The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1444: Li Yifei is gone

The Yamaguchi group dispersed, searching for Li Yifei while tracing Miyamoto Ryota. At first, I did a simple search and found the scene of the firefight, but there were only blood stains on the car and the ground, not even a corpse. Under the heavy rain, many clues were washed away, except for the scrapped cars, there was nothing.

Meng Xiaofei did not go to the hospital, so she stayed with Aoki Suzuko and others, waiting for Li Yifei, but after waiting for a long time, there was no news from him. Even the people brought by Koji Komoto have thoroughly investigated the whole road, and there is no Discover where Li Yifei is.

Koji Komoto was even wondering if Li Yifei did not escape and was caught by Miyamoto Ryota's people.

He didn't know this for the time being, but Li Yifei was indeed gone, and Miyamoto Ryota's people were also gone.

When Meng Xiaofei heard the news, she felt soft, her face pale and her body trembling.

Aoki Suzuko was not very good either, she still supported Meng Xiaofei, hugging her body comfortingly: "Maybe Yifei has already escaped! Xiaofei, don't worry!"

She said she was not worried, even she herself was worried.

As a businessman, Ryota Aoki didn’t want to get involved with forces like the Yamaguchi Formation, but at this time he had to stand up and preside over the overall situation and pulled Koji Omoto. Ryota Aoki asked, “Can you be sure of Li Yifei’s whereabouts? Escaped, or was it captured by...Miyamoto Ryoda's people?"

Koji Koji was also in a mess. He thought he would be able to save Li Yifei when he came. He didn't expect that Li Yifei was not with these two women at all. He stayed behind and fought against Miyamoto Ryota. Right now, the person is missing. Koji also had to be cruel and said, "President Aoki, take care of this place. I will take someone to chase Miyamoto Ryota. Don't worry, I will find Lord Golden Eagle!"

Aoki Ryota said with a hum, "Please also please."

Koji Komoto wiped the sweat from his head, glanced at the sad Meng Xiaofei, and shook his head repeatedly and said, "Please don't say that, Golden Eagle-sama is also my good friend. I will definitely work hard."

Aoki Ryota nodded and said, "Go, leave it to me."

Koji Komoto gave a hi, turned around and rushed out under the heavy rain.

Meng Xiaofei didn't faint, she tried her best to endure it.

"Brother Li will be fine, he will definitely be fine, he is so powerful!" Meng Xiaofei muttered, looking at the distance, that is the way she escaped.

Aoki Suzuko was also looking ahead, praying in her heart.

In the rain, the two women were looking ahead, and Aoki Ryoda did not come to dissuade him. He just brought an umbrella and sent it over, covering the two women's heads.

The heavy rain was hazy, Meng Xiaofei only felt that Li Yifei seemed to run over from the rain at any time, smiled at her and told her that he was fine.

But after waiting for a long time, Li Yifei didn't run out of the rain. Instead, the rain seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, forming a rain curtain between the sky and the earth.

Meng Xiaofei finally couldn't stand it, her eyes went dark and she passed out.

Aoki Suzuko next to her hurriedly supported her and called a few times. Seeing that Meng Xiaofei didn't respond, Aoki Liangtian also came over and found that Meng Xiaofei was in a coma. He immediately asked Aoki Suzuko to go to the hospital with her.

Koji Komoto left some people and searched for Li Yifei, but he took another group and went straight to Miyamoto Ryota's nest.

Because it is currently impossible to judge whether Li Yifei escaped or was captured by Miyamoto Ryota, Koji Komoto could only do so.

But when he took someone to the nest of Miyamoto Ryota, he found that there were only a dozen people left behind, and the rest were missing.

Some people arrested only said that Miyamoto Ryoda had never come back when he went out. The angry Koji Koji slapped this person more than a dozen mouths, but there was no way, he could only continue to search.

Within a day, Miyamoto Ryoda's people seemed to disappear, and Li Yifei also disappeared.

The more Koji Komoto looked for, the more the fire grew, he simply asked him to take over the site of Miyamoto Ryota, and while he was away, he dispersed the people of Miyamoto Ryota.

In the evening, Koji Komoto found the location of Miyamoto Ryota. He was gathering people in a mountain village and was going to hunt Li Yifei, but he ran into Koji Koji's people.

As soon as the two sides met, they immediately fought against each other. Both sides were carrying guys, even with sniper rifles, and more than ten died in a blink of an eye.

In the rain curtain, the two sides finally stopped, and Miyamoto Ryota led the people to retreat, but the two injured did not take away. They were caught by Koji Omoto and brought to him, and Koji Omoto immediately interrogated him.

After learning that Miyamoto Ryota's purpose of rallying people was to kill Li Yifei, Koji Xiaomoto not only didn't get angry, but laughed.

This news at least proved that Li Yifei was not caught, but escaped. For Koji Omoto, the pressure was much less.

He immediately called Aoki Ryoda and told him the news.

Aoki Ryota was also overjoyed when he heard the words. He repeatedly said yes, hung up, and first told his daughter Suzuki Aoki, then he immediately contacted the police to increase the search and expand the scope.

In the hospital, Meng Xiaofei was rescued and awakened. In this day, she experienced several consecutive shocks, and even did things that she could not imagine. First, she killed people with Sophia to save herself, and then took Li Yifei and Sophia to flee through the bullets. Finally, I took Sophia and escaped alone, which can be said to have used up all the frights of my life today.

After Meng Xiaofei woke up, she was not afraid of these experiences. She didn't have the mind to be afraid of this. When she woke up, she asked where Li Yifei was in the first sentence. Aoki Suzuko happened to get the news and said to her: I caught him, but ran away. My father called just now and said that the people in Miyamoto Ryoda were also searching for Yifei-kun."

Meng Xiaofei grinned after hearing it, trying to squeeze a smile, but she couldn't squeeze it out anyway, but after a few seconds, two rows of clear tears slipped from her face.

Meng Xiaofei was not afraid, she just thought, if Li Yifei was really caught, or even killed, how could she explain to her sisters and sisters at home that the whole family can be maintained? It's not because of Li Yifei, he If something happens, the Li family will collapse immediately. Thinking of this, Meng Xiaofei finally couldn't bear it, and burst into tears.

I blame her. If it weren't for her kidnapping, how could it cause so many things? Not only was Sophia seriously injured, but she is still being rescued. Her favorite Big Brother Li is also missing, and she doesn't know where he is.

Blame her, Meng Xiaofei was crying, she didn't want to make herself vulnerable, but she couldn't stop her tears and her emotions.

Aoki Suzuko hugged Meng Xiaofei, gently patted Meng Xiaofei's back, comforting her, but she didn't know what to say, and she didn't know how to help Meng Xiaofei out of this sadness.

When Meng Xiaofei finally stopped crying, Aoki Lingzi went to bring the food again, put it in front of Meng Xiaofei, and said: "Xiaofei, you have to eat first and can't torture yourself, otherwise he won't be happy once Fei comes back."

Meng Xiaofei nodded, but did not move the chopsticks. Instead, she lowered her head and continued to look at the phone. This phone is Li Yifei's, and the number on it is my dear wife Su Mengxin.

Meng Xiaofei couldn't hide so many things that happened here, otherwise she would be even more sorry to the sisters at home, so she thought for a long time, adjusted her mood, and dialed out.

The women in the family have been waiting for a long time. Today, we have achieved a complete victory against the Sun family. Within a day, the Sun family has disappeared. But it will take a long time before the Sun family's property is completely taken over. It's like a big tree being chopped down. This is only the first step. In the second step, you need to use a saw to cut it into sections, cut off the branches and leaves, and so on.

After everyone was busy, they were all waiting for Li Yifei's news. From morning to afternoon, some of the girls were a little flustered and couldn't help but chanting about Li Yifei's news.

In the evening, everyone was sitting together to have dinner, but they were all a little bit unaware.

During the meal, He Fangqing also persuaded everyone that there would be nothing wrong with Li Yifei, and everyone rest assured to eat.

Su Mengxin also echoed and said some comforting words.

After the meal, everyone was almost in no hurry to leave, waiting for news.

The phone rang, and Su Mengxin almost didn't hold the phone when she saw Li Yifei's number. The girls all looked over when she saw her.

Su Mengxin said excitedly: "It's Yifei's number!"

The girls were even more excited, a pair of eyes cast over, and Su Mengxin pressed the answer button.

After a cry, Su Mengxin said, "Is it Yifei?"

Meng Xiaofei trembled, released her biting lip, and said, "Sister Mengxin, it's me, Xiaofei."

Su Mengxin was a little disappointed, but then happily said: "It's Xiaofei...This is a call from Yifei. He has rescued you? Great, how are you, have you suffered these days?"

As soon as it was Meng Xiaofei, joy appeared on the faces of the women, Qi Qi relieved, they are not less worried about Meng Xiaofei these days, and everyone is very happy to hear what Su Mengxin said.

But they didn't surround themselves, even Xu Yingying didn't move, so they didn't move either.

On the phone side, Meng Xiaofei took a breath to calm herself down. The moment she just got on the phone, she almost cried.

"Sister Mengxin, is it convenient for you to talk over there?" Meng Xiaofei asked in a low voice.

Su Mengxin felt a little bit in her heart. Originally, Li Yifei’s phone call was not made by him, but by Meng Xiaofei. She was a little confused, but when she thought of Meng Xiaofei speaking first, it was reasonable. After all, everyone was worried about her for a long time. Li Yifei asked Meng Xiaofei first. Speaking is also right.

But when Meng Xiaofei asked this question, Su Mengxin was unsure. She glanced at the women, pressed her hand, and pointed to the room. The women nodded their heads for unknown reasons, and Su Mengxin took the phone and walked in.

When she walked into the room, Su Mengxin took a breath and asked, "Mengfei, now it's only me, what happened?"

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