The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1540: Heavenly Soldier

Regardless of Salama or Parsons, the two have the right in their hands, but it is not easy to mobilize the army privately. Such a large-scale chase will soon be known to the upper level. Fortunately, Parsons and Both Salama are members of the royal family, and the other party didn't hold it too much.

After tens of kilometers away, no trace was found on the ground, but to eradicate the terrorist's account, this should be the place where the vultures are entrenched.

The information is wrong? Li Yifei immediately contacted the troops on the ground and quickly got a message. It may be that the news here was exposed and was known by those terrorists.

Li Yifei immediately made a decision: "Six helicopters expand the search range. The ground forces can move straight forward, and they can disperse, but don't be too far away. Be prepared to meet at any time. In addition, be careful of terrorists ambush."

Salama heard Li Yifei's words and immediately spread his orders, and Parsons' reinforcements also obeyed the orders and quickly dispersed.

At the same time, the condor terrorists and others who had fled madly dozens of kilometers away also received information from the left-behind personnel. A total of two people, from different locations, issued a warning message, reporting the approximate number of Li Yifei and others. , Roughly equipped.

Upon hearing that even the gunships were dispatched, these terrorists wanted to run away in supercars.

At the same time, the person in charge of the condor brought the two Japanese people over and asked who they kidnapped and why they provoke the military. Didn't it mean that they were just two Chinese.

Facing the question of the person in charge of the condor, Honda Taiken and Higashino Hirata froze, and they couldn’t tell why. Both of them thought of Sachar and Parsons. The power of these two royal families was still very impressive. People are jealous.

But why would they work so hard to help those two Chinese people? Both of them couldn't figure it out.

Both of them shook their heads for a while, not daring to tell the matter, especially the eyes of the person in charge in front of them were fierce. Higashinohei and Honda Taijian were afraid that they would kill them first after they said their guess.

Seeing that they couldn't come out, the person in charge of the Condor could only urge his teammates to drive quickly and escape as soon as possible. Otherwise, their hope of escape would be slim.

At the same time, Li Yifei and others found the place where the people from the Vulture Organization and the two Japanese people stayed. Two cars were left at the scene. Someone walked over to check. Just about to forcibly open the door of the car, Li Yifei who was sitting on the plane stopped immediately. they.

The people on the ground immediately understood, stepped back a bit, and found a professional EOD personnel to come over. Sure enough, they found the fuse on the door. As long as the door is opened, the whole car will be detonated, and the people around cannot be spared.

After observing a circle through the door, it was found that there was nothing in the car. The EOD personnel remained, and the others continued to track.

Looking at the map, Li Yifei recognized the direction, and through the communication device, said to Salama: "Aman is further ahead?"

"Well, I think they might want to rush to Oman, but Oman's border is very narrow and the defense is very tight..."

"Where is the nest of the Vulture Organization?"

"Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Iranian region, I don't know the specifics. There are many terrorist organizations in those places, large and small, and their base areas will often change."

"That should be the opposite direction...In this way, I will fly straight ahead first, and you will spread the search. If there is a situation on my side, I will notify you."

After a brief discussion between the two of them, they separated their actions. Li Yifei's gunship continued to move forward, while Salama led the people to scatter in the air to search. The ground troops also divided into small teams and started searching.

It’s not that the people of the Vulture Organization have never considered the border defense of Oman. If they are fighting in Pakistan or Afghanistan, they are familiar with the terrain and have countless ways to escape, and they can even hide on the spot. It is difficult for Li Yifei and others to find it, but here It's different, they just sneaked into Dubai.

On the way to escape, the head of the Condor organization discussed with his teammates whether to break into Oman or make a roundabout, escape from the sea through the Persian Gulf, log in to Pakistan, or Iran.

"Go ahead." The person in charge of the Condor Organization contacted the base and reported the situation here, while letting people continue to move forward.

Ten people were lost, so if they added two Japanese, it was only a dozen people and three cars, which was not a force.

There are few people, and there is no bottom in my heart, even if the rest are experienced wars.

Fortunately, the organization responded and asked them to try not to conflict with the military, and they would send people over to meet them.

The person in charge hung up the phone and stared fiercely at Honda Taiken and Higashino Hei. The backs of both of them were chilling. They heard the other party say: "This time the commission will be increased tenfold, otherwise I will You two killed and return that woman to the Dubai military."

The two of them shook their bodies with fear on their faces. The other party suddenly increased their money tenfold, and instantly turned into a million-level figure, which is still US dollars. This is simply blackmail, but at this time, how dare they say a word? , Looked at each other, both of them nodded repeatedly and said: "I can give the money, but you have to ensure the safety of both of us."

"Heh..." The person in charge sneered without replying to the two of them. This made Higashinohei and Honda Taijian very nervous, and they were even shrinking when they were sitting.

On the helicopter, Salama put down the phone and murmured, still wanting to cross the border, thinking of beauty!

She had just contacted the Omani military through the upper level, and the other party agreed to intercept. This is not easy to do. Salama paid some price for this, and even got criticized after returning.

At this time, he couldn't care about so much, Salama must help Li Yifei with all his strength.

Half an hour later, when the helicopter saw three cars in the distance, Li Yifei's eyes lit up, urging the pilot to catch up.

In the car in front, a terrorist had been observing the situation behind him. He suddenly saw a black helicopter appearing on the horizon. He was taken aback and immediately shouted: "Behind... there is a helicopter coming from behind!"

With his voice, the people in the car turned their heads in panic, and even the driver who was driving looked back and found that there was a helicopter in the sky, which was approaching quickly.

The people in the three vehicles found the helicopter, and the person in charge of the condor organization showed a trace of pain on his face. He thought the mission was just a small matter, but it caused such a big trouble. He even wanted to kill it in an instant. Two Japanese people, but killing them now can't solve the trouble behind, so he made a decision in an instant and said: "We are separated, either to Oman or to the agreed seaside, waiting for the organization to come and support."

The soldiers were divided into three groups, each trying to escape, anyway, the other side only had one helicopter.

This method is very good. At least after the helicopter driver Li Yifei was in caught up, he suddenly didn't know which car to chase. He looked at Li Yifei blankly.

Li Yifei pointed to the middle car and said, this one.

Then he quickly contacted the other helicopters and asked them to fly over and chase the other two.

There may be Wu Shuwei in the car, so you can't shoot casually, otherwise Li Yifei could give them an airborne missile just now, and it would be a big deal to lose some money afterwards.

He couldn't even fire the gun, so he could only force the opponent to stop, which seemed a bit shy and the helicopter quickly caught up.

The person in charge of the bald eagle in the car was a little panicked. His original intention was that the three cars were separated and the other party could only chase one way. As a result, the other party picked his car, which was a coincidence.

He quickly called the other two people in the car and asked them to return. The other party was chasing him. What's the use of those people running away?

Fortunately, those subordinates were very obedient and loyal, and they actually returned. The person in one of the cars opened the skylight, held a machine gun, and shot towards the gunship.

The armor of gunships is very thick, and ordinary bullets can hardly cause damage.

"Idiot, stop! Do you want to kill everyone?" Without waiting for Li Yifei and the others to fight back, the person in charge of the vulture who ran in front scolded him. He didn't want to fight the army at all, so his men started so rashly. gun. "Don't you see the rockets under the plane? What a joke, we won't be able to survive as soon as the shot comes over!"

After being scolded by him, the people in the other car immediately retracted. The people in several cars waited for a long time, but did not see the helicopter launching rockets. His heart had just settled down. The machine guns on both sides of the black armed helicopter A tongue of fire spurted out of the mouth.

After the loud noise, a string of bullets hit around the car where the shot was shot just now. One bullet pierced the roof of the car and hit the shooter’s head. The opponent’s head exploded directly, and the sprayed car was everywhere. blood.

Li Yifei shot suddenly, which really scared these people. The person in charge of the bald eagle immediately hugged his head and lowered his head.

The person who didn’t panic was Wu Shuwei. She even had some comforting pride on her face. It was Li Yifei. It must be Li Yifei. Even if she hadn’t seen him yet, she could feel it. Even the person who shot just now was Li Yifei. .

This kind of fanatical and blind trust made Wu Shuwei fearless at this time, his eyes swept across the faces of the people in the front row, and Wu Shuwei wanted to laugh.

Fortunately, she held it back, and glanced outside the window, only to see the landing gear and launch tube of the armed helicopter, but Wu Shuwei felt like he had seen Li Yifei.

"Boss, what should I do?" someone looked at the person in charge of the condor and asked.

The person in charge of the vulture wanted to slap the opponent and asked him what to do? How does he know what to do.

The gunship suddenly accelerated and passed in front of a few cars, then quickly turned around and circled in midair. The black barrels of the guns were aimed at the three cars, as if a magical soldier came to the world. The people in the three cars directly stepped on the brakes and looked startled Looked at the gunship coming down suddenly.

In the passenger seat, Li Li Yifei looked at the three cars with a cold smile on his face.

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