The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1382: Desperado

There is still no news at home. Meng Xiaofei has been missing for three days. The girls can only worry in vain, but they can’t help. Chu Xiaoyao used hackers to not only invade Sun’s mobile phone, but also Song The family’s mobile phone heard some news, and some related to Meng Xiaofei, but they were all irrelevant. It was just the other party’s gloat or bad talk. It is impossible to determine whether the two were related to Meng Xiaofei’s kidnapping.

The other women were even more helpless. They could only watch Li Yifei and Lin Qiong rush outside. After learning about Li Yifei’s experience, Xu Shanshan immediately decided to go to the provincial capital to help Li Yifei, but Li Yifei refused. The family is more important. Jiang Ningxiang was guarded by a pregnant woman, and Li Yifei couldn't worry about it. If it was just the Sun family, Li Yifei didn't care, but now that there is a more powerful mysterious gang, Li Yifei has to guard against it.

The home is the base camp, and Li Yifei even took half of the security guards out. At this time, the home was empty.

Xu Shanshan was very unhappy, but it was not Li Yifei to blame, but resentment for those kidnapped.

The daughters spread the grievances accumulated these days on the Sun family. The big tree of the Sun family was finally crumbling. Seeing that it would fall down at any time, it seemed that it could not bear a gust of wind. , But at this moment, a huge amount of capital was suddenly injected, which will certainly help the Sun family to increase the stock index, help the Sun family to increase the market, and suppress the Li family.

The capital was only 1 billion at the beginning, and the Li family didn’t even care too much, because during this period of time, the Li family and the Sun family were hot, and the capital flow of large and small stocks from the outside world did not go away. Careful, their purpose is to defeat the Sun family. It is tolerable for others to take advantage of the opportunity to drink some soup. There are millions of funds, tens of millions of funds, hundreds of millions of dollars, and some make money, and some make money. The Li family will not consider their feelings and tell them when to sell and when to buy. But this is the first time that billions of dollars of funds have appeared. But I only thought that a certain family couldn't help but want to take advantage of the fact that the Sun family was about to fall.

But an hour later, another billion of funds were injected, and the stock market changed instantly. The women realized that it was not good. The capital predators had invaded. The women listened to the feedback below and discussed solutions. The other party was obviously In the rescue, the Li family is now desperately suppressing the Sun family’s stock market, and absolutely cannot let the other party save it, otherwise the Sun family will come alive again.

Every hour, one billion funds are injected in. With the support of almost unlimited funds, Sun’s stock market rebounded to the highest level that day. At the same time, statistics show that nearly five billion funds are injected. This is a domestic business war. Among them, they are all a small number. Money is not spent like this. What is the concept of five billion yuan? Some listed companies are only a few hundred million yuan in scale, and five billion yuan is injected. The stock was pulled up and came back to life.

The women continuously discussed several countermeasures to deal with this sudden crisis.

These things did not tell Li Yifei, everyone just wanted him to find clues at ease and rescue Meng Xiaofei as soon as possible.

Li Yifei was resting with Meng Xiaofei’s necklace on his arm. He had barely rested in the past few days. No matter how good his body was, he couldn’t hold it anymore. Lin Qiong felt distressed when he saw his dark circles under the eyes. Almost, Li Yifei was forced to lie down and kissed him on the mouth. Lin Qiong took a coat and put it on Li Yifei's body and let him sleep for two hours.

Several clues were being traced, and there was nothing serious about it. Li Yifei also listened to Lin Qiong's words, but did not insist, and lay in the car and slept.

I didn’t sleep for a long time and was awakened by a loud noise. Li Yifei opened his eyes and sat up and looked out the car window. Lin Qiong was yelling into the phone. Li Yifei rubbed his face and opened the door to walk down. , I found that it was already evening.

Walking over, I saw Lin Qiong speaking to the phone: "Control the scene, don't be impulsive, and wait for me to pass."

After hanging up the phone and seeing Li Yifei, Lin Qiong said, "The sniper has been spotted in a small clinic. He is now confronting our people, but...the clinic has six hostages."

"I'll go with you." Li Yifei said immediately.

The two went by car to a small clinic surrounded by the police. The police snipers were also in place. The assaulters and blasters were also ready. The hostage incident made them be cautious. Those were six innocent people.

On the way, Li Yifei and Lin Qiong learned that the sniper had been shot. The location of the shot was in the lower back. Although it was not a fatal place, it would hurt to cut a mouth on his hand, not to mention a bullet on his waist. This sniper disguised and came to the small clinic under the response of his companions. They naturally did not dare to go to the large hospital. In this small clinic, it happened to be the kind of black clinic that could do human flow and minor surgery. That's why this sniper came here.

Now they found two people, two people kidnapped six people. The other side had sniper rifles and pistols in their hands. Other weapons, or even lethal weapons such as grenade, were not ruled out.

The people around have been evacuated, and the masses have also been removed. When the clearance was completed, when Li Yifei and Lin Qiong arrived, the leaders of the provincial and city authorities were also on the scene and were negotiating with each other.

The opponent is desperado. Not only does he carry a lethal weapon, he has a better psychological quality, but he also pays attention to finding shelter in the clinic. The police sniper can hardly find a good position to snipe, and the opponent is very capable.

Li Yifei arrived at the scene and looked at it for a while before he came to the clinic's map. Some people have been to the clinic and the map has been roughly drawn.

Forcibly rushing in is bound to endanger the hostages, but such a stalemate is not good for the hostages. The other party has only one request. Let them go, and they will ensure that the hostages are intact, or they would rather both die and pull these six people back.

With so many people surrounded, it would be a joke if the hostages were removed again, so of course the police would not agree. The person in charge of the provincial capital was called Yue Yonggui. He was the director of the provincial public security department. High, very tough, Li Yifei frowned when he threatened with his trumpet.

"Our people, whose marksmanship is good?" Li Yifei asked Lin Qiong in a low voice.

Lin Qiong thought for a while and found a sharpshooter. This is the policeman with the best marksmanship in Yecheng. During the province's martial arts competitions, he also won the first place several times. This time, he came to the provincial capital to assist with the case.

Li Yifei looked at him and asked, "Are you sure to shoot someone at such a distance?"

The sharpshooter did not answer, but looked at the scene first. After a minute, he nodded and said: "This distance is very sure, but there are two gangsters inside. I cannot shoot two. If there is one left, the other party will immediately Will take action on the hostages."

Li Yifei condensed his eyebrows and said, "I will solve the other one. You only need to shoot one of them. Of course, you have to tell me in advance which one you are dealing with!"

The sharpshooter was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Are you going to snipe with me?"

Li Yifei took the simple map, pointed at the back door above, and said, "No, I sneaked in through the back door. I saw that the back door is a glass door. I can smash in. Lock the character on your side, and when you shoot, notify me. I immediately rushed in to solve the other one."

The sharpshooter shook his head quickly and said, "No, it's too risky. Once it fails, the safety of the hostages will not be guaranteed."

Li Yifei said: "If you want to solve it in a short time, there is only this way. If you delay for a while, the hostages will be more dangerous, so..."

"Okay, I agree, but what about the gun?" The sharpshooter was carrying a police gun, not a sniper rifle, and ordinary police guns would certainly not achieve the sniper effect.

So this matter can only be left to Song Ranmin. Yue Yonggui is very disgusted with the police in Yecheng, not only because of their superiority in the ranks, but also because they go to Yecheng these days to toss and toss, which makes Yue Yonggui feel annoying. This is him. Yue Yonggui wanted to scold his mother because a bunch of outsiders were tossing on his own site.

But he didn't scold it. He just embarrassed the police in Yecheng. Now Song Ranmin ran over and asked to borrow a sniper rifle. If he has a sharpshooter on his side, Yue Yonggui was even more angry and said directly: "You have to mean to say The police in the provincial capital all eat dry food, are they inferior to the police in your Yecheng?"

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Song Ranmin said with a smile: "Yue Ju, I didn't mean that, but our sharpshooter, with very good marksmanship. Give him a gun. Maybe it will help in a while. Don't worry. The credit for arresting people and saving the hostages is also from the provincial capital. We will never fight for it."

Yue Yonggui just snorted, curled his lips, raised his chin, and said: "Go, find him one, but I have a word first. No one is allowed to shoot without an order. Anyone who dares to violate this, I Fire him."

Song Ranmin took the gun and said, "Okay."

The gun was given, but it was an old gun, and it was not very good. It was very different from the sniper rifles used by other snipers. The old gun had poor stability and was prone to malfunctions. It can be said that Yue Yonggui was deliberate. Yes, even if there were few guns at the scene, it wouldn't be enough to get him an old gun.

But the opponent's level was too high, and people deliberately made things difficult. Song Ranmin couldn't help it. He couldn't send someone back to Yecheng to get a gun, and then come back again, but it was after dark.

The gun was given to the sharpshooter and Li Yifei. Li Yifei understood what was going on at a glance. When the sharpshooter took the gun and checked it carefully, he nodded and said, "The gun is okay, and the parts and maintenance are okay. It doesn’t matter if it only fires one shot and two shots."

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