The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1053: Danger into the sea

When Li Yifei was harassed by three ninja masters, plus another ninja dart, and dealt with these people for so long, it can be seen that Li Yifei’s strength is different from them. Now there are only two harassers left. Li Yifei took the advantage and changed his defensive strategy, first attacking the surrounding two people fiercely.

The two men retreated steadily, even if it was the harassment of the other person, it was impossible to stop Li Yifei's offensive.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, a ninja hit Li Yifei with a punch in the chest. In addition to the sound of his fist hitting his body, there was also the sound of bones breaking. The ninja's body did not fly out, but slowly languished. On the ground, seeing that he couldn't live, his broken ribs pierced his lungs, he could only open his mouth wide, desperately trying to take two more breaths.

Li Yifei kept on going. When another knife was struck, Li Yifei's body directly hit his arms. A master like Li Yifei, with all weapons, was hit by Li Yifei's chest. It was like being hit by a fast-moving heavy truck and flying several meters away. When he fell to the ground, there was no breath.

At this moment, there was only one injured ninja left. He was a little far away from Li Yifei. Seeing this situation, he threw a smoke bomb on the ground, and then wanted to escape because Li Yifei couldn't see him clearly.

But a cold light broke through the cloud of smoke, and a muffled grunt came from the smoke. When the smoke dissipated, a ninja stood on the ground with a ninja knife from his chest straight through his back, and then slowly fell on it. To the ground.

Li Yifei killed four ninjas in a row, all relying on this kind of close combat, and the most labor-saving and the most lethal flying needle, Li Yifei was useless.

Li Yifei's flying probe is powerful, I'm afraid that there will be many people in the world who know it. If he uses the flying probe, it will definitely remind people that this is what he did. At that time, the two countries will inevitably have a dispute.

But when Li Yifei killed those soldiers, he used a flying needle and left a living mouth. It was not Li Yifei's carelessness, but a puzzle formed by Li Yifei deliberately.

Seeing a soldier being killed by a flying needle, someone would naturally think that this was Li Yifei’s hand, but when killing the four top ninjas, this should be a person's best skill, or it should be. It’s the right thing to use all of your abilities, but when the four ninjas were killed, the flying needle did not appear, which means that this was not done by Li Yifei, the golden eagle. The previous use of flying to target ordinary soldiers is more like It's an array of misunderstandings that blamed Li Yifei, the Golden Eagle.

This kind of true and false, Li Yifei is very skilled, a most outstanding agent, that is to let the other party suspect you, you can also get rid of the suspicion, at least not let people directly determine that it is you, so as to give The country causes the least disputes.

However, Li Yifei had to admit at this time that these four ninjas were really too strong. If they were replaced by anyone in the Phantom Squad, they would definitely not be pleased with the four.

Suzuki Aoki watched Li Yifei kill all four ninjas in the car. She didn't know what she was thinking at this time. She is really stupid now. Why is there such a perverted and powerful person in this world? She couldn't imagine that this person still played with her for more than three days, the Mu Fei who jokes with her every day.

At this time, the big villain who had just killed someone turned out to be walking towards the car, which made Aoki Suzuko become shocked. She wanted to scream but couldn’t scream, wanted to escape but couldn’t escape, so she could only watch Li Yifei get on again. The car.

"Miss Lingzi, thanks to your help this time, I was able to complete the task smoothly. In order to express my gratitude, I will not kill you." With that, Li Yifei patted Aoki Lingzi twice.

Aoki Suzuko's unconscious legs recovered all at once. She also knew that she should be able to speak, and stared at Li Yifei and said, "You bastard, you kill me, so many soldiers, and these four ninjas, It's all because of my ignorance that I let them lose their lives."

Li Yifei really did not expect that Suzuki Aoki would react like this, but at this time he could not take too much into account, saying: "Soldiers go to the battlefield, then be prepared for sacrifice. You are not my enemy, I will not kill you. ."

"If you don't kill me, then I will kill you someday sooner or later." Aoki Suzuko squeezed this sentence out of her teeth, saying that she was extremely determined.

Li Yifei laughed and said, "It's up to you." He was about to get out of the car.

But just as he poked his head out, he immediately retreated back with a very fast speed, and then rushed towards Aoki Suzuko. When he pounced on Aoki Suzuko, he quickly pushed open the door, carrying Aoki Suzuko. Zi threw himself out of the car.

Suzuki Aoki exclaimed. She was not afraid of Li Yifei killing her, but she was a woman, but she was afraid that Li Yifei would invade her. Seeing Li Yifei pounce like this, her instinctive reaction was that Li Yifei wanted to invade her. She was just a girl. Even in the face of a normal man, she has no power to resist. What she is encountering now is a perverted existence like Li Yifei, and she knows that she cannot be spared.

However, Aoki Suzuko was thrown to the ground by Li Yifei, and Li Yifei immediately rolled over again, which made her unable to react at all.

"Boom!" Suddenly a loud voice sounded, it was almost like breaking the eardrum of a person, and then a heat wave rushed in, and Aoki Suzuko felt that his body suddenly lost weight, but it appeared in front of him. It was red, but I didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Aoki Suzuki didn't know what was going on, but Li Yifei knew it very well, because he heard the sound of the helicopter just now, and when he turned his head, he saw a flame passing through the air. The target was his car, so he was in an emergency. Brought Aoki Suzuko out at the moment.

It was because he was going to take Aoki Suzuko, when Li Yifei jumped out of the car, he would have to jump out more than a second slower than his normal jump out. And just such a difference of more than a second made him not completely avoid that. The huge explosive power of the rocket, that powerful force directly hit his back, and all that impacted him and Aoki Suzuko flew up, and when he landed, Li Yifei could not help but spit out blood. When she came out, she sprayed Aoki Suzuko directly, and even splashed some on her face.

The roar of the helicopter was louder, and then a series of machine guns followed. Li Yifei had no time to mix his breathing, and he hurriedly hugged Aoki Suzuko and tossed. The place where he was standing was suddenly splashed by sand that was hit by a machine gun.

The gunshots continued, and Li Yifei's movements were also constant. At this time, he relied entirely on an instinct and an intuition for danger. Although the speed of the brain was fast, it was transmitted to the body and then moved. There are absolutely no bullets anymore.

Fortunately, Li Yifei was not far from the sea at this time, and there were a few beautiful dodges. He finally rushed to the sea. He did not directly enter the sea. The sea here is shallow, and he cannot hide from entering the water, but will let him. The action slowed down. At that time, nine out of ten, he was beaten into a sieve. After jumping over a few reefs, he jumped directly into the water. The seawater here was very deep. Li Yifei quickly carried Qingmuling. Zi swam a few meters to the shore, and then hid under the ore.

Li Yifei did this very wisely. He just jumped into the sea, and the machine gunner on the helicopter shot at the surface of the water. Not only the place where Li Yifei jumped, but also the place a few meters ahead, the depth of the sea here was less than five meters. Mi, bullets will still cause a lot of damage to people when they penetrate such deep water, and in this water, Li Yifei simply can't dodge the bullets, let alone death, the injuries are certain.

But when he swam back, he completely avoided the opponent's strafe.

The machine gun shooting lasted for half a minute before it stopped. Li Yifei took Aoki Suzuko and quickly swam into the depths of the ocean, while the helicopter above was still hovering in the air. Under normal logical circumstances, It is impossible for a person to stay underwater for too long. At this time, they must not swim too far, so their search range is within a hundred meters.

But Li Yifei's ability to ventilate underwater was really too powerful. By this time, he had already rushed out almost 100 meters and was still swimming forward.

He is fine, but Suzuki Aoki is okay at this time. It is almost a minute now. Under normal circumstances, her breath can be held for more than forty seconds. It is not bad. Now if she doesn't know the life and death matter, she really can't hold it. Long.

Feeling that Li Yifei hadn't even appeared to breathe, Aoki Lingzi couldn't stand it anymore. The most important thing was that her ancestors were already a little confused, and they struggled hard.

But a mouth was immediately attached to her mouth, and a burst of oxygen rushed into her mouth. At this time, Aoki Suzuko had only one instinct, that is, she needed oxygen, so she opened her mouth wide and greedily inhaled this to help. Breath.

After taking two breaths of oxygen, Aoki Suzuko finally recovered her sanity, but suddenly realized what kind of situation she was in. Her lips were pressed against the murder demon, and she quickly raised her head and separated from Li Yifei's lips. .

Li Yifei ignored Aoki Suzuki. All he wanted to do now was to swim forward. Only by swimming a certain distance, could he go up and breathe safely.

At this time, the underwater is very dark, Aoki Suzuko can see nothing but a little light up, and she has never been under the sea like this, and a deep sense of fear rises in her heart. , Even if facing a murderous madman, compared to this darkness, Aoki Suzuko still feels better instinctively with Li Yifei.

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