As Jiang Ningxiang said, the next day, when Li Yifei and Jiang Ningxiang directly found one of the two, that person was like a ghost, and when Li Yifei used the recorded voice on his mobile phone to tell him his request, that guy I really want to cry.

But just as Li Yifei expected, he did not dare not agree at all. If Li Yifei's strength is not strong, then they will directly find a way to kill Li Yifei to avoid future troubles, but yesterday they have already seen Li Yifei's strength. There was no way at all, so in the end I had to give in.

But he couldn't handle the matter alone, so he went to find another person. Li Yifei and Jiang Ningxiang were waiting for him in his room, which made Jiang Ningxiang a little nervous.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen." Li Yifei took Jiang Ningxiang's hand to comfort.

Jiang Ningxiang spit out his tongue and said, "This is the old nest of others. With so many people, we will drown us with one spit."

"Haha, then we have to see if anyone makes them spit."

Seeing Li Yifei talking and laughing at this moment, Jiang Ningxiang also relaxed.

After a while, there were footsteps outside, and Jiang Ningxiang became nervous again. Seeing Li Yifei's calm and breezy look, she also showed admiration, and the two people who came in were the two people who had been caught last night. No one else is here.

Although there is no translation, there is still translation software. Li Yifei and them just decide when they can enter. It doesn't require much communication. They reached an agreement quickly. Tonight, the two took Li Yifei to go. Where to find the Buddhist scriptures.

When the matter was settled, Li Yifei and Jiang Ningxiang left and wandered around, which was quite comfortable. Li Yifei even seemed to have forgotten about his son and enjoyed it here with peace of mind.

But Li Yifei knew in his heart that it was because of his son that he could no longer behave like before. Sometimes, he had to be really decisive and could not give those people any thoughts, let them know, provoke him, and pay. The price is definitely not something they can afford.

In the evening, Li Yifei and Jiang Ningxiang once again came to the secret sect. Under the leadership of the two people, they came to a Buddhist scripture pavilion in the secret sect.

As a religion and a monastery, they naturally have a place where they can read the scriptures. Li Yifei and Jiang Ningxiang also put on their red robes and covered their heads. They were led by them and they entered Tibet smoothly. Jingge.

In this secret sect, the scriptures on the outside are quite neat and tidy, but inside, it is full of dust. It seems that no one has turned over for many years. It can be seen that this secret sect has already changed. In nature, there are almost no people who really study any Buddhism here. All of them are deceiving ordinary people here under the guise of religion.

This also gave Li Yifei great hope, so let the two help find it.

Those two guys were also eager to get rid of Li Yifei, the plague **** earlier, so they worked hard to find them. As long as it involves some exercises, they will look through it. As for the truly traditional scriptures, just take a look and throw them away Aside.

There are still a lot of scriptures here, and I haven't finished it after half a night. It took three days for Li Yifei and the others to turn over all the scriptures, but there are no books on women's practice.

It seems that either the part of the training method for women has not been obtained at all, or they didn't know how many years ago they got it, and then they looked useless and threw it away.

"By the way, do you have any classics on the history of the secret sect?" Li Yifei thought of another route for tracing.

The two looked at each other and wanted to say no, but in the end they nodded again. Li Yifei's opponent was too strict. If they lied, then maybe they would catch someone and ask again, then they would know that they both lied. .

As for this historical book, they are not only one copy, but they are also afraid of losing it. Although this kind of thing can be regarded as the secret of the secret sect, it is not strictly managed. After all, it is difficult for outsiders to enter here. So I found one for Li Yifei and asked Li Yifei to take it away, it would be much easier.

Li Yifei felt that this was not bad, and immediately left with the classics. Anyway, there are not many, just over ten.

With these things, Li Yifei and Jiang Ningxiang finally left here and hurriedly returned to their homes. To study the history of this Tibetan sect, you may find important clues.

When I got home, I had already prepared a few translations at home. Li Yifei asked them to translate this classic. This is not as important as the exercises, and there are no unusual vocabulary. It is not difficult to translate. A few people are busy. Tian, ​​it’s completely translated, and Li Yifei studied carefully one by one. Although everyone helped, he was still a little worried. After all, he was more sensitive than others to these things. Omission, then regret.

But Li Yifei paid off for his efforts, and Li Yifei finally found an important clue.

In the history of more than two hundred years ago, there was such a case that the suzerain met a master of Chinese women, and he was very happy and spoiled, but half a year later, the woman left and stole several scriptures, and the suzerain personally found her trace , I found the depths of Huaxia Huashan, and finally met that person. The two sides had a fierce fight, and the lord was defeated. After returning to the sky a few days later.

Although the above did not say what scriptures were stolen, but once this was a Huaxia, and another Huaxia woman, after receiving the scriptures, the strength greatly increased, this is most likely a method of training that woman.

The most important thing is that the address is marked here, which is in Huashan, so Li Yifei finally has a goal, which makes it easier to find.

Li Yifei immediately called Sophia and asked him to arrange for people to go to Huashan to investigate. The most important thing was about the more **** women and the places where there were more men missing.

Sophia also knew that what Li Yifei was looking for was the kind of method for women to collect yang and replenish yin. Although she hadn't heard of this before, she understood what it meant literally and knew where to start. Arranged soon.

It's impossible for Li Yifei to find this by himself. With so many people under his hand, of course he has to make good use of it. After he really finds the target, he can just get the things directly.

And these days when I went to Nepal, my son still has no news. The other party can really calm down. And Li Yifei now has an updated assessment of the opponent’s purpose. They are not trying to negotiate with his son now. Instead, he wanted to use his son as a bargaining chip. With such a long-term goal and such strength, Li Yifei first thought of several possibilities.

The first one is the Noah’s Ark organization. Although they are currently cooperating with him, Li Yifei knows very well that neither of them really believes in each other. If he tied his son, Li Yifei can truly cooperate with them, but they are here now. I haven't been in contact for a while, but there are still some explanations.

The second is some big families in the capital. Li Yifei is now supported by the above. Those big families obviously have some scruples about Li Yifei. If they do something to plan ahead, it is possible, but these big families If the family dares to do such a thing, it will have to take great risks. If it is revealed, then their family will definitely stay in China again. This kind of thing, I'm afraid that no family can allow it. More severe blows.

Third, Li Yifei also suspected several families in the provincial capital, especially the Sun family. Sun Fugui did not have the courage yet, but the mother of Sun Dongran, Ma Dongxiang, was a bit like a mad dog. Her son died, and she placed the responsibility on Li Yifei. It’s also possible for Li Yifei to taste the loss of her son, but she also has contradictions here. With the strength of the Sun family, how can there be such a master in Li Yifei’s home bodyguard? The son snatched it.

Of course, there is a wider possibility that other organizations around the world have kidnapped his son for certain benefits. For example, they want to obtain something confidential in China, so they use this method and wait until they think about it. When he started, he forced Li Yifei to cooperate.

But no matter who did it, Li Yifei was sure that they would definitely not embarrass his son so that he could use his son as a bargaining chip.

Now that I thought, Li Yifei always wanted to test it out. First, he called Park Sung-ho, and the other party quickly connected and said: "Clan Chief Li, I have not been in contact these days, but I also know about your son's disappearance. I also sent someone to investigate carefully, but there is no news. It seems that the strength of the opponent is really extraordinary, and even our Noah's Ark can be helpless."

When Park Sung-ho came up and sorted things out, Li Yifei was really surprised, but he really believed what he said. If the Noah's Ark organization really arrested his son, it seems that there is no need to deny it like this.

"Then thank you Brother Park for reaching out to help."

"You are polite. We have been working together. Of course, I hope that other things will affect you. I hope you can adjust your mentality as soon as possible. Then we will try that ancient cave again. We thought of some other possibilities, but we all need you. The innate masters cooperated."

"Well, as long as you are sure, my side will cooperate, but there are those masters, you have to deal with them, I can't deal with them."

"Don't worry, we will lead them away."

Li Yifei didn't ask for details, so it would be easy to expose his acquaintance with Murong Yuanqing.

"It's not at Noah's Ark." Jiang Ningxiang was beside Li Yifei at this time, and he was relieved when Li Yifei finished speaking.

"If it were with them, it would be nice to say something, at least there is a target, and now there is no way to find the target." Li Yifei shook his head.

"No, I will definitely find it." Jiang Ningxiang waved his fist vigorously, seemingly confident.

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