"One, one drop?"

Akane Kubo Momo and Kuga Teruki exclaimed in unison, Kobayashi Gentian's answer was completely beyond their imagination, and they even felt that Kobayashi Gentian was joking with them.

But at this time, Erina Nagikiri also spoke:

"Don't be surprised, it's hard to believe what is happening right now, but if you know where this rainbow fruit came from, then you won't be surprised."

Meeting the eyes of the two, Erina Nagikiri slowly informed the two of them about the Super Dimensional Exchange Company.

It also tells about what they saw and heard when they boarded the extradimensional train and went to other worlds, and in front of the two of them, they showed off the specialties they bought from the pirate world.

Kobayashi Gentian and Si Yingshi also echoed on the side, and even Kobayashi Gentian showed off in front of the two of them the six naval styles she had learned in the pirate world.

When they saw Kobayashi Gentian stepping into the sky, the two of them completely believed Erina Nagikiri's words.

"We, how can we have this kind of opportunity?"

For a long time, my face turned red with excitement, and at this moment, the trace of dissatisfaction in my heart caused by the previous signing of the contract also completely disappeared.

Just by signing that contract, you can get in touch with the super dimensional communication company, and they will definitely make a lot of money!

"Look at Little Peach, I'll just say believe me."

Kobayashi Gentian came to Akane Kubo Momo and said with a smug face.

"Thank you very much, Gentian, your kindness, I will never forget"

Akane Kubo Momo said with a very solemn expression.

After some thanks, the two pestered the others, wanting to know more about the Extradimensional Communication Company or other worlds from their mouths.

"Don't worry about the words of the super dimensional communication company, as for the other worlds, there are several guests from other worlds on our side."

"Senior for a long time, the Chinese cuisine master I mentioned before is from other worlds"

Erina Nagikiri said.

Hearing this, Jiu Shoji suddenly felt a feeling of suffocation.

"Chinese chefs from other worlds?" hiss...... What if I'm more nervous than before when you say that?"

Jiu Teruki took a deep breath and said.

The master of Chinese cuisine in his own world, he has not consulted yet, but now that he has been, the object of his advice has directly become a master of Chinese cuisine in other worlds.

This span is simply outrageous.

"Don't be nervous, the Pleiades are very good, he will patiently teach us questions, so when you see him, you can rest assured to ask"

Kobayashi Gentian came to Teruki's side, patted him on the shoulder and said.

However, Kobayashi Gentian's name for Liu Pleiades made me stunned for a long time.


He didn't understand, for a master of Chinese cuisine, how could Kobayashi Gentian dare to use such a title, shouldn't he use an honorific title?

As if seeing his doubts, Kobayashi Gentian showed his little tiger teeth.

"Hahaha, the reason why I call him Ah Pleiades is because although his cooking skills are much better than that of the commander-in-chief, his age is younger than Erina"

Kobayashi Gentian's words made Jiuga Teru dumbfounded.

A master of Chinese cuisine who is younger than Erina Nagikiri?

Isn't that really a joke?

"Anyway, when he finishes entertaining guests from the other world, you will be able to communicate with him, and you will naturally know everything by then."

"Oh, by the way, the guests of the other world are the ingredient suppliers of the rainbow fruits that make this pool of juice, and their world has all kinds of ingredients that you can't even imagine."

Kobayashi Gentian happily poured the news into Teruki Kuga and Akane Kubo Momo, and looked at the shocked expressions of the two of them.

It turns out that revealing the secret and causing others to be shocked is such a feeling.

After that, Erina Nagikiri took the two of them to see other ingredients that were either purchased from the Super Dimensional Exchange Company or brought by Ayu Komatsu for this exchange.

The same thing beyond their imagination directly refreshed their three views.

For example, if a fruit that looks very similar to a coconut is opened, who would have thought that when it was opened, it would be a rice bowl or a fragrant and steaming rice bowl.

Hell knows why the donburi are like that.

Also, why do the rice bowls that grow on the same tree have different types of meat and vegetables from different countries, such as kakaki meat, tonkatsu, curry, and mapo tofu?

And so on, and what kind of apple with a frightened face, and octopus that can squeeze out soy sauce, vinegar, sauce, and so on.

Even in the back garden of Nagi Cha's house, they saw a pig that had been completely roasted and smelled of meat, but it was still moving around alive.

In short, in less than half an hour after coming to the Nagi Cutting House, the three views of Akane Kubo Momo and Kuga Teruki were completely shattered.

Of course, while the three views were shattered, there was also an inevitable burst of ecstasy in the hearts of the two.

They thought of the ten companions who had come with them before, and they were secretly glad that they did not leave like them, and at the same time, they also secretly said sorry in their hearts for those who left.

They had no idea what kind of opportunity they had missed.

However, they couldn't remind each other that it was clearly written in the contract that no one could tell anyone about the superdimensional communication company.

Whether or not you can join them depends on whether the other party has enough luck or whether they have enough courage.

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