The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1488: Non-marriage

Wu Shuwei kept watching Li Yifei get into the car, start it, drive on the road, and disappear into the corner.

She sighed in dismay, stretched out her hand to squeeze her face, and whispered: "Wu Shuwei, Wu Shuwei, you can't think about it."

Turning around and walking back to the building, Wu Shuwei just walked into the hotel, and several people waiting in the lobby hurriedly walked over, with different expressions on their faces, surprises and worries. Several people ran over. One of them was a man in his forties. He shouted to Wu Shuwei, "Mr. Wu, where have you been? We waited until now, and we didn't pick up our mobile phones. People are missing."

Wu Shuwei turned around, saw several vice presidents and staff in the company, smiled, and said, "I'm sorry, something was delayed yesterday. I want to tell you, but the phone was lost."

"Ah? That's good, that's good, I'm still worried about whether something happened to you, Manager Wu, just fine." Tang Ma couldn't help but nodded and said.

Wu Shuwei took the room card, turned around and said to several people: "I missed the morning meeting, what did the other party say?"

"The other party... was very angry, but when I went back and explained to them, it should be fine. The important thing is that the other companies are more powerful than ours. Moreover, the headquarters has sent instructions last night. If it is not possible, I will give up this time. Bidding to avoid accidents."

"So, you guys are going to give up too?" Wu Shuwei raised eyebrows. At this moment, her expression was completely two people when she was with Li Yifei. Although the clothes were still the same clothes, and even her face was not washed, she felt It's different.

When Wu Shuwei asked, several executives hesitated. It was Tang Ma. He said embarrassedly: "It's not that we want to give up. We have been following this project for almost a year. It was supposed to be successful, but suddenly it was killed by others. Cut Hu, of course, we feel uncomfortable in our hearts, but now, in a comprehensive evaluation, our company has to be in the bottom and has no competitive strength at all. If we try to force competition, the result will be the same."

"So, you guys decided to give up?" Wu Shuwei interrupted the other party, asking in a cold voice, "I must deny my efforts first? I watched the project fall into the hands of those companies?"

Several people shook their heads hurriedly and said: "No, of course not, but our current comprehensive evaluation is indeed behind. Compared with the previous companies, we are not very competitive..."

"The project hasn't been finalized yet, that's competitive." Wu Shuwei said again.

Several people were embarrassed. They said, walking upstairs and entering the elevator. Wu Shuwei was standing in the middle. Several high-ranking officials surrounded her. Tang Ma said, "That... Manager Wu, we have notified some employees to prepare. Back home..."

Wu Shuwei just glanced at the other person faintly, and said, "I'm not here, so dare you give this order?"

"No, no, I didn’t give it, I just conveyed it. The one who gave this order is... it’s Mr. Bai in China. He said that every employee’s daily consumption here adds up to a large sum, so irrelevant personnel Go back home first."

Wu Shuwei twitched the corners of his mouth, sneered, and said, "Hehe, then, Mr. Tang, you should go home first, and those who are not involved should go home first."

Don Ma was choked for a moment, and his face was a little unnatural and said: "This...I should be the last one to return to China. I will stick to my post."

"According to the rank, the last person to return to China should be me, not you, Mr. Tang." Wu Shuwei said unceremoniously, "Well, contact the other party. I will meet with them tomorrow. Now, I want to go back. Take a shower, do you have to follow up?"

Wu Shuwei had already arrived at the door of her room, turned around and swept the crowd coldly. Everyone shook their heads quickly. Wu Shuwei said: "Okay, all go back. Besides, the company's project has not failed. No one is allowed to spread rumors, otherwise don't blame me for being polite. ."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Tang Ma, then turned to open the door and walked in. Tang Ma’s face became extremely ugly. He is the vice president of the Dubai branch, and his rights and responsibilities are not small, but Wu Shuwei is the general manager. , Pressure him one level, so he must listen to this young woman.

Tang Ma and Wu Shuwei didn't deal with each other normally. He was from the head of the domestic head office, Mr. Bai, and naturally would not listen to Wu Shuwei.

Even, I am happy to see Wu Shuwei fail, so that he and Mr. Bai are happy.

Others belong to the grassroots, whoever is strong, who bullies anyone, it has nothing to do with them.

Wu Shuwei embarrassed Tang Ma and opened the door to walk in.

After closing the door, Wu Shuwei felt her body suddenly weakened, as if she had no strength at all. She sat on the sofa and sank into the soft sofa.

She had experienced such things, even if she was knowledgeable and encountered many things, she was very calm in front of Li Yifei, even beyond her own imagination, but when she was alone, she was still fragile and weak.

Because of Li Yifei, she did not collapse from yesterday to today, and she did not show fragility.

But in the end she was just a woman, no one more leg or one arm than other women. In this alone space, she removed all the disguise.

Lifting his feet, Wu Shuwei shrank on the sofa, with an extra pillow in his arms, especially with tears on his face.

She was also scared. She didn’t know who paid for the terrorists to kidnap her. It’s thousands of kilometers away from home, and no one protects her. Even the people below are all thinking about it. Those people are waiting here. I am afraid it may not be concerned about her safety.

Tang Ma is waiting for her to say that she will give up this investment plan. Giving up means that dozens of hundreds of people have turned nearly a year’s investment into nothingness. It means that the initial investment will be in vain. It means that her efforts in recent years will all Bathe.

Moreover, when she returns to China, her job is bound to be adjusted, and she cannot be the general manager of a branch.

If it's just these, that's all, Wu Shuwei's reason for not giving up is even more because of herself.

As an older young woman, she is a non-marriage activist and believes that women can live more wonderfully on their own. Therefore, she has been working hard over the years to prove herself and make more people believe in her abilities.

She felt that she could not rely on her family or men to make her life better.

However, it failed. The absence of participation in today's meeting means that the company represented by Wu Shuwei has given up the competition. Without him, as the main negotiator, she did not participate in the meeting, and other companies participated, the other party will naturally have more opinions on the company where Wu Shuwei works, and will prefer other companies.

I don't know how long it has been. Wu Shuwei got up slowly and removed the pillow. She used the phone in the hotel to get through the phone at home.

"Why did you go yesterday? I couldn't get through the phone, and I didn't attend the meeting." Mother answered the phone and asked a question first. Wu Shuwei took a deep breath and said calmly: "We left the airport yesterday and some accident happened. Lost, Mom, I'm fine now."

"You kid... Well, your dad is also worried about you. A girl is not good outside. This time the investment fails, your dad will help you settle it. You will be back in a few days. Don’t think too much, go home. Enough."

Wu Shuwei shook his head vigorously and said stubbornly: "But I don't want to go back. The investment has not been finalized yet."

Wu Shuwei’s mother said: “Your father and I have been following you all the time. It has failed. The latest news comes back. Companies in Europe, the United States and Japan have greater hopes of winning. Okay, daughter, come back, and be quiet for a while. I'll take you to meet a few young talents. You are not young anymore. You used to be wayward and your father and I will leave you alone. But after all, we will get old and cannot stay with you all the time, find a good man and marry you. In the past, happiness in the second half of life was also guaranteed."

This is not the first time I heard her mother say this. Every time she heard it, Wu Shuwei felt a sense of powerlessness. She didn't confront her mother this time. Instead, she hummed and said, "I still want to try, and I fail in the end. Come back home."

"Okay, then my mother is waiting for you at home." Wu Shuwei's mother said: "Don't have too much pressure, it doesn't matter if you fail, we will help you with it."

Failure means that the upfront investment of more than one billion US dollars will be wasted. When converted into Chinese currency, it is 10 billion small. Such a large loss can be settled by his father, but he has to bear a very large risk. Wu Shuwei knows this. I caused a huge trouble for my father, and it may affect his father's career.

She bit her lip and hung up the phone, not wanting to cry, so she shook her head vigorously, hating her incompetence.

She is not a fragile person. On the contrary, she often forgets that she is a woman in recent years. She works hard for her life. This time, the investment plan was won by her, so the head office will send her over. Years of negotiation and planning have been invested in the early stage. Who would have thought of being joined by other companies at the critical moment, and the internal plan did not know how to leak out, which caused her company to lose competition Advantage.

Wu Shuwei sat on the sofa again. She looked at her feet, her eyes were dull and numb. The people in the company were distracted. Companies from other countries outside put pressure on them and experienced kidnapping. Wu Shuwei wanted to clear up her mind. It becomes difficult.

Dong Dong Dong, it seemed that someone was knocking on the door, but Wu Shuwei in a daze didn't hear her. She was a little haggard. Although she was very hungry, she didn't want to eat. She didn't know why. Even if the delicacies of the mountains and the sea were placed in front of her, she felt that she was too There will be no appetite, and it is not even as delicious as the piece of cake from Uncle Arab's house last night.

Bang Bang Bang, the knock on the door became louder, it seemed that it was about to smash the door, Wu Shuwei suddenly raised his head, looked at the direction of the door, hesitated for a few seconds, and walked over. She was worried that the door would be the same as yesterday. terrorist.

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