The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1431: Get off the horse

Five minutes later, Li Yifei reached the top of the mountain. Here was a platform. A small wooden house was vaguely visible on it. The mountain wind blew by and seemed to have blown away a lot of mist.

Li Yifei directly completed the last step and reached the platform.

During this period, every step he took, the majestic power was pressing against him. The closer he got to the top of the mountain, the stronger the power was. The other party was pressing Li Yifei and provoking him.

Li Yifei did not respond with power. This power also requires the supply of innocence. Inujiro Yanagyu wants to let it go, so let it go. Anyway, the impact on Li Yifei is not great. Inujiro Yanagyu feels that he is infuriated enough and wants to waste it. Let him do that.

The top of the mountain is windy, but there is still a lot of fog. There is a lot of space on the top of the mountain. It is more than a football field. Moreover, the rest is very flat, as if a whole rock has been flattened. Li Yifei walked a few steps. The fog in front was pushed away, but the fog was immediately occupied wherever he went.

Formation? Li Yifei walked a few more steps, and when he was sure, he closed his eyes and felt it, and indeed felt the breath of the formation.

Li Yifei is not good at solving the formation, but he also has his way. Li Yifei stopped, closed his eyes, and took a step again. He didn't just walk forward blindly, but erratic left and right, and the speed was not slow. After dozens of steps, Li Yifei was only able to move forward. Stopped, raised his right foot, and stomped lightly.

There seemed to be a bang from the entire platform, very soft, but the sound spread far, Li Yifei stopped, closed his eyes again, and felt it. One minute later, Li Yifei walked again with his eyes closed.

Step by step, walking slowly. This time, Li Yifei came to the other side of the platform. After a while, Li Yifei stopped, lifted his left foot, and stomped slightly.

Repeated this five times, Li Yi flew to the last place. He opened his eyes, squatted down slowly, waved his hand to disperse the dense fog, the ground under his feet was still a flat stone, and there was no gap in sight. But Li Yifei had no doubts. He stretched out his hand and tapped on the rock with his fingers.

It was just a very light movement. After the two bangs, the sound waves formed by the sound resembled waves, spreading in circles, covering the entire mountain top in a blink of an eye.

A few seconds later, the entire fog seemed to be suddenly held by a big hand, and then released by the big hand. After doing this several times, the fog suddenly dissipated.

Li Yifei broke the formation, and the opponent used a five-element maze to give Li Yifei a disarm. Unfortunately, Li Yifei also had a little understanding of the formation method. Although he was not proficient, he still easily broke the maze.

Li Yifei's eyes gradually became clear, and he slowly stood up, looking at the thatched house that he had seen before climbing to the top. At this time, the thatched house was clearly visible.

A figure turned his back, standing next to the thatched cottage.

That monstrous power also radiated from the opponent, and after the entire top of the mountain was cleared, the person was revealed.

The two were 100 meters apart. Li Yifei did not rush to say anything to him, but observed the surrounding environment.

As he thought, the top of the mountain was a circle, similar to the shape of gossip. Before Li Yifei broke through the fog, he sketched a similar picture in his mind.

Inujiro Yanagyu thought of a good calculation, and wanted to use the fog array to suppress Li Yifei's momentum. It would be a good thing if he could be trapped, and it would not hurt if he could not be trapped. This was just a small distraction.

But seeing Li Yifei solved the formation so quickly, Inujiro Yanagi was still slightly surprised, but what about it, it was just a small formation.

When the mist dissipated, the other party accepted that huge coercion instead.

Li Yifei walked over slowly, and Inujiro Yagyu stood there.

When Inujiro Yanagyu turned around, Li Yifei could see his appearance clearly. As Sophia found out, this man seemed to be only 30 or 40 years old, which was far from the rumored one.

The appearance is ordinary, the skin is very dark, and the facial features are not outstanding. Just like the popular face of the Japanese, the body is not tall, maybe less than one meter seven, and not strong. Such people are placed in humans. In the pile, I am afraid there is no sense of existence, let alone any agent looking for him to act in bed action movies.

It was just such an ordinary... old man, but he was the only two peerless masters in Japan. He was a superpower that Murong Yuanqing should pay attention to, and he was also the one who made Li Yifei feel the most pressure in his life.

But since he was standing here, Li Yifei would not think about that. Since he was up the mountain, he must also go down the mountain.

Inujiro Yanagyu was also observing Li Yifei, observing what the arrogant man who killed most of the Yamaguchi group was like.

There is no surprise. In Inujiro Yanagyu's view, Li Yifei is also very ordinary, even the kind that can't be found in the crowd.

Inujiro Yanagyu had never known that there was a man like Li Yifei before, because he has been obsessed with researching and making innate masters in recent decades. Although he has been failing, if it hadn’t been for Li Yifei to kill most of the Yamaguchi group in Japan, he was provoked Many warriors were angry and came forward together to invite him out of the mountain. Inujiro Yanagi would not know that there is such a person as Li Yifei.

So I sent the two pseudo-masters I created to China to kill Li Yifei. I didn't expect the two apprentices to have extra trouble and make a big bend, and I didn't expect that the two people not only did not kill Li Yifei, but were captured by the opponent.

This surprised him, how did Li Yifei do it? He is a soldier at best, how can he defeat two pseudo-innate masters? This is not a battle of the same level at all.

It's a pity that Inujiro Yanagi's information is not smooth, otherwise he would not be so surprised if he knew that Li Yifei was also a natural master. The gap between a pseudo master and a real master would naturally be huge.

Therefore, Inujiro Yanagyu never took Li Yifei seriously. In his eyes, Li Yifei was just an infamous little character. Even if he defeated the two pseudo-masters he created, he still couldn't see it.

The person who followed Li Yifei at the airport was not instructed by Inujiro Yanagyu, but Miyamoto Ryota himself, but was easily thrown off by Li Yifei. For this reason, Miyamoto Ryota also made a fire and scolded his hand.

"Jiro Yanagyu." Li Yifei stopped more than ten meters away, his waist stretched straight, and said lightly, "I'm here."

Inujiro Yanagyu tossed the corner of his mouth and said, "You really surprised me, you really dare to come."

Li Yifei grinned and said: "One of the two strong men in Japan has to kidnap my sister to threaten me to come to Japan. You also surprised me. You completely gave me a new understanding of the experts in your country. "

Inujiro Yanagyu chuckled, and he was not angry. That was what his apprentice did. But if the other party fell on him, Inujiro Yanagyu wouldn't care. Many people died in his hands over the years, even every year. Many people died because of his experiment. These Inujiro Yagyu didn't care, who made him Inujiro Yagyu.

Inujiro Yanagyu said: "You can solve the formation. It really proves that there are two things, but you want to defeat me and live another hundred years. I am just a little curious, what kind of courage is to make you really dare to challenge me."

Li Yifei looked calm and said, "Oh, it seems you don't know yet."

Inujiro Yanagi raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yifei, and said, "I don't know what?"

"I am an innate master now, so in my eyes, you are not very strong." Li Yifei replied, and at the same time, he also released his power.

Inujiro Yanagyu's eyes widened immediately, obviously with a hint of surprise. As soon as Li Yifei proved that he was innate, Inujiro Yanagyu understood why the two pseudo-masters he created would lose to Li Yifei.

Inujiro Yanagi was not surprised for a long time, instead he was full of joy. Li Yifei became a natural master from an ordinary person. There must be a reason for this. Since the other party took the initiative to send him to the door, Inujiro Yanagyu could not let Li Yifei go.

Restoring calm, Inujiro Yanagyu smiled contemptuously, and said, "It turns out to be an innate master. However, it's just an innate master. Does this give you confidence?"

Li Yifei put away his power, looked around, then turned back and said, "As you said, this really gave me a lot of confidence. But it's not all."

Suddenly, Inujiro Yanagyu laughed, and pointed at Li Yifei with a finger, and said, "You are really arrogant. You dare to talk like that when you see me. Li Yifei, do you really think that the innate master is the pinnacle? Jokes, don't talk about you. I don’t know for what reason, I just became an innate master, even if the old immortals from China come, I’m still confident of defeating them, let alone you arrogant and ignorant kid."

Li Yifei hooked the corner of his mouth, smiled softly, and said, "Before I came, Senior Murong Yuanqing told me, don't take Liu Sheng Ergouzi seriously, that old man has no other skills, and he is a good hand. , It seems that Senior Murong Yuanqing did not lie to me."

Inujiro Liusheng's face immediately condensed, and the other party not only mocked him as a second dog, but also raised Murong Yuanqing's insult to him, which made him very unhappy.

Originally, Li Yifei was a bit arrogant in his words, he would not take it seriously. After all, elephants never cared about the offenses of ants, he thought so too, but suddenly Li Yifei became a congenital master, and also proposed Murong Yuanqing, Liu Shengdog Jiro felt like being beaten in the face.

Inujiro Yanagyu knew about Murong Yuanqing. He had never fought with Murong Yuanqing. But in the situation of the two countries, a generation of masters such as Murong Yuanqing sent out to help the country. Inujiro Yanagyu also participated. The famous Yanagyu Inujiro was defeated and humiliated by a strong man in China several times in succession. That was the shadow of Yanagyu Inujiro's life.

Even now, Inujiro Yagyu thought of it, and he felt a sense of timidity in his heart.

And Murong Yuanqing was a master with the same fame as that person back then, with the same advanced cultivation base.

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