A few hours later, City C.

At this time, King had already bought several of his favorite games to his satisfaction and was walking out of the mall, carrying his bag and preparing to go home.

A few hours ago, he almost killed the giant brother with an overwhelming power gap.

"I finally bought it. No strange guy will bother me this time."

King said to himself, for him, the monster who just caused horrific damage is far less important than the game in his hand.

But thinking of the scene of the battle just now, King opened the system menu, and his reputation value was indeed greatly improved. With a little improvement, he will definitely be able to return to almost 20 million points by night. King plans to wait until he has at least 100 million points before extracting skills to ensure that he can obtain powerful enough abilities.

I really would rather not. 4

The most important thing now is to increase your reputation as soon as possible.

Although monsters like the Vaccine Man and the Giant can cause huge damage, you can get a lot of money by defeating them. Prestige points, but in fact this kind of weirdo can only be encountered, and it is just a coincidence that he encountered it twice in a short period of time. 4.

If you kill those low-level weirdos, the increased reputation value can be said to be. It was insignificant.

King needed other ways to further increase his reputation.

At this moment, King turned his head and looked at the mall door, only to notice that it was covered with an advertisement.

【The 21st: Martial Arts Conference is about to begin!】

"A martial arts competition?"

King looked at the contents of the advertisement and fell into deep thought.

He had heard about the existence of the martial arts conference. It is held once a year and is attended by top fighters from various martial arts in the world. It can be said to be the largest feast of fighters in the world. The entire world has great influence. 3

It can be said that the champion of every martial arts competition will become a decisive figure in this world. Banggu in the Hero Association was also the champion of the martial arts competition. Among them, there are many strong men who are not heroes. Many of them are definitely no less powerful than A-level or even S-level heroes. If you defeat them, your reputation will be greatly improved by participating in the martial arts competition.

Maybe it's a good choice.

When he thought of this, King nodded with satisfaction.

But King's top priority now is to go home and finish the newly purchased game.......

Nine p.m.

King put down the controller with satisfaction and looked at the finale on the screen. After an afternoon of 'struggle', he finally completed the first episode of Doki Doki Sisters. 3

"Phew, this ending is really good."

"Prepare to clear the second story line tomorrow"

"Sure enough, all good things are hard to come by."

King said slowly.

It was only then that he remembered that he still had something to do.

Sign up for this martial arts conference.

Although the martial arts conference provides registration options, generally only fighters with martial arts sects are eligible to participate, like It was difficult for a person like King who had nothing to do with fighting to participate in a martial arts competition. 1

But King quickly thought of a way.

He immediately picked up the phone and dialed Banggu's number. All S-class heroes in the Hero Association have unique communication devices, so there is no need to worry about poor signals or being eavesdropped.

After King officially joined the Hero Association yesterday, he also had the contact information of the other party.

This was why King contacted Banggu. It's because Bangu now has a decisive influence in half of the martial arts circles. 3

If he can get Bangu's help, then there will be no problem for King to participate in this martial arts conference.

The ticking sound only rang a few times. Gu's slightly hoarse voice rang out

"Mr. king?"

Banggu came out from the other end of the phone, his voice full of surprise. He didn't expect that king would take the initiative to call him.

King was also a little nervous at this time. His arrogance and arrogance in front of his giant brother during the day had already disappeared. Gone.

He never imagined that one day he would be in private contact with an S-class hero

, but he even had his contact information. Many people had never met him. But it's something that King never dreamed of before.

"Yes, it's me, Mr. Bongu."

King said as hard as possible to keep his voice from shaking.

"I didn’t expect that Mr. King would take the initiative to contact me. Is there anything you need my help with? Bang

Gu asked curiously

"that.....Mr. Banggu, this is the case.....I am very interested in this martial arts conference.....But I don’t know how to sign up......"

King said,

"So I would like to ask, Mr. Banggu, if there is any way for me to participate."1

King now hopes that his reputation can be improved as soon as possible. During the day, this idea is not strong, but after night, King's desire to improve his reputation becomes very urgent. 1

During the day, he The stronger he gets, the king at night realizes how powerful he is now, and must further improve his strength in a short time.

Otherwise, once he encounters a weirdo when he is weakest at night, there will be nothing. The only way to fight back is to just GG.

This is why he had no choice but to shamelessly come to Banggu to ask if he could participate in the martial arts competition.


After Banggu exclaimed, he fell into silence again.

This made King very worried.

Was it because he made the phone call at a bad time, which made Banggu angry?

But in the final analysis, he and Banggu We just met yesterday!

Isn’t it a bit too much to ask Bang Gu to open the back door for me today?......

King is now extremely confused, thinking about how to apologize to Bang Gu before he gets angry.

And at this moment, Banggu's voice came from over there

"Hahahaha, I didn’t expect you, Mr. King, to want to participate in a martial arts competition."

Banggu's voice was full of joy, as if this was something that made him very happy.

"May I ask why Mr. King wants to participate in a martial arts competition?"

King naturally couldn't say that he had a system, and he had already thought of the reason:

"I'm somewhat interested in martial arts."

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