The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1401: Turned out to be a pseudo-master

But it didn’t take long for Inujiro Yanagyu to discover that although these two apprentices had become innate masters, they were handicapped. The two were not like him. They instantly became different from ordinary warriors. They just had a special training. For, it has no effect. Inumaru only relies on the strong body and tirelessly attacking opponents, while the short fat is quick and flexible.

Both of them have only mastered part of the abilities of innate masters, but a truly strong man, his speed is fast, his body is agile, his body is strong, and he has a true energy that is endless, and it is not something that ordinary martial artists can contend. These two people will quickly consume their qi in a confrontation, and then become half-dead, just like ordinary people, and it will take several days to slow down. After slowing down, they will feel the same as a natural master.

There is true qi, but it consumes very quickly when used, and recovers very slowly. This is not a normal innate master at all, it is clearly a fake and inferior product.

Inujiro Yanagyu tried to kill the two men several times. He couldn't tolerate this kind of failure, but this was already his last resort. After decades of thinking about it, he couldn't solve it. Finally, he thought that there was a solution, and he did it again. Two things came out.

Those precious materials are very difficult to get together. If he weren't for Inujiro Yagyu, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do it.

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​Inujiro Yanagyu. These two pseudo-masters have created them. Their strength is still very strong. Inujiro Yanagyu asked them to go down the mountain for some experience, and found that they can still deal with ordinary masters, so there is no Kill these two people.

Naturally, I sent two people to China this time, thinking that they could join forces to deal with Li Yifei, it should be fine.

Then this is the result.

After listening to Li Yifei, he was slightly shocked. He knew that many strong players in many countries in the world are actually looking for ways to create more masters. It's just that this is an unnatural thing, and basically no one can succeed. If he is not a coincidence , I’m afraid I can’t have innate true qi, and then become an innate master.

This matter must be told to Murong Yuanqing and the others. Now that the Yanagyu Inujiro has found a way to create an innate master, this is extremely dangerous, especially for this ambitious country.

Li Yifei asked some more questions before feeling relieved. Inujiro Yanagi's method can only produce defective products, and this defective product is not enough for real masters. Moreover, Inujiro Yanagi needs to make it once. There are many things, the process is also very difficult, and the success rate is also very low, which is very reassuring, otherwise this will be a big deal.

Many organizations on the ground and underground around the world are looking for ways to make people break through to innate masters. If this method is found by Inujiro Yanagyu, it will be a threat to the world.

A lot of congenital masters, in today's crowded cities, how destructive it is, even pseudo masters, it is very difficult to deal with.

Li Yifei finally finished asking what he wanted to know, his eyes calmed down, and he glanced at the chunky ninja faintly, and the other party immediately trembled in fright, calling out not to kill him.

"A good answer, I won't kill you." Li Yifei left a sentence, turned and walked out.

The chunky ninja was lying on the hospital bed as if collapsed. He didn't want to stay with the demon Li Yifei for a moment. This person was terrible.

Li Yifei got out of the ward and called Murong Yuanqing again. As soon as the call was made, Murong Yuanqing's hurried voice came: "I'm about to call you. Your news is too important."

"Senior Murong, I just asked for some information from those two Japanese ninjas, and I just wanted to tell you."

"Ah, then you speak first!"

Li Yifei recounted the news from the chunky ninja. After Murong Yuanqing on the phone listened to it, he was silent for a while before he let out a sigh of relief and said, "If this is the case, then it is definitely good news. , If that Yagyu Inujiro really has a way to make innate masters, it would be too bad. The information you asked is too useful, otherwise we old guys can't ask for an appointment and go to Japan."

Only then did Li Yifei understand how important this matter is. It would make Murong Yuanqing and several old gods like figures almost go abroad together to kill Inujiro Yanagi in Japan. This is definitely a super big event.

Murong Yuanqing confirmed it again, and Li Yifei said: "Now I only know this from one ninja unilaterally. When the other wakes up, I have to ask again. There is no possibility of collusion between the two of them, and the information obtained is more authentic. Stronger."

"Okay, you can handle this matter first, and some of our old guys will ask you for credit, because this matter is so important. After all, this world is the world of ordinary people. People like us are actually It is not tolerated by the world, so most of us live in seclusion and do not participate in world affairs. If Inujiro Yanagyu is able to find a way, based on the nature of the Japanese, China is the first dangerous country."

"No problem, I also have responsibilities and obligations on this matter, and I will definitely check it out."

"Keep in touch, you can call me anytime you have news these days."

In the afternoon, the tall and thin ninja, also called Inumaru, woke up. Li Yifei went to ask again, this Inumaru was more unintimidated than the chunky ninja, so he explained everything directly. The result is similar to the chunky ninja. almost.

Li Yifei sorted out the information and sent it to Murong Yuanqing.

The Lin family is also under investigation. There was such a big incident. The Lin family was secretly undercovering the black hand, but the plan was spotted by Li Yifei ahead of time, and their preparations vanished. Important figures in the Lin family were controlled and various orders could not be passed on. Going out and waiting for the ending of the Lin family is basically going to jail.

The various families in the provincial capital behaved differently. Some well-informed families such as the Ye family knew the news last night, while the other families also received clear news today.

The Sun family and Sun Fugui had fallen into despair. After learning about the Lin family's conspiracy and plans, Sun Fugui yelled. The Sun family also hated the Lin family. The Lin family wanted to pick peaches. This behavior was simply hated.

But Sun Fugui had no other way except to scold others. The Lin family, ranked fourth in the provincial capital, was directly solved by Li Yifei using violent thunder. Their Sun family is now completely damaged, and there is no reason to survive. .

Now there is even a voice in the Sun family that they should not provoke the Li family in the first place. They even took the Sun Mingli family of three and were hated by the rest of the Sun family. Sun Mingli dare not speak out at home now.

What is cheating? That's it. He was scammed by his son and his wife. Now he is scammed by his own old man. With the impact of the tens of billions of funds, the Sun family seemed to have hope for life on the surface, but it was actually worse. The loss of a large amount of assets could not be stopped.

But just today, the tens of billions of funds suddenly disappeared, and this sudden withdrawal directly put the Sun family on the brink of bankruptcy. Even at this time, the Sun family will fall without the Li family's push.

The Song family, Song Zude and others were shivering. The two families had fought with Li Yifei for so long. At the beginning, they regarded the Li family as a small family. What if Li Yifei could fight again, but who would have thought that Li Yifei could not make a move. As soon as he made his move, he was killed immediately. This level of cruelty caused the entire Song family to fall into fear.

Even if Li Yifei and the Li family have not expressed their intention to continue to the Song family, the Song family has to meet urgently. Will they show more sincerity to tie up the Li family? Some people even come up with an idea to do something to the Sun family. , Take the initiative to help the Li family.

Song Zude immediately vetoed it. A big family also had to be ethical. It was hateful to retreat before the battle. Then again, who would dare to cooperate with the Song family or help the Song family.

And like the Ye family, they just laughed to death. Ye Zhenyang received a phone call from her daughter at noon, which meant that the Ye family could choose some of the Sun family and Lin family’s properties, and was ready to take over and share a piece of the pie. Ye Zhenyang laughed. He said that it was his daughter who was still facing her home and turned around and told Ye Jingfeng the news, making the father happier.

The Ye family had long wanted to intervene, but helplessly, the Li family never let go, and the Ye family did not publicly show support and did not give proper help when the fight between the two families was fierce, so it was embarrassing at this time. Start, otherwise the food is too unsightly.

And with the Li Family's instruction, Ye Family can start, of course, you still have to pay attention to eating, otherwise it would be a bit too much.

This is what Li Yifei meant. It is impossible for the Li family to take over these two, and it may even be the territory of three families. It is better to let some of them out and distribute them to other families, so that everyone is happy and the feelings of hostility towards the Li family are also Can be weaker, at least don't be so wary of them.

Cooperation is a win-win situation. In one place, it is not good to be wary of each other.

But a family like the Zheng family that had made friends with the Song family did no good at all. Just as the Zheng family was about to reach out secretly, they were warned by the Li family.

It’s very simple. The Li family’s hard work can choose to distribute to any family member, but the Li family did not nod. If any family wants to stretch out their hands, the Li family will show up the butcher knife, stretch out their hands and chop their hands, stretch their feet and chop their feet. , There is absolutely no discussion, the Li family is so domineering.

Not only the provincial capital family, but for some small families in Yecheng, as long as they really make good friends with the Li family, they can also get a share of the pie.

But the Li family has a principle, the most profitable industry with the best asset appraisal, it will definitely be controlled by the Li family. As for those who come and go, our family eats meat, you have soup.

Like the Ye family, because of their relationship with Ye Yunzhu, plus the previous two billion financial support, the Li family wants to repay, so the Ye family stretches their hands longer and grabs more. Everyone will tolerate it. This is the result of discussions among the women in the family. If anyone's family wants to make some money, it's okay to get some experience.

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