The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1324: Butterfly Tomb

Nayi’s face was full of smiles all day long, her small face was like a flower. The little girls in the other villages envied her. They all felt that she had found a great hero, and two even asked Nayi Li Yifei to pay. If there is no older brother or younger brother, they can marry Li Yifei's older or younger brother.

"No!" Li Yifei shook his head straight after hearing this. Although he was also the younger brother of the aunt's family, he could not introduce him, and said, "It is painful enough to have one single-minded Gu, and I don't want to have more at home."

Nayi just said casually. She didn't understand what Li Yifei was saying later. She held him in her arms, as if she was eating honey in her heart, and said: " are so kind!"

Li Yifei grinned, and brought Nayi to Bunon. Bunon was ready. In the afternoon, the patriarchs took people back to prepare, but Brown stayed behind. He collected several kinds of alien gu that he wanted to test for Li Yifei. a bit.

These kinds of poisonous Gu said that the poison is not poisonous, and if it is not handled properly, it can be fatal, but with Bunnon Brown, this poison is no problem.

Watching Brown grabbing a toothpick-sized insect like a stick insect, except that ordinary stick insects are gray-brown like leaves, but this stick insect is transparent in color, even the internal organs It was clear, lying on Brown's hand, motionless.

Brown's eyebrows were condensed, he walked in front of a few people, raised his hands for everyone to see clearly, and explained: "This is called Bamboo Gu. Normal insects are not poisonous, but they are very poisonous. Are you ready?"

Li Yifei didn't feel very nervous, but was happy Nayi all day. At this time, her mouth was squeezed, her teeth were bitten, her breathing was a bit short, and the flesh on her little face was tight.

"Uncle Brown, come on!" Li Yifei rolled up his sleeves, exposed his arms, and handed it over.

Bunnon also nodded lightly, and said, "Try it, so we have a bottom line!"

Bamboo Gu was aroused by Brown and came alive in an instant. The bamboo-like body immediately opened, six long legs propped up, two long teeth sticking out of his mouth, and he took a bite at Li Yifei's arm.

Acupuncture-like pain hit, Li Yifei immediately closed his eyes, feeling the toxin of bamboo gu.

Nayi covered her mouth, her big eyes didn't blink, she looked at Li Yifei with concern, and her other hand was pulling Li Yifei's clothes nervously, for fear of an accident. Although Nayi is also very familiar with Gu, and she can detoxify the Bamboo Gu herself, she can't stop worrying.

The poison of bamboo gu reacted very quickly. As soon as he encountered blood, it immediately broke out. Li Yifei felt that his arm was suddenly smashed by a heavy hammer, and the bitten place felt like shattering pain.

His face changed slightly, and the blue veins on Li Yifei's arm violently, and severe pain struck him, but he also felt the toxin of the bamboo gu, and his true energy circulated quickly, enveloping the toxin.

It's simple to say, but it's actually very complicated. Li Yifei kept his eyes closed and his teeth bitten slightly.

Two minutes later, Li Yifei opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. To the worried people, he said, "I've got it under control. I don't have experience for the first time. It's harder than I imagined. But if I get familiar with it, it should be fine."

He couldn't detoxify, but he could still control the range of toxins. Even when Li Yifei was talking, he tried to compress the range of toxins. Although the process was slow, he could do it.

Therefore, before Bunon and the others started to detoxify, the wound on Li Yifei's arm began to bleed. The blood color was a bit dark, but it was not the kind of black color. The blood flowing out was a bit like tofu, Nayi hurry up Bring gauze and help him wipe it.

Bunnon and Brown looked at each other and were stunned by this scene. A few seconds later, it was reflected. Brown exclaimed: "Oh my God, I didn't have a broken eye, you kid... actually poisoned the bamboo worm, Forced out!"

Bunon also grinned straight, but it was better than Brown. With previous experience in planting inner gu, Li Yifei was able to force out the poison of bamboo gu, and it was reasonable, so he said happily: "Haha, Yifei, you really It surprised us that this kind of outer gu's poison can not only be controlled, but also forced out. This is simply great, and we have a great chance of winning the Fight Gu in two days!"

Nayi couldn't understand the Chinese language of a few people, and after she figured it out, she was also very excited, but instead of letting go of Li Yifei's hand, she insisted on helping him detoxify before she felt relieved.

Li Yifei also let her detoxify, and the small wounds healed quickly. The true energy in Li Yifei's body was running, and the powerful self-healing ability was revealed. The small wounds pierced by the two needles turned out to scab quickly.

After that, a few people tried two kinds of Gu poison, and found that they could be controlled, and they could be forced out.

Bunnon and Brown danced with excitement. If it weren't for keeping a secret, they might have rushed out and yelled.

Nayi stayed by Li Yifei's side, pouting her small mouth slightly, staring at her father and Brown with her eyes, who asked them to use Li Yifei as a test subject.

After a day of tossing, Li Yifei walked out of the bamboo building after dinner and looked to the northeast. There was his family. He should be at home now, but because of the Miao Village, he would be delayed for a few days. .

Thinking of the child again, Li Yifei frowned, clenched his fist, smashed it out, smashed the old tree in front of him a few times, and dropped a pile of leaves.

Nayi walked over and saw him like this, she seemed to understand Li Yifei's feelings, hugged him from behind, put her face on his back, gently rubbed, and whispered, "Yifei, I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault, and it's not your reason. Come and watch the sunset with me!" Li Yifei is indeed in a bad mood, a little melancholy. The so-called greater responsibility means greater ability. He has no lofty ideals now, just I want to protect my family, wives, and children, because he is the tree of these people.

The next day, Li Yifei and Nayi woke up early. Bunon and the others were busy today. On the contrary, Li Yifei didn't need to show up. He did everything that should be done by him. Now he only needs to wait for tomorrow's Fight Gu.

Nayi stayed by his side. She didn't act excessively last night. She just held his hand with both hands, leaned her body sideways, and slept quietly next to her. At this time, I was quietly by my side.

"Let's go, take me out for a walk!" Li Yifei smiled, raised his hand to sort Nayi's bangs, and took her hand.

Na Yi nodded fiercely, and took Li Yi to the outside of the stockade.

When I met the villagers on the road, they were very enthusiastic towards them, especially towards Li Yifei, whose attitude changed drastically.

After the two walked for a while, Nayi looked at Li Yifei still a little unhappy, and suddenly stood in front of him with a smile, stood on tiptoe and kissed him gently on the cheek, then blushed and said, "Let's...go for one. ……local!"

"Good!" Li Yifei nodded.

Nayi pulled him and ran towards a fork in the road. Although it was in the dense forest, the path was cleaned very neatly, even cleaner than the road just now. After walking a long distance, Nayi pulled him again. Turn to another small road.

After such a few times, Li Yifei didn't know how far he went out, but the time should have passed two hours.

The two entered a bamboo forest. Each bamboo was the same thick, and even the same height. The ground was very flat and clean. The breeze was blowing and the bamboo leaves made a rustling sound, which was very beautiful. Li Yifei came here. Here, my heart is quiet.

Nayi released Li Yifei's hand, ran towards the bamboo forest, ran a certain distance, stopped and turned and waved to him, Li Yifei also raised her leg to catch up, but Nayi ran again.

One by one, one after another, he soon sank into the bamboo forest.

Under Nayi's leadership, the two finally came to a magical place. Li Yifei looked at the picture in front of him and couldn't help saying, "It's so beautiful!"

In front of him, there is a large sea of ​​flowers. These flowers are not big, but they have many colors. The petals are not thick and the fragrance is not very strong. What makes Li Yifei feel that the beauty is the butterflies here. A kind of butterflies lingered in the sea of ​​flowers in front of them, fluttering among the flowers. When the two arrived, the butterflies even flew towards them, and one of them fell on Nayi’s finger. Li Yifei wanted to remind her that this butterfly might be possible. It was poisonous, but then she realized that Nayi knew Gu better than him, and of course she knew better than herself whether there was poison.

"Oh..." Nayi raised her fingers, and the butterfly stood on it, flapping her wings lightly, but she was not afraid, and handed her fingers to Li Yifei. Nayi said in a clear voice, "Xiao Wu!"

Li Yifei opened his eyes wide and asked, "Do you know this butterfly? Its name is Xiao Wu?"

Na Yi nodded repeatedly and said seriously: "It's Xiao Wu, my friend!"

Become friends with Butterfly? Li Yifei said in disbelief: "Butterfly can only live for two months, at most a few months, how can you become friends?"

"Xiao's different!" Nayi shook her head slightly, pouted her mouth, and blew towards the small butterfly in front of her. The butterfly Xiao Wu seemed to be scratched, her body trembling, her forehead The two whiskers rolled up and stretched, and turned their heads to Nayi, as if they were saying, "If you tease me again, I will fly away."

Li Yifei’s curiosity was aroused, and he looked up, down, left, and right for a while. Nothing was different about Xiao Wu, except that it was very close to people, but butterflies and people were not natural enemies. The body is not abnormal.

"Here...Butterfly Tomb. Xiao Wu, always live!" Nayi actively explained. When talking about Xiao Wu, Little Butterfly flapped her wings.

Li Yifei could understand these words. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at the flowers, and said, "Butterfly's grave? You said this Xiao Wu can live forever, right?"

Nayi nodded again, Li Yifei didn't understand the truth, but thinking of the Miao people's Gu worms, almost all do not conform to the biological system of the world, a butterfly can live for a long time, it seems that it is also possible.

"Can I... be friends with it?" Li Yifei stretched out a finger, but was disgusted by Xiao Wu, and Little Butterfly flew away.

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