The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1340: The second day of the war

Li Yifei, wearing a cute little skirt, ran in from outside, and heard Ning Xin'er's noise, and shouted to her: "Mom. Don't scold Dad!"

Ning Xin'er gradually stopped crying, wiped her tears, picked up her daughter, and said: "Mom didn't scold Dad. Mom just told Dad that Yi Fei and I love him very much!"

Li Yifei blinked her big eyes, tilted her head for a moment, and replied, "Not only my mother and I, but other mothers also love Dad, and my younger sisters love Dad!"

Childish and childish, the most sincere, Li Yifei reached out and hugged his daughter and kissed his delicate face. Li Yifei hugged his neck, kissed him a few times, giggled, and played with her father. .

The relaxed atmosphere also infected other women. Looking at the father-daughter and father-daughter family happiness, it was naturally very beautiful. After a short rest, Li Yifei took over the responsibility of taking care of her father. Su Mengxin took over Ning Xiner. , Confessed her task.

When Ning Xin'er heard this, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and joined in.

These women have different starting points, but after several years of training, they are no longer what they used to be. They are very strong in their respective fields. Ning Xiner has been an actor for so many years, and she knows the guiding role of public opinion. Let alone a family, several companies, even a country, under the guidance and pressure of public opinion, she will have to give in. Therefore, she received The task, immediately put into work, called Song Lianyao and Li Xinyue, after some discussion, they issued a few orders.

You know, Ning Xin'er has not been a star for so many years. There are really a lot of talents in the field of creating public opinion or spreading certain topics, that is, the navy.

The existence of the occupation of the navy is definitely something that some people like and some worry about, but in the spirit of self-interest, this kind of existence is reasonable now.

For example, the two companies Sun Song investigated and dealt with violations, factories, and people who violated regulations. The news was originally known in a small area, but after Li Xinyue's processing, it immediately turned into pieces of posts exposing the news and handed them to the Navy. In my hands, relevant news appeared on major domestic portals and even video websites. Moreover, under the attack of the navy forces, these posts were quickly placed on the top, so that many onlookers who did not know the truth quickly learned about these things.

Reporters from major newspapers and tabloids stationed in these media throughout the year were even more moved by the news, especially reporters from other provinces, who called in one after another to ask their counterparts in the province for the exact news, and some even went straight to the provincial capital overnight to promote the fearlessness of journalists. The spirit of death, in the spirit of giving the masses a true news story, they will deeply dig into the news inside, and look forward to exploding the news.

Among them, a piece of uncovered press releases was placed in the most conspicuous position by several portals.

The post "Arrogant and Domineering-Revealing the Two Big Families in N Province" is a senior navy who personally completed the post. As soon as it was published, countless people immediately forwarded comments.

The content is too detailed, and even some things that the two families did a few years ago have been turned up, including how the Sun and Song two families made their fortunes, how to maintain them, what companies are in the family, and who is managing these companies? I talked in detail about some of the arrogant and domineering things that the Sun and Song family did. The family children killed innocent women, the family children took guns in the street to intimidate others, the family business resorted to violent methods during the relocation and land acquisition, the family members were involved in crime, and the family descendants How the children lived in decay and degeneration, etc., the writing is very detailed.

After calling someone to read it, he yelled.

Sun Fugui was found in a coma by his family, and he was immediately sent to the hospital for rescue. Fortunately, the old man was only fainted. There was no serious problem with the brain, blood vessels and heart. He woke up a few hours ago and threw himself into the counterattack. Sun The children of the family were also mobilized and began to counterattack the Li family. However, the Li family has been very cautious recently. All the handles they had grasped in the past suddenly became useless, and for a while, they were a little bit helpless. An angry Sun Fugui yelled while sitting on the hospital bed.

Sun Mingli dare not touch his brows anymore. He is not a failure. As a department-level cadre, he can get to this position. Family help is one aspect, and his own efforts are also essential. Of course, this is what he thinks. What is really true, Sun Fugui knows better, in order to help this son get a leisurely office-level position, the Sun family paid a lot of price.

As for Ma Dongxiang, he is here, but he directly scolded Sun Fugui and threw him out. In Sun Fugui's words, this woman is simply no brains. Several times in succession, she killed the Sun family. Falling into passiveness, stepping back step by step, this time he urged Sun Mingli to continue a private job. This time it was done. At this moment, he was sealed.

The family of the Sun family is very large, and there are many clansmen in the branches. At this time, one of his daughters, Sun Mingli, is serving Sun Fugui, who is in charge of overseas business. After studying abroad for a few years, he came back and took over the business of the Sun family abroad.

At the beginning, I didn't pay less, and lost more than one billion yuan. In the past few years, I have become smart. If it weren't for the great cause of the Sun family, I am afraid it would have been unable to sustain it.

As soon as Sun Mingli left, she angrily squeezed a newspaper and walked in.

"What's the matter?" Sun Fugui had just taken the medicine and was looking out the window with his eyebrows, when he saw his daughter go and return.

Sun Mingli handed the newspaper to Sun Fugui and said, "Dad, these newspapers are so damning that they publish such information that slanders our family!"

A man in his thirties in the room immediately stood up, came over and saw this report published by a newspaper in the provincial capital. Before Sun Fugui could respond, he patted the table first and yelled: "I Go and bring people to smash this newspaper. You dare to report indiscriminately and turn them back!"

After speaking, this person is about to leave. Sun Fugui frowned and said, "What are you doing, sit down for me. It's just a report, or this kind of inconspicuous tabloid. What are you anxious, Sun Mingzhe, what you are responsible for now is Several factories in the provincial capital must be managed strictly for me during this period of time. What happened last night is absolutely forbidden. You know what to do. If you do something wrong, you will get out of Sun’s house."

"Yes... Second Uncle!" Sun Mingzhe sat down angrily.

Sun Fugui said to Sun Mingli: "Mingli, what happened to the stock price that was maliciously suppressed last night?"

Sun Mingli threw the newspaper aside. Since Sun Fugui didn’t let the troubles arise, they let the small newspaper go. They took out their mobile phones, took a few glances, and said to Sun Fugui, "Dad, the stock price has stabilized. , I have mobilized enough funds, and if the other party sells after the market opens, we can also attract them all, so don’t worry!"

Sun Fugui nodded and said: "Well, that's good. In this regard, I don't worry, you don't care if you lose some, as long as you can withstand the first few waves of the Li family!"

"Go out and tell the family, don't panic, what should you do, do your own thing."

Calling the people waiting outside, Sun Fugui arranged the tasks one by one. After a short break, he saw Song Zude opening the door and walking in.

After the greeting, Song Zude said: "Old Sun, seeing you are all right, my heart is relieved!"

"Worry you!" Sun Fugui smiled and nodded, took the cigarette thrown by the other party, and after lighting it, Sun Fugui said: "Our two families are now sharing the same honor and disgrace, so I'll be straightforward, last night So far, how has the Song family lost?"

"Not many, several hundred million, a few factories and companies, and some minor troubles!" Song Zude replied easily.

The reason for the panic last night was that the two families did not expect that the Li family would be in a sudden attack, and they were caught off guard, but after stabilizing, the confidence of the two families appeared, otherwise Song Zude would not come to see Sun Fugui. of.

The two got together, couldn't say good things, and murmured for half an hour before Song Zude left with a big laugh, and Sun Fugui's expression was much better. The assets of the two families, together, are almost 100 billion, while the total assets of Li Yifei’s family are only about 15 billion. In comparison, they appear to be much less.

However, assets cannot fully explain their strengths. Assets and funds are different. For example, Li Yifei can mobilize a large amount of cash, hand it over to his daughters, integrate into the stock market, and attack the Sun and Song two families. The Sun and Song two have large assets and cash. But it may not be so sufficient. Most of them are real estate, similar to real estate, companies, factories, which seem to be valuable, but temporarily cannot become money.

Therefore, in the stock market, after the opening of the daytime exchanges in Europe and America on the second night, the battle really started.

A large amount of cash flow entered, and countless traders were secretly trading. Su Mengxin, the Xu family sisters, He Fangqing, Su Yiyi, and a few people were in the stock market together, fighting with the Sun and Song families. The five were only the final orders. Under Su Mengxin, there was a team of nearly 100 people, all of whom were strong in the stock market. They gathered together. In the stock market battle the next day, the Sun family’s overseas investment companies evaporated more than one billion. assets. Of course, the Li family has a small loss, after all, they have to pay a price to suppress the stock price.

For the Song family, Su Mengxin only traded the stock price of a certain domestic company. Because of the peculiarities of Chinese stockholders, Su Mengxin was just a little lure. At the close of the market, the stock price of this company fell to a trough. Up. A large number of retail investors are selling, making the person in charge of this company frantically call for help from the Song family, demanding financial and technical support.

Ning Xin'er took Song Lianyao and Li Xinyue to the public opinion, and immediately let the two sit on the cusp of the storm. Sun Fugui thought it was only a small newspaper report, so it didn't matter at all, but when he learned that there were other places that also reported. After that, I found it was too late.

The news was not only captured in China, but even in major newspapers in some European and American countries.

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