The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1059: Golden eagle angry

Aoki Suzuko waited in the room for a whole night. Although she was very tired, she was not sleepy. She kept listening to the outside sound, but she didn't seem to hear any gunshots, and she didn't feel the confusion at all.

This makes Aoki Suzuki even more unaware of what's going on outside. It stands to reason that if the guy wants to take over the ship, he has to make some movement. It's really unreasonable to be so quiet. Did he not succeed? Just left.

Thinking of this, Aoki Suzuko didn't feel relaxed, she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart, unclear, unclear.

When Aoki Suzuko was finally tired and wanted to go to sleep, the door of the room was opened, and the hateful man broke in.

"How are you...?" Aoki Suzuko asked.

Li Yifei sat on the side of the bed casually, with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, "What do you mean?"

"you succeeded?"

"Does that still need to be said? What I want to do is not impossible." Li Yi flew to Aoki Suzuko's face and spit out a smug.

Aoki Suzuko coughed twice and said angrily: "Have you killed anyone?"

"I still need to kill them? I can solve them casually, and your Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is nothing more than that."

Suzuki Aoki breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately stared again and said, "You are a sneak attack. If there is a frontal war, our Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is absolutely invincible."

Li Yifei didn't fight with Aoki Suzuki, opened the quilt and untied Aoki Suzuki's rope, gave Aoki Suzuki a set of clothes, and said, "Put it on, and we will leave immediately."

"You... you really want to take me away?" Aoki Suzuko remembered that promise at this time.

"What? Do you want to regret it?" Li Yifei opened his eyes.

Aoki Suzuko took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll go with you." Then she sat up and turned her back to put on her clothes.

Aoki Suzuko's clothes had just been put on, when there was a messy footsteps outside, Li Yifei's expression changed, and he stood up, Aoki Suzuko immediately said anxiously: "Don't kill."

Li Yifei frowned, then he smiled, and said, "Then I can't take you away today, but you have to count what you say. I will take you away when I turn back. Goodbye." Then Aoki Suzuko answered, He already rushed out.

There was a burst of gunfire outside and the screams of people. Then someone rushed into the room. When they saw Aoki Suzuko, the soldiers who came in were all stunned.

Aoki Suzuko immediately raised his hand and shouted, "I am Aoki Suzuko, the daughter of the president of the Aoki Group. I was kidnapped by that person and came here."

Suzuki Aoki is not stupid. At this time, she must first show her identity so as not to be shot to death. It is not worth it.

The next thing is that Aoki Suzuko was brought back to China, and then an investigation was conducted. Aoki Suzuko only knew that the man was called Mu Fei, and then said the whole process of being kidnapped, even that Mu Fei was right. All the requests she made were stated.

Regarding this matter, judging from various evidences, Suzuki Suzuki and Suzuki Kawako were deceived. This is also completely normal. It is basically impossible to trace the true identity of each other from them. Yes, so Aoki Suzuki and Suzuki Suzuki were locked up for two days. With the help of the Aoki Group, Aoki Suzuki finally returned home.

This time the accident, Aoki Suzuko was not a small blow. After a full month of recuperation at home, she would think of the guy who made her hate her from time to time, but fortunately, she is kind to everyone. The symptoms of extreme vigilance did not occur.

Li Yifei broke away from Japan's territorial waters, then detoured a few times, and made a few blindfolds. This was regarded as getting things into the country.

When he arrived in China, Li Yifei also transported things directly to the capital by car. In this matter, he still couldn't use other people's hands. Even the military didn't believe it. Now too many people always want to take credit, especially Those with deep backgrounds often take away your credit and become their capital for promotion. It is extremely difficult to find a place to reason.

Some things can't be avoided if you want to avoid them. The more you want to avoid such things, Li Yifei happens to encounter them.

Because Su Mengxin’s grandfather was not in the capital and was visiting other countries at this time, the old man asked Li Yifei to send things to a secret place. This place, Li Yifei never came before. This should be a confidential scientific research base. There is also a special force, that is the War Bear Squad.

The Zhanxiong team is also a well-known team in China. Li Yifei’s Flying Eagle team is ranked first, and this team can be ranked third. Although Li Yifei is not familiar with this team, he still knows their previous captain. , That guy is also a very powerful guy, with a straight temper, but he must be a very good fighter.

So Li Yifei never thought of what would happen here. Because the matter was confidential, Li Yifei didn't bring the rest of the people, he came here alone in a truck.

At the gate, the guard stopped Li Yifei's car, Li Yifei stopped the car, poked his head out, and said, "I'll give something, is your boss there?" He said and passed the documents in the car.

The guard did not know Li Yifei. He took the certificate and checked it carefully. Then he ran to the guard room and made a phone call. Then he came out and said, "Please come in, our boss is waiting for you inside."

Li Yifei frowned, but he didn't have the same knowledge of these two recruits. Although here is under the command of the bear team, there are still some ordinary soldiers on the periphery. Like the two recruits at the door, these two recruits are just two recruits. They are not enough to enter the battle. The bear team.

This gate is only a peripheral gate. It is relatively easy to enter. You can enter with a general pass, but after a few hundred meters along a small road, there is a heavily guarded gate. If you want to enter from here, then Not everyone can.

And outside the gate, there were several men there at this time, all of them in black tight-fitting vests, highlighting the strong physique inside. At first glance, they were different from ordinary soldiers. They should be members of the War Bear Squad.

One of them gestured to Li Yifei to stop. Li Yifei stopped the car and jumped out of the car. Looking at these people, no one knew him.

"You are the Golden Eagle?" The man in the middle greeted him. He was about 30 years old. Compared with the person next to him, he seemed to be a little thinner. His eyes were a little bit smaller, but his forehead was very broad. He came to Li Yifei and went up and down. Looking at Li Yifei.

Li Yifei frowned slightly. This guy spoke very rudely, but as a soldier, he was always proud of himself, especially when he saw people from other teams, he always looked like this, a member of the Flying Eagle team. We saw other players, so Li Yifei didn't care about him, and said, "Where is your boss?"

The man's face sank and said: "Are you blind? I am the boss of the Battle Bear team."

Li Yifei was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Are you the boss? What about Chen Hu, the kid?"

The man looked at Li Yifei with slanted eyes, and said, "Where Chen Hu goes is not my responsibility. I only know that I am the boss of the Battle Bear team now, and everything here is under my control."

Li Yifei also looked at this guy, and felt that although this guy seemed very arrogant, it was not the kind of pride and murderousness that had been baptized by war, but a kind of arrogance. How could such a person come to the Battle Bear team? Be the captain?

"Hey, you have retired from the Flying Eagle Team now, so you are not a member of the military. Now put your things down and you can go." The guy waved his hand, looking very impatient.

"Stuff left? Give it to you?" Li Yifei asked faintly.

"Yes, hurry up, don't be an eyesore here, this is Lao Tzu's territory, not the Flying Eagle Team."

Li Yifei really has an evil fire in his heart, and he has worked so hard to get things back. Even the big leaders have to say thank you, and this guy treats it with this attitude. He, this is beyond what Li Yifei can bear.

"Very well, then I'll go, but I can't leave you with anything." Li Yifei said, turning around and preparing to get in the car. Li Yifei felt ashamed of himself when he negotiated with such a second cargo.

"You stop for me!" The guy suddenly yelled and waved his hand. Several team members rushed to stop Li Yifei. The guy came to Li Yifei slowly, and said in a weird manner: "You can go, you can leave. I stayed."

Li Yifei looked at this guy and said slowly: "You give me a reason."

The guy curled his mouth and said disdainfully: "What's here is mine, do you want to take it away?"

"Then what if I disagree?" Li Yifei's tone was extremely cold.

"I don't agree...Haha! This is not a place where you can make publicity. I am the boss here. I have the final say. If you don't leave things behind, then you can stay."

Li Yifei looked at this guy and suddenly burst into laughter. This world has really changed. He has only left the army for more than a year. This guy who didn't know where he came from even dared to point his finger at him. He took it seriously.

That guy frowned at this moment and shouted: "Laugh a shit, get out of here, get out of here!"

Li Yifei nodded and said, "Very well, you are really good. I have to take things away today. I want to see how your team of battle bears can keep me under your leadership. under!"

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