The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1110: Start grabbing son-in-law

In Lin Qiong's home, a family of three was also sitting together, Lin Qiong was being tried there.

Lin Qiong was ready to be scolded by her parents, but looking at the expressions of her parents, she was a little confused. It seemed that her parents were not as annoyed as she thought.

At this time, her parents just looked at her up and down without talking, which made Lin Qiong uncomfortable, and finally gritted her teeth and said: "Parents, I know you are very angry about this, but feelings are really not what I think. Just put it away..."

Lin Qiong's mother waved her hand, interrupted Lin Qiong, and said, "I ask you, did you do this by the director, did you use all the power?"

Lin Qiong didn't understand why her mother asked, but she nodded and said, "Yes, without Yifei's help, I must still be a small police officer in the police station."

Lin Qiong's father said: "Then did he use a lot of relationships to run for you?"

Lin Qiong shook her head and said, "That's not true. I always want to solve big crimes, so I often rush to the front. I didn't even consider that the criminals were extremely vicious. Several times they were in danger. Yifei helped me at this time and caught all those gangsters, and he didn't want to show his face, so all these credits went to me."

Lin Qiong’s father suddenly smiled, and said triumphantly: “I’ll just say it, my daughter is not a vase, and she has to rely on men to do this. That’s really boring.” As an old man A soldier, he naturally has his arrogance. If his daughter was promoted to the chief only because Li Yifei helped to run the relationship, he would feel very boring, but Li Yifei is just helping, and more is the daughter's efforts, then He can accept it.

This seems to be complimenting her, which makes Lin Qiong even more inexplicable. Why is this parents' attitude today?

Lin Qiong's mother asked again at this time: "Xiao Qiong, I ask you, do you really like Yifei."

Lin Qiong nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, I like him very much. The most important thing is that I like his ability. When I grow up, I just like strong and capable men. What is handsome or not? I don’t care, but Yifei is the most powerful man I have ever seen, so no matter what, I have to be with him."

Lin Qiong's mother slapped her slap and said loudly, "Okay! My daughter is still ambitious. For such a man, I have to grab my hand and Mom supports you!"

"What?" Lin Qiong's eyes widened suddenly, she couldn't believe her ears. Her mother scolded her with a dog-blood sprayer last night. Why did she come to support her today?

Lin Qiong's mother glared at her and said, "Then I will ask you again, Yifei built a big garden, do you know?"

"I know." Lin Qiong naturally also called Li Yifei today, knowing that his parents had gone to the big garden.

"Then you just know everything about Yifei?"

"Yes, Yifei doesn't hide anything from me. I know everything about his affairs except for some secrets and state secrets."

"That's it, such a good man, since he likes you, if you don't **** it over to be your husband, aren't you a fool?"

"Mom, but he and Yingying are already married?"

"What are you afraid of getting married? You can still get a divorce when you get married. If you **** him over, let him marry you before you end."

Lin Qiong became stupid all of a sudden. At this time, I didn’t know what to say. He only knew that he looked at his mother stupidly, while Lin Qiong’s father coughed dryly and said, “How can you teach children like this? Yingying’s father is a good comrade-in-arms of mine, and you can’t let your child **** someone’s husband, Xiaoqiong, let’s go with the flow, if the last flight chooses you, dad will support you too, but if If we choose Yingying, then we don’t need to be sad, we can’t become a husband and wife, and we can’t become enemies either."

Lin Qiong hurriedly said: "Me and Yingying think so too, so I let you give us time and let us solve it by ourselves."

Lin Qiong's mother pushed her husband and said, "You old man, I'm talking to my daughter, and you go."

Lin Qiong's father chuckled and said, "Then you can go into the bedroom and talk. I'll watch TV, or else you said I was eavesdropping in the door."

Lin Qiong's mother immediately pulled Lin Qiong into the bedroom, then closed the door, and pulled her daughter to the bedside, and whispered: "Xiao Qiong, tell your mom the truth, do you think Yifei likes you more or Yingying more ?"

"It should be the same."

"It's almost the same. I thought men like fresh ones, and they would like you more."

"Yifei is not that kind of person."

"Well, mom will ask you again, have you slept with Yifei?" Seeing Lin Qiong nodded, she immediately said: "I told you, this man is a lower-body animal, in this respect Especially if the demand is high, then if you want Yifei to like you more, you have to work harder in this regard."

Lin Qiong almost stared out, and her mother told her something like this, which she never dreamed of.

"You don't have to stare at you, this is not a shameful thing. Mom is not an old fashioned thing. As a woman in this respect, you have to make a man happy. He will think of you every night and think of you at night. I have to marry you to be with you every day, right? By the way, are you not a policeman? Now young people like to play with uniform temptations. You have an inherent advantage, and you must also be well. Play."

Lin Qiong only felt that countless black lines appeared on her forehead, and then dropped to the ground again. Is this the mother she is familiar with? Whatever the mother said later, she seemed to be confused.

"Did you listen to me?" Seeing Lin Qiong in a daze, her mother stretched out her hand and patted Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong's body shook, she gave a dry laugh, and said, "Listen, listen."

"Listen to what? I think you were absent-minded at all. I tell you, it's not like our time anymore. At that time, we all had to take the initiative of men. Now there are not many good men. It's hard to get one. A woman should take the initiative and take the initiative. If you wait for someone to chase you, the cucumber vegetables will be cold."

"Stop!" Lin Qiong yelled suddenly, stretched out her hand and shook her mother's face.

"Why shake?" Lin Qiong's mother opened her daughter's hand.

"Mom, I see if you are sleepwalking."

"You child, I'm going to be serious with you, you said I'm sleepwalking." Lin Qiong's mother slapped her daughter irritably.

"But... you scolded me like that last night. You shouldn't go grab Yingying's husband. Why did you start to support me today? You are not sleepwalking or nonsense."

Lin Qiong's mother glared and said, "Is there anyone who said that to your mother?"

"But... is this what you said? I am a little skeptical, would you let someone possess it?"

"You're talking nonsense, believe it or not, I'll smoke you?" Lin Qiong's mother raised her slap.

"Ah, this is correct." Lin Qiong shrank his head.

Lin Qiong's mother glared at her daughter again, and then said earnestly, "Little Qiong, mom told you to be serious. It's rare to meet such a good man. You really should fight, as long as we don't have crooked ways, no If you can do anything despicable and sordid, if you can get it right, then no one can say anything."

Lin Qiong shook her head, patted her cheek again, and tentatively asked, "You really don't blame me?"

"No wonder."

"Then you still support my dating with Yifei?"

"Of course I support." Lin Qiong's mother replied resolutely and simply.

Lin Qiong grinned, and said, "What kind of drugs are you being given?"

"You girl, here again, I am so sober now, because I am so sober, I know how good this kid Yifei is. It's normal for a man like this to have a woman like it. Even if you don't want to fight, then Over time, I don’t know how many women are staring at him. That girl in Yingying is busy with work. It is very difficult for a man to be satisfied, so you just have the opportunity now, you can’t wait until another woman enters. Come to fight again, then you will have no advantage."

"Am I that bad?" Lin Qiong muttered dissatisfiedly.

"If you find an average man, then our daughter is definitely not bad, but compared with Yifei, then you can only say average, you are not gentle enough, you will not be considerate and take care of others, you can’t cook, you can’t ..."

"Stop!" Lin Qiong hurriedly made a stop gesture, and said: "If you let you go on, I will really become a worthless person."

"What I said is very important. An ordinary man can tolerate his strong wife, but a successful man prefers women to cling to him and let women stand behind him, so you will have to Learn to be gentle and think more about what Dianyifei needs, what he likes, where he is every day, what can you do..."

"Stop!" Lin Qiong stopped again, touching her forehead, and said: "Mom, don't you understand your daughter? You let me do this, it's better to kill me."

"What the **** is this, a woman is a woman. You can be a director now. If you don't have Yifei, can you be the director? You should care about Yifei more in the future. Even if Tian Ren likes a woman with personality , That is only temporary. The ones who can really hold a man's heart will always be the kind of gentle and considerate woman, the kind of woman who puts men first in her heart, and will always be...

"My goodness, mother, today you use a lot of parallelism, please, can you say a little less, your daughter's fragile little mind can't stand this kind of destruction." "

Lin Qiong was happy now that her mother really didn't stop her. Although she didn't know exactly what would happen when she really knew the facts, the temporary crisis was over.

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