The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1315: Poisonous

Therefore, it is necessary to give something. According to the reports of the disciples who went out, the Song family is really a super big family, with countless wealth, a large population, and many companies. The Hei Miao clan can be attached to such a big family. It’s really good, even if it’s a conflict with Bai Miao,

As for tying the Bunnon, it’s tied to it. As long as you can please the Song family and manage this matter well, it is worth paying for something.

Song An ate the wine in the glass, smiled and patted Tianbao on the shoulder, and said: "The Song family promised you that as long as the **** person is killed, we will even double the benefits for you, so perform well, Tianbao. , The outside world is broader. Flying in the sky by private jets is called a private yacht wandering around on the sea. Those days are life, not nesting in a small Miao village, from birth to death."

After speaking, he stood up, walked outside, and said: "Come and see that Bunnon with me, I have to ask something out of his mouth!"

A trace of excitement appeared on Tianbao's face. Seeing Song An going out, he quickly stood up and went out.

When he came to the place where Bunon was being held, Song An pushed in. There were two Black Hmong men who were in charge of watching Bunon. Bunon’s face was a little bruised, and he was tied with a rope to a erected wood. Song Anyi Entering, Bunnon opened his eyes.

Song An walked over to pull out the cloth from Bunnon's mouth, smiled, and said, "Bunnon, have you figured it out clearly?"

Bunon said nothing, staring at Song An with hatred.

"It's not good to pretend that you can't speak, but I know that you Bunon can speak Chinese, but you don't want to speak, I don't force it, we have all the time, tell you the truth, even if you don't write a letter, your daughter With that Li Yifei, 80% can't survive now. No matter how powerful he is, he can't withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of modern weapons. I keep you, just in case."

After he finished speaking, Bunnon's heart trembled. Of course, he understood Huaxia. With Li Yifei these days, his Huaxia language ability has improved a lot.

He originally thought it was the black seedlings that suddenly attacked the white seedlings, but he didn't think that these black seedlings actually helped the people outside to harm others. When he saw Song An on the road, he quietly released an offensive five-step silkworm. He wanted to control Song An, but was destroyed by Tianbao. While using Gu, the Hei Miao clan had more attack methods, and in turn returned Two kinds of poison were given to him. At this time, Bunon was not only tied up, but his whole body was painful, as if there were countless ants biting his whole body, itching caused pain, but he couldn't scratch it.

He knew this kind of poison, and the Miao people called him a poisonous ant. It was a very powerful poison. It hurts but is not fatal.

Hearing what happened to his daughter and prospective son-in-law, Bunon only felt 10,000 times more uncomfortable than he was hit by ten thousand poisonous ants. This group of wicked people actually colluded together to deal with the daughter and prospective son-in-law.

A mouthful of fishy sputum was directly spit on Song An’s face, steady and accurate. Song An’s pretty handsome face immediately rose up, wiped off the phlegm from his face in a desperate manner, and pointed at Bunnon and cursed: “Old Immortal, you dare to vomit me, I want to kill you!"

Song An’s job is not a soldier. In fact, he is just a businessman. He is the person in charge of Miaojiang in the Song family. He is also a bit dark, so he is also very cruel. He was directly spitting out by Bunnon. kill.

Tianbao hurriedly hugged him and said: "Mr. Song, you can't kill. There hasn't feedback yet. You can't kill people now. Moreover, even though this Bunon is bad, you can't kill it, otherwise something big will happen!"

"Don't kill... if you don't kill, I will plant tens of thousands of poisonous ants again. I will torture him better than death!" Song An stomped straight, he also understood that this person cannot be killed, at least temporarily, but as long as Killing Li Yifei, he doesn't care if there will be conflicts between the black seedlings and the white seedlings because of Bunon.

"You can only use one poisonous ant for a person. Mr. Song is safe. I have a way to deal with this person. We have countless kinds of poisonous ants to clean him." Tianbao walked to Bunon, some condescending. Looking at him, there was a rough breath from his nostrils, and he said, "Bunnon, this is Mr. Song, from a big family. If you are not afraid of hurting the people, continue to curse."

Bunon was not afraid at all, his eyes staring out, staring at the black Miao patriarch Tianbao who helped the abuser and said: "Tianbao, you helped outsiders harm the Miao people, and the **** Nuwa will definitely not forgive you! "

There was something unnatural on Tianbao’s face, but it was fleeting. Now that he has gone this way, he won’t regret it. He looked at Bunnon a little pitifully, hehe smiled and said, "Hey, Nuwa can’t control me. , Our Heimiao’s **** is Chi You, what’s more, you dignified Bai Miao patriarch, even indulging your daughter to seduce outsiders, don’t you be ashamed? I’m just helping you pure ethnic group, how can a foreigner’s blood blend In the body of the noble Miao nationality!"

Bunon flushed and gritted his teeth. Just now when Tianbao was talking, he secretly manipulated the ten thousand poisonous ants, causing him to feel the pain in his heart instantly. After going through this wave of pain, Bunon poohed and replied: "Shamelessly Extremely, Tianbao, your clansmen joined the world to help them abuse others, use poisonous gu to harm others, and dare to bite me in turn. Could it be that you have forgotten the agreement 40 years ago?"

Tianbao smiled up to the sky when he heard the words: "Agreement...haha, it's just a verbal agreement. Since ancient times, Bai Miao has oppressed Heimiao countless times. Have you ever thought about any agreement? Now come and tell me about the agreement, hahaha, a joke! "

Forty years ago, there was a battle between the white and black seedlings, both for the living space and for their dignity. The result was countless deaths and injuries. Later, it was led by people, and the two sides reached an agreement to not violate each other. The agreement between the two Miao leaders, but Hei Miao acted so unscrupulously, and was quite criticized. Bai Miao was obstructed by the agreement. After so many years, he had tolerated many times, but he did not expect to get into Tianbao’s mouth. Instead, it became oppressive.

"So, the agreement is invalidated. If you dare to hurt my daughter and son-in-law, my Baimiao clan will surely wash the black seedlings!" Bunong's eyes were cracked and he roared.

Song An enjoyed the scene very much. He drew out his ears, tilted his head and waved his hand before saying: "Old man, you are going to be fucked, and you want to threaten me, oh, come on, Tianbao, give him more Get some means."

Tianbao immediately nodded when he heard the words, flipped his hand, and a toad as small as a broad bean appeared on the palm of his hand. The toad was blood-red all over, with dense red dots on the body. Each red dot looked like one when enlarged. Blood pack.

This is the blood toad that was once frightening, and it is also one of the methods used by the black seedlings to harm people. It was refined that year and killed countless people. Later, the white seedlings tried their best to strangle the blood toads. Tianbao was refined again. ,

Seeing the blood toad, Bunon was even more angry. He was not afraid that he would be planted with the poison of this blood toad for a while, but was angry with the evil of the Black Miao people.

"Tianbao, you actually refine the blood toad, you are already frantic. Under your leadership, the Hei Miao clan will fall into the **** that will never be restored!"

"On the contrary, I will lead the Black Miao clan to the top. With the help of the Song family, we will also unify the entire Miao clan so that this territory will completely belong to the Black Miao clan, and you cowardly White Miao will be Get out! Chi You's wish is about to come true!" Tianbao became more and more fanatical as he spoke, and didn't know what method he used, the blood toad became more and more red, and at first glance it looked like a ruby.

The refining of blood toads is extremely difficult. Not only does it need to use the principle of mutual generation and restraint of poisons to refining, it also takes a very long time, and it also needs to collect the blood of the virgin to warm the yin Qi.

After the blood toad was refined, it was not red all over, but cyan. This was also related to the Yin Qi, but the blood toad was so red that it had obviously not only harmed a person, it could be said to be a kind of Gu King.

It was because of this reason that Bunon became more angry, but now he was helpless. He was working in farming, and he could not carry many worms on his body. Moreover, the worms he was carrying were also found, unless he released his natal gu. Die with the other person, but that can only take away one person.

Hearing these people frame up their daughters and prospective sons-in-law, Bunon has given birth to a desperate heart, who is he trying to kill.

The person who had to deal with the prospective son-in-law was undoubtedly the foreigner surnamed Song, and Tianbao was so evil and frantic. If he did not subdue this time, the Baimiao clan would suffer sooner or later.

The blood toad jumped out of the palm of Tianbao's palm, like a red ray, and instantly jumped to Bunnon’s face. His mouth opened, a scarlet tongue was spit out, and a red smoke appeared in the air. Nong's cheeks turned black instantly.

Just a poisonous smoke made Bunnon's cheeks black, which was enough to prove the toxicity of the blood toad.

But the toxicity of the blood toad does not stop there. The reason why this Gu worm is so dreaded by Bai Miao is that its poison does not happen temporarily and makes people die easily, but tortures people and tortured seventy or forty. It takes nine days to fester and die.

Of course, there is also an antidote, that is, to grab the blood toad, eat the gall bladder in its body, and soak it in hot spring water, cut the tips of the fingers and toes, and let the poisonous blood drain out to clear the toxins. Otherwise, even just a puff of poisonous smoke would make Bunon's face permanently ulcerated and unable to heal, and would have to endure the torturous pain.

The prerequisite for detoxification is to catch this blood toad, but after Tianbao puts the poison, the blood toad falls into his palm with a stroke of his hand, and the blood toad disappears with a wipe.

Half of Bunnon's face turned black, scary black, and his skin wrinkled every inch, as if he was ten or twenty years old in an instant.

Song An watched the'good for the eyes'. He leaned over and looked at Bunnon's face very seriously. His mouth made a sound, and at the end he laughed wildly: "Hahaha, yes, this is a good thing. If you come to your beautiful daughter like this Just a moment, it’s fun. It’s a pity that they are now a pile of burnt meat."

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