The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1407: Li Yifei's tricks

Although Xu Yingying was angry, she couldn't say hard words. Even now she just expressed dissatisfaction with what Li Yifei said just now, and didn't say anything. If she was dissatisfied, she would stop me and so on.

Li Yifei shook his head and replied again and again: "On the contrary, I am very satisfied with you, and know that you understand what I mean, so I chose that time to say it, wife, we have been together for so long, and you still don’t understand. My heart, how could I blame you, but the atmosphere at home is very wrong, I can't find a better way for a while, I can only say those things, if you are angry, your husband is here, let you punish. "

"I don't want to touch you. If you stay away from me now, I will be fine."

"It's far enough from you, I can't do that with you now." Li Yifei sighed.

It’s okay not to mention this. When mentioning this, Xu Yingying was suddenly excited again. Two hands pinched Li Yifei's body. Li Yifei didn't dodge. He just assumed it was massaging. After Xu Yingying pinched enough, he said. "My wife, I have been working hard for you these days. I am not at home, and I rely on you to support such a big family, and I can’t do my duty as a husband... Of course, I know you are the hardest. It’s difficult to maintain the normal atmosphere of this big family, impartiality, and make them comfortable. This is difficult, I know."

Xu Yingying snorted, and said frustratedly: "What's the use of saying this? After doing so much, aren't you still dissatisfied with me?"

Li Yifei quickly clarified and said: "There is no dissatisfaction, this is absolutely nothing, but I don't know how to alleviate their dissatisfaction. I can only speak like that to let everyone feel my mind. Although it is somewhat reluctant, the effect should be better. , I just owe some consideration, but didn’t I come to explain to you right away, my wife, don’t be angry."

Xu Yingying's mouth moved, her right hand squeezed Li Yifei's arm vigorously and twisted it a bit, but she turned over and bit on Li Yifei's chest again. She really used her strength, and Li Yifei's chest pained.

He endured it, and when Xu Yingying released his mouth, Li Yifei still looked at her tenderly.

Xu Yingying hammered Li Yifei weakly, and did not say what she complained, but raised her hand to help Li Yifei rub the place where she had just bitten.

There were two clear rows of teeth marks, Xu Yingying also frowned secretly, secretly saying how could she make such a heavy mouth.

The room fell silent for a while, Xu Yingying lay on Li Yifei’s chest, quietly listening to his heartbeat, but the body did not stick to it, she was too angry to make Li Yifei uncomfortable, this is probably love, because she loves each other , Many things can be ignored or ignored. No matter how uncomfortable in my heart, when I see each other, I can't bear to hurt each other.

With ears pressed to Li Yifei’s chest, there was a strong heartbeat, tom tom tom, and Xu Yingying’s heartbeat to fit together, as if Li Yifei jumped, she would also beat with it, as if he suddenly stopped beating, he would also have a heart Stop beating.

How did Xu Yingying get angry with this feeling, and how to say those things against her will.

Xu Yingying surrendered and gave up punishing Li Yifei. Of course, she understood why Li Yifei had to say those words in front of that occasion. It was not to destroy the harmonious atmosphere at home, but to give everyone a warning, or just to make everyone unhappy. After all, being unhappy is also an emotional vent.

And Xu Yingying's reaction at the time was also the most appropriate. She did not leave, and others would not leave. When she left, the scene immediately dispersed, which allowed Li Yifei's goal to be achieved.

Therefore, Xu Yingying was not so angry as to say that she was cooperating with Li Yifei from the beginning, and this was the reason why Li Yifei was able to calmly take Nayi's hand and send her back.

If there was no fire in the courtyard, Li Yifei didn't rush to save the field, but also went to comfort Nayi, his heart was so big.

With this silence, both of them were reluctant to break the peace. Xu Yingying's faint breathing sounded, leaning against Li Yifei's arms, her exhaustion these days hits her, making Xu Yingying kind of close her eyes and sleep comfortably. Feel the feeling.

"I'll clean your body, let's go to bed, okay?" Li Yifei said softly.

Xu Yingying gave a hum. She was lazy at this time. She had already forgotten the previous unhappiness in her head. She had to find an excuse. She loved this man so much and understood the reason he did that, so naturally she couldn't get angry. , Otherwise, after not coming back, without the comfort of Su Mengxin and others, he directly chose to take a bath.

Xu Yingying will let go of the attitude that should be there, but the persistence that should be let go, Xu Yingying will also let go. She is not the woman who knows little about feelings a few years ago. Now Xu Yingying knows how to defend her own man and understand this. the man.

Li Yifei tried his best not to look at Xu Yingying’s body, took her out of the fish tank, wiped her body briefly, pulled a large bath towel around Xu Yingying’s body, wiped her hair, and wrapped it. And he also took off his soaked clothes, and the infuriating energy circulated, evaporated the water vapor, and found his pajamas to wear.

He hugged Xu Yingying and walked to the bedroom.

Gently put down Xu Yingying, who had already closed his eyes, Li Yifei licked his lower lip, and slowly moved over, his lips were printed on Xu Yingying's lips, the fragrance of fragrance came, and Li Yifei couldn't help but sway and hesitate. Whether to continue the attack.

Continue to attack, Li Yifei will endure the anger-like pain again, without kissing... Li Yifei feels ashamed to Xu Yingying again.

Xu Yingying responded. She was tired at first. She was kissed by Li Yifei. She immediately opened her eyes and pushed Li Yifei away hard, just like when they kissed.

Li Yifei was slightly stunned, and heard Xu Yingying say: "Hold me to sleep at night, but... you can't kiss. I don't want you to be in pain. I really want to kiss. We can kiss for a day after you solve the problem in the body."

Li Yifei's heart immediately became hot, and he was so touched.

He hugged Xu Yingying again, Li Yifei's voice changed, and said, "My wife, I will not take you down in this life, Li Yifei."

Xu Yingying loosened her biting lip, and said, "This life alone is not enough. I have paid so much for the rest of my life."

"Well, in the next life, in the next life, we will be together, I'm afraid you will get tired of it then. I feel that I will always be unhappy when facing a man."

Xu Yingying hugged Li Yifei's waist, buried her head in it, smelling the man's smell, and felt very at ease. At this time, she had no thoughts, angry, dissatisfied, tired, and other negative emotions.

A few minutes later, Xu Yingying suddenly raised her head, opened her eyes to look at Li Yifei, and clicked her mouth twice, and said, "You are going to sleep with me tonight, okay?"

Li Yifei nodded immediately and said, "Okay, of course, I am not ready to leave when I come."

Xu Yingying pursed her lips, but quickly shook her head and said, "No, you have to go to Mengxin's place, and to other women, you will go tomorrow."

Li Yifei raised his eyebrows, looked at Xu Yingying seriously, and listened to her say: "Mengxin actually needs you more than I do. She has been holding it all these days."

Li Yifei patted Xu Yingying's back and said, "Well, I'll go there, but I will come back to sleep with your arms around you."

There used to be a time when Li Yifei could go to bed with Xu Yingying all night, but now it has become a luxury to sleep all night.

Li Yifei sighed in his heart that he couldn’t change it for the time being, but after experiencing Lin Qiong’s things, he seriously found that he had to do something, otherwise the family might have an outbreak, so he suddenly became so close to the women, including Nayi. .

Holding Xu Yingying and letting her get into the bed, Li Yifei went to the ground, wearing slippers, ready to leave.

Li Yifei turned to leave, Xu Yingying stopped him, Li Yifei turned back and looked at Xu Yingying.

Xu Yingying pointed to her mouth, her little mouth pouted slightly, and a lovely and charming look emerged for a while.

Li Yifei rushed over, put his hands on Xu Yingying's side, lowered his head to catch Xu Yingying's mouth, and pecked hard. He wouldn't dare to kiss more, otherwise he wouldn't have to go to Su Mengxin's.

Xu Yingying just wanted this, and she was very satisfied. When Li Yifei left, she stretched out her small pink tongue and carefully licked her lips. The blush slowly appeared on her face, as if she was reminiscing the taste just now. Go and wipe off Li Yifei's breath.

Reaching out to turn off the bedside lamp, in the dark, Xu Yingying sneaked one of his hands under the quilt, then passed through the pajamas, and slowly reached a mysterious location... After a while, it came out from the bedroom. There was a slight grunt, but Li Yifei couldn't hear it.

Li Yifei has come to Su Mengxin’s villa. Su Mengxin has just finished taking a shower. She did some aerobics and yoga before. He heard the knock on the door and walked over to open the door. Seeing Li Yifei, Su Mengxin’s eyes were slightly surprised, as if she was asking you what Come to me?

Li Yifei walked in and looked up and down Su Mengxin. The No. 1 Chinese beauty is impeccable in her face, body, skin tone, skin quality, and even her hands and feet. The key is that she is not only excellent outside, but Su Mengxin has worked so hard. maintenance.

Su Mengxin poured a glass of water for Li Yifei and walked over and asked, "Yingying is there to coax you?"

Li Yifei smiled and said, "Well, she's all right now."

After speaking, he said: "Your sister's relationship is really good. I will go to her, and she will let me come to you. Come to you, you will ask her first."

Su Mengxin smiled triumphantly, sitting next to Li Yifei, most of the two **** under the nightgown were exposed, and the legs were folded together to add to the beauty. Maybe he thought it was too tempting for Li Yifei, so Su Mengxin changed it again In a pose, cover your legs with a nightgown.

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