the reason of being a human being and staying on the sidelines and meeting each other in the future, but they don't want to be like that, just a Yue Yang, what can they do?

Yue Yang's knees are weak. Compared to money, what is dignity. He has been working hard in the capital for almost ten years. Is it because of this that he will run away?

Yan Silong and a friend came out on their backs and were about to go to the bathroom. They saw this scene. The two looked at each other and knew that something was wrong. One went to the private room to inform the others, while Yan Silong strode. Come over and ask at the same time: "Yue Yang, what's the matter?"

He didn't wear a police uniform, but he had seen a lot of battle scenes, so he felt uneasy. Even if there were many people on the opposite side, he was charged with assaulting the police.

Hearing Yan Silong's voice, Yue Yang turned his head with difficulty. Before he could speak, he saw Yan Silong's eyes widened and said angrily: "Who did it? What did he want to do? Is it them?"

Yue Yang shook his head quickly and said, "Silong, don't worry about this. It's my fault. You teach other people to go back."

The people in the private room have already come out, and six or seven lords, when they heard that something happened to Yue Yang, they were all very angry. They were consciously regarded as persons with status and status. If a good friend had an accident, of course they had to take care of it.

"Fuck, he's been beaten up like this, what kind of fuck!" Yan Silong cursed, pulling Yue Yang over, and at the same time stalking his neck, and said to the opposite side: "Who is he? , Can you tell me something is wrong? You even beat people. Don't leave, I'll call the police."

The people here also rushed over, and everyone with their arms and sleeves drank a lot of wine, how can they be easily convinced.

When the other side was happy, they didn’t come to make trouble. They happened to pass by here and saw Yueyang’s car, so they mentioned it to the second generation. The other party was planning to support the younger brother, so naturally they wanted to ask about it, so everyone collectively stopped and got down. Looking for something, Yue Yang just happened to walk out with Zhao Yi's arms around him, and he slammed into the convenience.

Now that things are getting up, they are even more afraid of it, right, there is a second generation, what is there to be afraid of, even if it is to take out the gun, this matter is not too big, the second generation can resist it.

Hearing what Yan Silong said, a young man next to the second generation spoke and asked, "Which garlic is you or him?"

"I'm Yan Silong, what's the matter, are you still going to beat someone?" Yan Silong stood up and said.

Yue Yang hurriedly grabbed him, and whispered: "Silong, you really don't care about this, the other party...can't afford it."

"You can compare it, at the feet of the emperor, who can provoke, who can't afford to provoke?" Yan Silong planned to put it to the end today. He flicked his sleeve and pointed at the other party and cursed: "Is it him, don't let me go, Lao Tzu. I told the police to arrest you. Is it reasonable to beat someone for no reason? What the hell!"

Yue Yang's face was bitter, until the others laughed, and someone said: "That's it, his crotch is not fastened, and you are exposed. You guys don't learn well one by one, run here to pretend uncle!"

Suddenly there was a momentum here, but only Yue Yang knew that this matter could not be kind.

Xiao Hua ran over, dragged Zhao Yi over, and whispered to Zhao Yi who was still in a daze: "You are crazy, and you are still standing in the middle. Don't run back quickly. Today this is going to be a big deal. Don't be too stupid for a while. ."

Zhao lowered her head, her eyes were hot and she looked at the other young man with a lot of background. She felt that such a young man was the one she wanted to live with. He had an identity, a status, and was young. There was definitely no shortage of money. It's okay to cheat.

It's a pity that there is no good way to get close to each other right now, otherwise you can try.

Xiao Hua only thought that Zhao Yi was scared, she didn't think she would have such thoughts.

After listening to Yan Silong’s words, the people on the opposite side didn’t seem to be very angry. Instead, they looked at each other and burst into laughter. Every one of them just had a pain in their stomachs. The second generation didn’t laugh so much. His mouth turned up and he played with it. The phone inside, waited until I had laughed enough, then said: "It looks like an official, come, dare you to explode your position?"

"Laozi, deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Public Security Department (made up), I see who of you dare to run today. You, you didn't learn well one by one, and caused trouble for your adults!" Yan Silong said with full anger.

There was contempt in his eyes, and he seemed very proud to mention this.

After listening to the silence for a few seconds, there was a sudden burst of laughter. Someone said directly: "I thought he was so good, not a department-level cadre, but he was just a deputy. Hey, boy, are you drinking milk? Drink it, what can you do for a deputy!"

"The hall-level people don't dare to be so terrible, let alone in front of our young and old, this guy dares to be so terrible in front of our young and old, is it really him?"

"Young Master, he is such a big official, I don't think you need to do anything, let me try if I can settle it!"

"I'm still using you? I'll try it and return it to the Public Security Department. Know who my old man is?"

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