The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1436: Meng Xiaofei's assist

"Puff..." Meng Xiaofei flew halfway, and suddenly fell, but her foot was caught by the bedboard. People were in the air, but her feet were restrained, causing her to fall instantly.

And the ninja's knife quickly slashed past Meng Xiaofei's original location, and the extremely sharp ninja knife cut off a few strands of Meng Xiaofei's hair.

This is definitely Meng Xiaofei’s good fortune. In such a way, he avoided the opponent’s mortal knife. The ninja had already understood that the woman who rushed in was a rescuer, and because his companion was seriously injured and had a caesarean section, she was already very aggressive. , Decided to kill Meng Xiaofei and the woman who broke in.

But she didn't expect that Meng Xiaofei would have escaped.

Sophia seemed to have made a roller coaster, mentioning that the heart of her throat fell. If Meng Xiaofei was killed in front of her, Sophia felt that she would not have to live anymore, so she would just commit suicide here, otherwise she would have any face to meet Li Yifei.

Sophia moved while the ninja was throwing a knife out and was a little startled.

She jumped forward, flew out sideways, grabbed the ninja with both hands, and instantly threw the opponent down.

The ninja sword in the hands of the ninja was useless, shouting in his mouth, and struggling with his arms.

Sophia's strength is not small, but compared with this ninja, she appears to be a bit weaker. In addition, her shoulder has been chopped, and the bone is deeply visible. She can't use one hand to exert her strength, and fights with each other with one arm. It is one point weaker.

"Baga!" The ninja cursed again and again, but pushed Sophia away, throwing his fist into Sophia's face.

Meng Xiaofei got up from the bed, ignoring the pain in her calf, picked up the knife on the ground, held it in both hands, and rushed over aggressively.

At this time, she didn't think about so many things at all, just wanted to save Sophia and slashed over.

The Ninja Knife didn't look much, but for Meng Xiaofei, it was really heavy, and she felt a little difficult to hold it with both hands.

The knife hit and hit by mistake, and it really hit the ninja who was about to punch.

There was wind behind the ninja's head, and he rolled to the side and avoided.

He avoided, but Sophia was right there, eyes wide.

Meng Xiaofei saw that it was not good, and hurriedly used both hands to force, the ninja knife slashed to the ground, directly to the floor, and inserted a few centimeters.

Sophia really wanted to roll Meng Xiaofei's eyes, but she didn't do so, instead she twisted her body abruptly and caught the escaped ninja with her legs.

Locking the opponent's leg, followed and rushed fiercely.

"Dagger!" Sophia shouted, her body already pressed against the ninja, her legs wrapped around the ninja's legs, and she pulled it out with one hand, strangling the ninja's neck.

"Baga!" The ninja kept cursing, he couldn't think of how this woman was so... sturdy, just now she had just changed her life and killed her companion. This would be so desperate again, the woman who was caught a few days ago, One of them was very weak, and even dared to slash at him with a knife.

The ninja struggled with all his strength on the ground, and Sophia locked him tightly.

The two stood in a stalemate for a while.

After being stunned, Meng Xiaofei heard Sophia's words, hurriedly used all fours together, crawled over to pick up Sophia's dagger, and found that it had been broken in half long ago, and the rest could not kill at all.

"Bad!" After Meng Xiaofei finished speaking, she had to throw it away and rushed back, shouting: "I will help you!"

At this moment, Meng Xiaofei, the **** of courage possessed her body, and ran over to help Sophia suppress the ninja with her body.

The ninja was helpless with the two women on his body. Because he was lying on his stomach, his hands could not work, his legs were locked by Sophia and his neck was also strangled. He only felt that his breathing was not smooth.

"Flying knife, I have it behind my waist!" Sophia glanced at Meng Xiaofei appreciatively and commanded.

Meng Xiaofei nodded hurriedly, separated a hand, touched Sophia's back, and touched it a few times, so that she could really touch the flying knife.

Pulling it out, Meng Xiaofei pierced the ninja below, but when the flying knife was in his hand, Meng Xiaofei did not dare to wave it...

This hesitation gave the ninja a chance. He slammed his hands on the ground, trying to get rid of the two women from him, Sophia locked him hard, Meng Xiaofei was knocked out and fell to the ground.

"You help me hold it down, I'll come!" Sophia shouted hurriedly.

Meng Xiaofei quickly got up, jumped up vigorously, sat down, and smashed at the ninja. With a weight of a hundred kilograms, it directly hit the ninja's waist. Meng Xiaofei smashed the ninja back to the point of his struggle.

The ninja lay heavily on the ground while Meng Xiaofei handed the throwing knife in front of Sophia.

Sophia held the throwing knife with that unable hand, then got up with strength, and quickly smashed it down.

Puff...the sound of flying knives into the flesh came, and the flying knives pierced the ninja's neck fiercely, halfway in instantly.

The neck can be said to be one of the most important parts of the human body. When struck by this knife, the ninja couldn't move in an instant, his body lost strength, severe pain impacted his brain, and a breath of death enveloped him.

Sophia freed the hand that held the ninja's neck, let go of the opponent, held the throwing knife, pulled it out forcefully, and plunged it in again.

The blood spewed out and splashed on Meng Xiaofei and Sophia. Sophia didn't respond. Meng Xiaofei's face was sprayed a bit. She was a little frightened...

After several consecutive stabs, the ninja under her body finally stopped moving. Sophia stopped, but she did not take a breath. The ninja who had been laparotomy on the other side was not dead yet. She held a throwing knife and flew out with a knife, ending that Ninja.

Meng Xiaofei stared, sitting next to the ninja, her eyes straightened, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Sophia glanced out the window. The fight just now had already attracted the attention of the other ninjas. There are still troubles. Sophia must figure out how to escape next.

Reaching out and pulling up Meng Xiaofei, Sophia said in a deep voice: "You will follow me for a while, we will kill."

Meng Xiaofei's eyes were still a little straight, she nodded subconsciously, and muttered in her mouth: "Am I killing someone?"

"I killed them, and these people are not humans, so you should kill a cat and a dog." Sophia said.

Meng Xiaofei nodded, her eyes still a little erratic.

Sophia understood Meng Xiaofei's emotions, but there was no time to enlighten her at this time. After a glance outside, there were already three or four ninjas around, everyone with knives in their hands.

Sophia pulled a piece of the bed sheet, stuffed it into Meng Xiaofei's hand, and said, "Help me wrap it up. You will hide in the house for a while, and wait for'll come out again after I solve them."

Meng Xiaofei immediately started and hurriedly helped Sophia bandage the wound.

Sophia’s wounds have two wounds. One is the rib under the chest. The meat is not deep, but the wound area is large and it was cut horizontally. After bleeding a lot, the wound appeared pale. Meng Xiaofei used it first. The sheet wrapped around Sophia's belly.

"Strongly hold back!" Sophia said.

Meng Xiaofei nodded hurriedly, with tears in her eyes, and yanked twice, carefully looking at Sophia. Seeing that Sophia was only frowning, Meng Xiaofei hurriedly fastened it, took another sheet and wrapped it around Sophia's shoulder. There are many neat movements.

But Sophia's own feeling was very bad. The knife on her shoulder made her hand very weak. Even if it was tightened a little, it was still very inconvenient.

She understands her responsibility, and saving Meng Xiaofei is the only thing she has to do at present. For this reason, the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha, and the gods block and kill the gods, at all costs, even if she herself ends up here.

Sophia can't let Li Yifei's efforts go for nothing, otherwise the two might as well not come to Japan.

Sofia’s strength gave Meng Xiaofei a lot of encouragement. She ran over, picked up two Japanese swords, and handed them to Sofia. She held the other one by herself, puffed up her chest, endured fear, and said, "Sofia Sister, I’m going out with you, even if I can’t deal with one person, I can help you get half of it!"

Sophia glanced at Meng Xiaofei, still shook her head, and said, "You must be safe. This is my responsibility. Obediently, Master didn't come to save you. He is haunting more powerful people and creating time and opportunities for us."

Outside the house, there are more ninjas. Although they are not as powerful as the two ninjas in the house, they are better than the number of people and both are healthy. However, Sophia suffered a hand injury and a waist injury, and her strength was much lower.

Meng Xiaofei bit her lip. She had long wanted to ask where Li Yifei had gone, but she finally knew at this time.

Meng Xiaofei nodded vigorously and said, "Sister Sophia, go ahead, I will take care of myself. I have a knife in my hand, so I am not afraid of them."

Sophia grumbled and said, "Help me tie the knife to my hand."

Meng Xiaofei hurriedly followed suit. When she finished, Sophia shook the ninja knife in her hand, smiled at Meng Xiaofei, and walked to the door without stopping.

After closing the door, Sophia was alone, blocking the door. Outside, the ninjas shouted at her, raised the ninja sword in their hands, and slowly gathered around.

Sofia's thin lips were pressed lightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up, showing a trace of stubbornness and her determination.

With a knife in his hand and blood in his waist, Sophia's assassin's heart was fully revealed.

Assassins kill people, they will also be killed. Sophia was prepared for it, so she was fearless, just like she killed Li Yifei at the beginning. Even if Li Yifei is much better than her, she still wants to kill.

Lifting the knife in his hand, Sophia pointed at the ninjas and said softly, "Come on."

This action angered the ninjas, and they all rushed towards Sophia.

Sophia held the knife in one hand, moved her body, and rushed towards the ninjas.

A group of people fought together, and Meng Xiaofei in the room passed through the crack of the door, watching the situation outside, tears streaming down her face.

She was no longer afraid at this time, even facing the two corpses alone, she was also holding a knife, and now she would try her best to control her emotions and not trouble Sophia.

And Sophia... She has become a **** of murder, and more and more ninjas rushed over, from three or four to seven or eight, to ten, Sophia did not have the heart to stop.

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