The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1538: Road encounter

Li Yifei had already caught up and was on the right road. With the tracking of several aircraft, the search area was expanded several times. The car sent to another road quickly returned and caught up.

A camera on a highway ahead showed that half an hour ago, three suspicious vehicles passed by and got off the highway.

Salama watched the video and gave it to Angelina. Angelina watched for a while and pointed to the video and said: "It's these three cars. I recognize the eyes of the driver of this car!"

"Yeah." Li Yifei hummed, picked up the communication device, talked to the people in the other vehicles, and contacted the people in the helicopter, let them spread out and search for it in a large area.

The plane immediately accelerated and spread out to the sides. Six planes roared forward and a line of convoys on the ground. This posture was not a normal bluff.

During this time, Li Yifei didn't do nothing, he contacted Aimu Khan of the anchor organization.

After the contact, Aimu Khan denied for the first time, saying that the anchor organization would never touch this matter again in this life, and the matter about Li Yifei, the anchor organization has not recently taken over such work.

The last time I was killed by Li Yifei was a bit too miserable, and the anchor organization was greatly injured. The short-term plan is to recruit new troops, not to expand.

Li Yifei replied: "It's not that you are the best. If it is you, just wait to be destroyed."

Aimu Khan was anxiously sweaty, and replied: "Definitely not. I swear in the name of God that the anchor organization will never take part in the kidnapping. To say that, even if there is such a job, we dare not take it. Ah, if you have a life to earn, you also have to have a life flower."

"Hehe, it's fine to know." Li Yifei sneered, and then said again: "Check, which organization nearby is so eye-opening, and took the kidnapping job again."

This kind of thing is very secretive, but for that circle, it is not secretive. It seems that there are many terrorist attacks that happen every year, and someone from a certain terrorist organization will jump out and announce this matter. I am responsible.

Li Yifei asked Aimukhan to investigate, but Aimukhan did not dare not to agree. After interrupting the communication, Aimukhan went to investigate.

Here, Li Yifei was sure that it was not done by the ship anchor organization, his emotions did not change, his face was still calm, he turned his head and said to Salama on the side: "Find someone to check the Japanese and see where they are now! "

"Japanese? Oh, okay, I'll check it out now." Salama was taken aback, and then she understood what Li Yifei meant. She already knew that Wu Shuwei had been kidnapped by those Japanese hired people.

The news came back quickly. In the villas rented by the Japanese, there were only a few servants. All the Japanese were gone. According to the servants, the employers hurriedly left after returning at noon. Never came back.

Li Yifei's lips curled up, his eyebrows constricted, and he said, "Find the contact information and let someone call it."

Saama did so, but the other party was prompted to shut down and could not be reached.

Li Yifei's expression became increasingly cold. Wu Shuwei didn't know many people in Dubai. Except for those responsible officials and company leaders, Wu Shuwei might not know anyone else. At least, based on what Li Yifei has learned over the past few days, this is the case.

Therefore, the missing Japanese are the most suspected, and they also have good reasons to kidnap Wu Shuwei.

Salama couldn't help but said, "These Japanese people are really horrible!"

Li Yifei said: "Let people follow this line to investigate, this time it is very likely that they kidnapped Wu Shuwei."

Salama nodded and said, "I will arrange for someone to investigate."

As he was talking, two black cars suddenly drove up from a distance. Salama slapped Li Yifei's arm, pointing at the car on the opposite side and shouting: "Golden Eagle, look at these two cars. Does the car look like? Angelina, take a look too."

Li Yifei and Angelina had noticed it a long time ago. Angelina took a look and immediately shouted: "Yes, there are three cars of this kind. Stop them!"

This sudden incident surprised several people, but Li Yifei had already acted first. He slammed the steering wheel, the front of the car slammed into the guardrail, and rushed to the opponent's car. At the same time, Salama picked up the communication very tacitly. Tool, give instructions to other vehicles: "Intercept two black cars on the opposite side, at all costs!"

Li Yifei ran into the car directly, not to mention other cars.

However, Li Yifei would not really hit him face-to-face, or if he hits head-on at this speed, he wouldn't even want to live without telling the person in the car facing him.

The people who were driving in the opposite direction were indeed the kidnappers of the Condor organization. These people were going to return to downtown Dubai and continue to kidnap Li Yifei.

It's really arrogant to say that after these people kidnapped Wu Shuwei and sent them to the place, they didn't even change the car and wanted to return to kidnap Li Yifei.

If you change a car, it is estimated that Li Yifei and others will not be able to recognize it, and it will not be such a head-on collision.

The driver of the first car was joking in dialect just now, saying that those **** little Japanese were fools, and kidnapped two people and paid out 300,000 US dollars. Isn’t this just the money? It’s so simple For one mission, you can earn 300,000 US dollars, and each of them can share 5,000 US dollars. The remaining money can be used as a contribution and turned over to the organization.

The Japanese also promised that after catching people and dealing with them, they would arrange for them to eat, drink and have fun. They might be able to get some money out at that time, so the few people in the car seemed very relaxed and happy.

When I was very far away, when I saw the convoy and helicopters on the opposite side, several people ridiculed. One of them pointed to the convoy in the distance and said: "If this kind of small unit fights us, it can be killed in minutes, but it is The equipment is better, but in terms of marksmanship and tactical quality, it is far worse than ours."

Someone next to him immediately agreed: "Of course, we haven't encountered this kind of a hundred-person team. They are all paper tigers, and they break with a single poke."

"Hahaha!" Several people in the car burst into laughter. One of them picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the car behind: "Don't provoke them. Go low-key. It's important to catch people."

When I said that, the two sides got closer and closer, and although the kidnappers in the two cars had bad eyesight, they were not ready to act. On such occasions, fighting with a regular army ten times the number of troops, isn’t that not enough IQ?

However, at the moment when the two sides met, a fierce knight fifteen suddenly broke through the fence and rushed towards the kidnapper's car as if out of control.

At this high speed, the car collided, which was basically a death. The kidnapper driver of the car in front yelled in fright, and hurriedly turned the steering wheel, trying to avoid the Cavaliers 15, while slamming on the brakes.

Li Yifei shouted: "Grab!"

He didn't really hit the opponent's car. When he rushed up, he was already slowing down. The super powerful control system made Cavaliers Fifteen drive towards the route designed by Li Yifei.

With the previous order, the vehicles that were driving with Li Yifei also rushed over. This scene frightened the robbers in the two opposite vehicles.

The first car avoided Li Yifei’s car. The second car was not so lucky. It was rubbed directly by Li Yifei’s car and pushed out of the high speed. The whole car overturned. There is no need to mention the people in the car. There is no habit of wearing a seat belt, just as the car rolls over and rolls in the car.

"Really!" The car in front reflected that they were being watched by the other party. Someone desperately urged the driver and said, "Quickly drive, throw away these people, we are being watched!"

"I don't know how to drive faster? What should I do with the cars behind, they were all knocked over!" the driver cursed.

Several people in the car were in a quarrel. Those cars had already followed and chased up. They couldn't stop, and there would be no way when they stopped.

Some people raised their guns and started shooting backwards, and some called immediately to inform others.

Li Yifei didn’t go after him. He knocked over a car and forced the opponent to stop. He unfastened his seat belt and pushed the door with a gun in his hand and jumped down. Salama also followed him and jumped down. One left and one right, approaching the car that had turned over three or four laps.

The people in the car were stunned by the fall, but there was always someone awake. After realizing that they were surrounded, they touched the gun and prepared to fight back. As soon as his hand stretched out, Li Yifei snapped two shots on his arm and On his arm, one arm was suddenly broken.

On the other side, Salama kicked out cleanly, shattered the glass, grabbed a person in the car, dragged it out, grabbed the opponent's shoulders with both hands, easily removed the joints, and discarded one. people.

There were five people in this car, and the remaining three were battered and looked very miserable.

The remaining three people didn't need Li Yifei and Salama to take action. The soldiers who jumped from the car behind rushed over. They held one of them and dragged them out. As for the car, some people got in and searched.

Li Yifei and Salama stepped aside, Salama pressed the headset, said a few words, and said to Li Yifei: "The car that ran away was also stopped, but the shot was fired and three were killed. Two are alive and there is no one we want to save."

To say that the car in front is even more pitiful. They have desperately stepped on the accelerator, but how can they get rid of the car behind, before they can breathe a sigh of relief, two helicopters suddenly descended in front of them, and the black hole machine gun was aimed at them. .

The kidnapper who drove was immediately scared. Some teammates who were not afraid of death shot at the helicopter, but were fired back. Several airborne machine gun bullets shot through the car body, killing the kidnappers of the driver and the co-pilot, and the car suddenly Out of control, a random collision, and finally stopped, a bunch of soldiers rushed up, pulled the remaining two alive, and took them into the car. The remaining three people were no longer rescued, so they were given a few shots.

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