The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1409: Sofia accompanied

"Morning, Yunzhu, Xin'er!" Li Yifei walked over, put down the two daughters, and the two daughters went to their mothers and threw them into their mothers' arms. But without waiting, Li Yifei took her sister and said that she would take her to see the butterfly.

Ye Yunzhu saw Li Yifei's complexion recover, and her heart was relieved. The appearance of Li Yifei last night really worried the girls. Like Ye Yunzhu, she struggled for a long time last night. She could figure out what Li Yifei meant at the dinner table, but it was one thing to understand. What is more worrying is that Su Mengxin and Xu Yingying will not think about it, and there will be conflicts in the family.

Li Yifei is like this. If the two women are deliberately awkward at this time, this is not good news for the Li family.

Ye Yunzhu still wanted to be sure, and asked, "Where is Yingying?"

"She? Take a bath with Mengxin. I heard that the two babies were looking for Dad, so I came out first." Li Yifei grinned, hooked his fingers at Ye Yunzhu and Ning Xin'er, and asked them to come over.

The two women were a little surprised. They didn’t know what Li Yifei was going to do. They stood there without moving. Li Yifei frowned and didn’t explain. Instead, he walked over and kissed Ye Yunzhu’s face. Ye Yunzhu received an electric shock, his eyes instantly Opening it wide, Ning Xin'er opened her mouth slightly, and Li Yifei kissed her in a daze.

Li Yifei said with a smile: "What are you dazed by, don't you plan to have a kiss back?"

After speaking, he raised his face to the two women, waiting for the two women to kiss back.

Ning Xin'er looked a little excited, but reacted faster than Ye Yunzhu, and immediately hugged Li Yifei's neck with both hands, kissed his face fiercely, and let out a bang.

Not to be outdone, Ye Yunzhu also kissed Li Yifei on the other side.

Both women had some light makeup, and the faint lip prints fell on Li Yifei's face.

Upstairs, Su Mengxin, who was wiping her hair after taking a shower, pulled Xu Yingying next to him, pointed out the window, Xu Yingying looked over, just saw this scene, and smiled.

Su Mengxin tossed her hair and said, "Have you noticed that her husband is becoming more and more stylish."

Xu Yingying nodded in agreement, with a faint smile on her face, while tidying up her clothes, she said: "It is true. This also proves that he loves us more."

"Hey, Yingying, when I was hugged by Yifei last night, I didn't think your face was right."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"That's a ruddy cheek, it's like... just finished that kind of thing." Su Mengxin smiled sternly, poked Xu Yingying's chest with her finger, and said, "I secretly solved it last night, right?"

Xu Yingying wouldn't admit it, glared at Su Mengxin, twisted his **** and walked downstairs.

Su Mengxin fell behind, her eyes rolled, and she muttered softly, "Is it possible to get something like that too, and send it to my sisters? You can't do that kind of thing in a short period of time. It’s not easy for everyone to stay idle for a long time. Something happened."

Li Yifei didn't hear these words, otherwise he didn't know what his expression would be, and when he really knew about it, it would be a long time later.

After kissing Ye Yunzhu and Ning Xin'er, Li Yifei ran over to kiss almost anyone on the way.

Don’t think too much about it when you kiss, otherwise the heart will hurt sharply, but the heart doesn’t hurt in an instant. This has something to do with his inner emotions. As long as Li Yifei doesn’t think too much about those things, it’s okay to have a kiss. It hurts, but it can be ignored. It hurts more than a needle stick, but Li Yifei is not an ordinary person. He didn't know how many times he had experienced that pain in these years.

Of course, Li Yifei, who wanted to understand this, was in a better mood. He almost kissed the woman at home, and when he saw Sophia, he almost kissed him.

Sophia has always been protecting the Li family in the dark, like a shadow, never showing up, but as long as there is something, she will appear immediately. These days, she has also helped the Li family a lot and has captured many Xiaoxiao.

And Li Yifei hardly mentioned her, even in front of the women, Li Yifei didn't mention it much, but this time, Li Yifei still called her out.

Sophia stood respectfully in front of Li Yifei. To this powerful man, Sophia had already given in and did not dare to have any ideas.

Li Yifei looked at Sophia, with a faint smile on his face, looked up and down, and suddenly shot at Sophia.

Sophia hurriedly took two steps back. Seeing Li Yifei with a smile on her face, she understood that Li Yifei was only testing her, and quickly countered her.

Sophia's tactics are to strive for a fatal blow, or to defeat the opponent with the least number of shots, never wasted, and Li Yifei immediately got serious when she countered.

The two of you came and went in a small room, and they fought for dozens of rounds. Li Yifei forced Sophia back with one move. Seeing her whip kick, Li Yifei caught it with one hand and said, "Okay. , It's okay, I just want to check how you practiced recently to help."

"Back to Master, the disciple never slackened one day!" Sophia replied first, but there was a blush on his face unconsciously, and he glanced at his leg.

Li Yifei let go and rubbed his palms, but he was not ready to explain this. He did have some selfishness, but this selfishness was not convenient to say.

After regaining his image as a master, Li Yifei commented: "Kungfu does have to be practiced diligently, but you don’t have to be so tired every day. Proper relaxation is also good for cultivation. You are already good now. I just used five minutes of strength. I really beat you."

Sophia had the urge to roll her eyes. She used all her strength and concentrated her efforts on Li Yifei's moves. Every move was her own condensed ultimate move. But when she got to Li Yifei, she only made him use half of the effort. The words are too shocking.

Fortunately, Sophia had known Li Yifei's abnormality a long time ago, so she took a deep breath, and then spit it out, she had forgotten what he said. Anyway, Li Yifei said that she had improved, that is, there was improvement. Sophia was still a little happy in her heart.

Li Yifei didn't know about Sophia's psychological activities, so he turned around and said, "I will go to Japan in a few days, will you go?"

"Japan? Master, why are you going to Japan?" Sophia was taken aback and asked.

Li Yifei recounted the story of Inujiro Yagyu.

Sophia didn't ask for details and arrangements the first time after hearing it, but murmured: "Why is this name so similar to some of our names?"

"Like what?" Li Yifei asked.

Sophia stuck out her tongue, showing a rare cute side, and said, "Inujiro Yanagyu, isn't it just Jigoko Yanagyu..."

Li Yifei snorted, waved his hand and said, "Seriously, what Ergouzi, that is the **** of war in Japan, so be careful of being attacked by them."

Sophia regained seriousness, her aura suddenly changed, with a strong murderous aura on her body and a cold light in her eyes, and said: "Okay, Master, whoever you need to kill, I will kill."

Li Yifei shook his head and said, "I don't need to kill anyone, and I don't know who to kill. As soon as I arrive in Japan, I am exposed. I need someone secretly to help me check the news or solve the trouble. I think of you. But I don’t want you to go. I recently worked out a set of light body techniques that I can give to you."

Sophia agreed, and when he heard that there was something to learn, he was even more happy. He nodded and said, "Okay, then I will go with Master."

Li Yifei called Sophia out for this purpose, and when she agreed, the goal was achieved.

After a few more confessions, Li Yifei left this idle villa, and Sophia flashed and disappeared. Even in the daytime, this mysterious female assassin was like this.

Li Yifei swayed under Su Yiyi's villa, where the greenhouse garden had been built, and Nayi's Gu King friend was placed here.

Now this place has become a scene of the Li family. Daughters like to play here. Women occasionally come to have a free time. Not only are there all kinds of flowers, but also because of the existence of Gu King, it attracts countless people. Beautiful butterflies, hummingbirds, bees.

They didn't come here to gather honey, but to worship the Gu King who was still in the cocoon. Especially the butterflies, after they fly, they fly high in the sky, and then hover in circles, flashing beautiful wings, and slowly descending. When they reach a certain height, these butterflies will hang in the air again, and their wings will be very fanned. Quickly, it finally fell down, crawling on the ground, its wings fully spread out, and the whole thing stuck to the ground.

This kind of worship sometimes lasts for several days, but these insects such as butterflies and bees do not die here. The process of worship seems to give them power, so they are powerful when they fly away.

Bees and the like are not aggressive, even if you pinch it, it won't move.

What’s more bizarre is that the flowers and plants around Li’s family are very luxuriant. Even a few dead trees are slowly growing green leaves, and they are glowing with new life, so that the employees who are responsible for the care of the flowers and plants are tut. Amazed.

Not only the trees, but even the flowers and plants raised by the women themselves are the same. They were going to die. The leaves and rhizomes were all broken. Recently, they have regained their vitality, and some even bloomed flowers.

Some people even brought over the dead flowers and plants. A few days later, they were also pleasantly surprised to find that the flowers and plants came back to life.

Strange power, this is the power that Gu King brings, Nayi also gave an explanation, Xiao Wu has a mysterious power of life, and is very close to nature, so those flowers and plants will glow with vitality.

Today Li Yifei came to see King Gu, to see this strange scenery.

The two daughters are playing in the flowers. Li Yifei is very good at taking care of her younger sister, and she will not run away, and she is also very careful not to let her sister bump into it. Ye Yunzhu and Ning Xiner are holding two books in the shade of the tree. On the lower swing, swaying gently, slowly reading the book.

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