The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 87, exploring deep mining areas

Marienburg's underground tunnels can be roughly divided into two areas: shallow urban area and deep mining area.

As mentioned before, the underground of Marienburg is composed of countless tunnels and mines. Due to large-scale illegal excavation and construction, every house in Marienburg in the canal area and civilian areas has a basement connected to underground tunnels, and many smugglers Passengers use these tunnels to enter Marienburg, merchants build warehouses and secret storage areas underground, and even civilians unscrupulously build residential areas in underground tunnels.

But only in this way, humans only use a part of the underground tunnels. This part of the area used by humans is Qiancheng District.

The rulers of Marienburg spent a lot of money to block and destroy some of the tunnels, and then sent additional manpower to guard some major tunnels, so Qiancheng was relatively safe.

The really scary thing is the deep mining area.

No one knows where countless complicated and winding tunnels lead. In the deep mining area, the deepest passage is said to lead to the molten underground or even the residence of demons. Many humans living in the deep mining area are threatened by depravity and corruption. Many Chaos Cults are active in the darkness, as are various ferocious beasts and demons. According to eyewitnesses, rats as big as humans have been seen deep in the mines.

That was the infamous Skaven. The Human Empire had several wars with the Skaven hundreds of years ago. The Empire won the final victory, but in retaliation, the reigning Emperor of the Empire died. Assassinations by rat assassins regardless of cost.

Of course, Marienburg would not sit idly by. The method Schulz used was to hire mercenaries to regularly patrol and clean up monsters. The nobles always offered high prices and deceived the mercenaries by saying that there were amazing treasures buried in the deep mining areas. Lure the mercenaries to accept the commission. In fact, some mercenaries did find buried treasures in deep mining areas and made a huge fortune. Whenever this happened, Archduke Schulz would always generously announce to the mercenaries There is no need to pay taxes on this money and it encourages more mercenaries to venture into deep mining areas, thereby triggering an exploration boom again and again.

Few people noticed that more mercenaries were always forgotten in the process of never returning.

There were a large number of guards guarding the entrance from the shallow city to the deep mining area. Jacob didn't say much. He led the three apprentices and continued down the dark and deep mine: "Damn it, wet, dark, damn depraved ones, All three of the things I hate most are here.”

"Vice President, be careful. I heard from the guards that a new sect seems to have appeared in the deep mining area recently." A young demon hunter pulled the brim of his hat and said in a cautious tone: "It is said that the object of this sect's belief is a head. Gray dog.”

"Then we are lucky, because we have delicious dog meat to eat." Jacob bared his teeth, revealing teeth that had become browned due to years of smoking.

"Haha~" Several demon hunters laughed together.

Yes, for demon hunters like them who lick blood with their swords and spend their whole lives in battle, they really don’t have much fun. All they can enjoy is food, fire and women between battles. .

Because Demon Hunters have been in constant contact with the creations of Chaos, they are often deeply affected physiologically. On the one hand, they develop antibodies to Chaos. Long-term contact with Chaos also makes them bloodthirsty, physically mutated, and certain desires are particularly strong.

Walking in the dark tunnel with a torch, the increasingly narrow tunnel and the depressing environment made several demon hunters feel very uncomfortable, so they began to look for topics: "Where is Belt? Jock?"

A young demon hunter named Jock found a fragment: "I found this in a giant warehouse about thirty minutes away from here. This fragment is undoubtedly part of the firecracker worn by Belt. He must have been in a fight there.”

"Giant warehouse?" Jacob thought of something: "Is it a giant warehouse storing something?"

"It's a warehouse where some candles and clothes are stored." Jock answered. These young demon hunters were all dressed in the same way, and they were all wrapped in thick clothes.

"Why are candles stored together with clothes?" Jacob immediately realized something was wrong, but the master demon hunter still smiled strangely: "But we have no choice. Even if we know there is a problem here, we must investigate it. , because time does not wait for us, and Belt may disappear again at any time.”

This is how witchers do things. Sometimes even if they know something may be wrong, they will still investigate because they need money and need to complete the task.

The deeper you go, the more damp and weird the tunnel becomes. The thick boots of the witcher are covered with water droplets. Deep underground water in Marienburg leaks everywhere in this place. No one knows the many tunnels that have been in disrepair and lead to them. There, the only thing the demon hunters can rely on is the torches in their hands, but their torches are indeed a bit strange.

The torches in the hands of several demon hunters burned very vigorously, and the large flames that kept coming out could illuminate the surrounding dark environment, and they showed no signs of extinguishing even after burning for more than 20 minutes.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how exquisite the craftsmanship is, such a powerful torch will not burn for more than a quarter of an hour. When seeing several people, the atmosphere was very stiff. One of the demon hunters said: "Master Jacob, this torch is another one." Did you get it from Representative Sofia?”

The relationship between the vice-president of the Witcher Guild and Gloria Councilwoman Sophia was well known to everyone, and Jacob never wanted to hide it, but Jacob just grinned: "She gave it to me I have used them all long ago, and now what we have in our hands is the torch made by little Veronica, haven’t you all seen her?”

"Yes, she is such a beautiful witch. She is as beautiful as a rose with dew in the morning." Jock said with a smile: "At that time, many of us witchers were still making bets in private. She Which witcher boy will you choose as your partner?"

"In the end, no one guessed it right. She doesn't like us demon hunters at all. The truth is as she wished. She has a close relationship with the Nord hero 'Sledgehammer' Ryan, who has recently become famous in the mainland. Alas, if I do the same It would be nice to be adopted by the lord." Another demon hunter joked, but everyone could hear the envy in his voice.

"Little Veronica is very spirited." Jacob held the torch and looked at the mushrooms on the ground and the various strange patterns on the tunnel walls: "She has found a treasure. Ryan's growth rate is really great." It is beyond imagination. He is not yet 25 years old this year and is already a mid-level legend. I have lived for more than a hundred years and have been stuck in the high-level legend for nearly fifty years. It seems that I have no chance to touch it in this life. It’s a holy place.”

"Vice President, don't say that. You still have a lot of time." Some demon hunters comforted.

"No...I can already feel that my body is accelerating aging. It won't take too many years, maybe ten, maybe twenty years, before I will become a real old man, so we must hurry up, boys, be careful. ." Jacob knew that his body was gradually aging. This time he came out to hunt down Belt and had to hurry up. He could not let the degenerate go unpunished anymore.

After passing through a narrow tunnel, the deep mine area suddenly opened up in front of several demon hunters. The twenty-meter-high top was supported by a large number of stone pillars and reinforced by many wooden shelves. Even after thousands of years, several A demon hunter can still vaguely see the outline of the huge dwarf sculpture. There were also dwarf masterpieces left in the deep mining area of ​​Marienburg. The treasures found by some adventurers were not groundless, but real.

The four demon hunters advanced in the tunnel in a low-key manner. They used sign language to communicate as much as possible. No one knew what was in the deep mine area. It was a paradise for all kinds of monsters, but it was not human.

"This way, Vice President, brothers." Jock found a place to go up. He used hook locks and rock climbing skills to cross an inconspicuous low wall. Only then did everyone discover that there was a short walk along the top of the low wall. After the road, there is actually a road leading to another place.

"How did you find this ghost road?" Several demon hunters cursed and climbed up the low wall, and then walked along the wall. It was very uncomfortable for them to hunch forward.

"It's a smell." Jock put his finger under his nose and said softly: "Do you remember? People in the Slaanesh sect like to apply a lot of incense and perfume essential oils to their bodies. I'm checking When I arrived near here, I felt a pungent fragrance, so I searched for a long time before I found this entrance."

"MMP, you kid can find all of this, you have the ability." Jacob and the other two demon hunters laughed and cursed, then said no more. Along a long corridor, several people appeared together. Above and below the cliff is the warehouse Jock detected.

The door of the warehouse is locked with iron ropes. It is impossible for ordinary and elite people to break this door. Moreover, this warehouse is very hidden. There will not be many people visiting it. There are a few demon hunters hiding in the dark. Be careful. Investigate everything.

"Hmm~ There are a wide variety of footprints, including leather shoes, large leather boots, and... hoof prints and dance shoe prints. Some of the footprints are very new, and some of the footprints are very old. There should be someone in this place." Jacob checked. The footprints on the ground made a cautious gesture to the demon hunter behind him: "This may be the settlement of the Chaos Sect, everyone, be careful."

Several demon hunters whispered in agreement, and they extinguished the torches. One of the demon hunters walked gently to Jacob and said, "Vice President? What should we do now? Should we go directly to explore this warehouse?"

Jacob signaled to the witchers to calm down, his mutated amber eyes fixed on the warehouse door.

"The way the chain in front of the door is knotted is very special, which proves that the person in charge of guarding or locking the door was once a sailor."

"The iron door does not look new, and the lock is full of signs of wear and tear, which shows that people come and go here from time to time."

"Jock, are you sure you found this place on your own? Were you not lured here by something?"

Jacob's inquiry made the young demon hunter Jock a little confused. He thought about it carefully and then said with some uncertainty: "It should be... right? I remember that soon after I went deep into the deep mining area, I met a group of strange people, and out of curiosity I followed them for a while, and then lost them near the wall. I found the entrance after groping for a long time, and the fragment was found at the entrance of the warehouse."

"Tsk, idiot, I suspect you were seduced by them,'s hard to say this kind of thing. Let's not rush in. There is an ambush here now. Everyone, be prepared." Jacob was not sure whether Jock was really Being seduced, the veteran demon hunter thought carefully and made a decision: "Find a place and we will wait quietly. If Belt wants to ambush us here, then he must have already done it. Prepare."

So several demon hunters found a hidden place outside the warehouse, hid themselves, and quietly waited for things to develop. In the darkness, only a few pairs of mutated eyes were left to monitor everything.

An hour passed.

Two hours, three hours...

After waiting for five hours, a large number of people's voices suddenly rang out in the dead-silent warehouse. Countless torches and loud shouts of curses came one after another. Dozens of guards and several people wearing full suits appeared in the originally empty warehouse. Armored mercenary.

"Damn it, that idiot Oaks said someone would come here, but we waited for hours and there wasn't even a damn one!"

"That's it! We were deceived!"

"No matter what, we have been lying in wait here for six hours as he asked, and those damn demon hunters still haven't shown up, so it has nothing to do with us!"

"Yes, you still have to pay the commission you should pay. Brothers, we have completed the mission and are withdrawing! Let's go back to the city and have a big meal!"

"Let's go, let's go~"

A large group of mercenaries and guards cursed and lit torches. Under the operation of a mercenary, a gate appeared in the originally tightly sewn stone wall. The group of people walked out one after another and disappeared in the gate. Then the stone gate closed tightly again. .

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!" The three young demon hunters looked at the crossbows and several muskets in the hands of the mercenaries, and felt cold in their hearts. If they rushed in rashly, they would most likely fall into an ambush.

"I knew there was an ambush." ​​Jacob spat, and then motioned to several people not to worry: "Wait, let's wait a little longer, these mercenaries may not really leave."

Several restless demon hunters were a little confused about Jacob's order, but they still obeyed his order and continued to wait.

Things went as Jacob expected. Ten minutes later, the mercenaries and guards came back. When they saw that no one showed up, they really left.

The last group of people left, and Jacob finally signaled several demon hunters to get up: "Get up, boys, start taking action!"

The four demon hunters gradually approached the warehouse, completely unaware that in the passage they entered, a tall man wearing a round hat and a blood-red leather coat smiled: "As cautious as ever, it is indeed your style, Ya Kebu… mentor!”

"But I know you too well, mentor."

"This warehouse is your graveyard!"

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