The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 70, Imperial reinforcements arrive

In the wilderness of the Kingdom of Nord, Emperor Karl Franz is leading his imperial army to advance rapidly. The electors responded very quickly. After the food was allocated in place, the imperial army moved very quickly. They will be there tomorrow. You can reach Miljödenhavn.

The emperor himself was riding on his own Pegasus, thinking about what was going to happen next. Not every battle would require the use of his gryphon mount, the Death Claw. The Emperor usually rode on his Pegasus.

"Hurry up, knights. Miljödenhaven has been surrounded by barbarians and may fall at any time. We can't watch tens of thousands of people die in front of us." Karl Franz and his 500 Reiks The guards said.

"Of course! My Majesty, we are already moving at full speed." The Reik guards responded loudly to the emperor.

Karl-Franz smiled slightly. He knew that he was a little anxious. The Rick Guards were composed of the most elite knights in the territories under their direct jurisdiction. Being able to become the Rick Guards was an honor for the entire family, except for the Griffin Knights of the Empire. Apart from the Battle Court Guards, which had a strength of only forty, the Reik Guards were already the most elite troops in the hands of the emperor.

Knights cannot abandon infantry and artillery and act alone. Even within the Empire, such actions are very dangerous.

On the surface, the empire seems to cover a large territory, but the number of uninhabited areas such as large black forests, mountains, and swamp deserts is equally astonishing. The empire is truly a federal system with cities and villages as its center and roads as its bloodline. nation.

The Reik Territory under the direct jurisdiction of the emperor is a vast and fertile plain. The troublesome bandits and beastmen have been greatly alleviated after the emperor sent troops to annihilate and suppress the rebellion. However, it is different for other electors, such as Walrich Territory, although this elector territory is very large, except for White Wolf City and Kronburg in the south, this land is almost completely covered by the black forest. The land and population actually controlled by the elector are very limited.

The great alchemist Belshazer-Gelt also rode beside the emperor on a Pegasus. Along the way, the leaders of the alchemy school of the Imperial Academy of Wizards had many exchanges with the emperor.

Compared with the current chief wizard of the empire, Sernus-Gehrman, who has a hot temper and the strange characteristic of spitting fire from time to time, Galt, as a great alchemist, is more popular with the emperor. Galt's thinking is logical and rigorous. Often able to put forward constructive opinions and suggestions.

"More than 4,000 barbarian troops have besieged Mjordenhaven. The Ursine tribe has always been famous for its high morale and good at attacking fortresses. It is said that they attacked the port without warning this time. What advice does our great alchemist have?" Knowing that he can't Anxious, Karl Franz turned to chat with Geert.

"There must be some purpose in this. It may be an instruction from the evil god, or it may be some kind of strategic purpose. Generally speaking, the evil god's instructions have no recruitment or logic, because they themselves are chaotic existences... So if If Berig has some purpose, then he may want to control that port, obtain its wealth, and return to the northern wasteland by ship." Galt paused for a moment with a sound like metal friction, and then continued: "But before What happened in the past two days made me overturn my assumptions.”

"What kind of thing is it? Can you explain it to me? My great alchemist?"

"Of course, my Majesty...well, let's describe it this way. Two days ago, I could feel huge magic fluctuations near Mjordenhaven. It is very likely that the magic fluctuations there attracted the attention of the evil god. "Gelt's tone showed that he was very interested in this matter, but with the great alchemist wearing a mask, the emperor could only judge his emotions from his tone.

Karl-Franz knew that these spellcasters were actually time bombs - but humans needed their power, and the unpredictable chaotic energy could be turned into powerful magic under their guidance.

The emperor was just, benevolent, heroic, and courageous. He was not hostile to these spellcasters, because everyone was struggling to survive under the threat of Chaos, and no one was immune. So he continued: "If we can defeat Berig and his barbarian soldiers, you should have time to check out what happened.”

"There is no doubt that we can defeat the Ursine tribe, my lord. The only difference is whether Miljödenhaven will fall." Gelt clearly pointed out what the emperor did not say: "In my opinion, the defenders may Unable to hold on until we arrive, the fall of the town is only a matter of time, but... the scouts said that the famous White Wolf Knight 'Sledgehammer' Lane is also in Miljödenhaven and is leading the soldiers to resist. If he is really like the legend If it is strong, then this city may still have a glimmer of hope.”

"Ryan? I remember that he is Ivan's godson and is well-known in the northern part of the empire... But he is the Lord of the White Wolf!" Karl Franz hesitated: "At this sensitive node, I don't They took the initiative to summon him."

"As you said, my Majesty." Galt nodded.

There are also serious sectarian conflicts between the north and the south of the empire. The objects of belief in the north of the empire are generally referred to as the northern gods system, especially the White Wolf Church headed by Ulric and the Nature Church headed by the God of Nature Tal. Although the belief in the northern gods has declined, they still have an irreplaceable position in the hearts of northerners.

The gods in the southern part of the empire are the southern sects headed by the Church of Justice, the Church of Life, and the Church of Magic. The south of the empire has a better environment, a livable climate, and fertile land. The emperor’s direct territory is also located in the south of the empire, so the three major The church could obtain the right to elect an emperor, while the northern church was not eligible to elect an emperor, which further accelerated the confrontation between the north and the south of the empire.

After serving as emperor for fifty years, "Savior" Ludwig-Friedrich took off his crown, announced his abdication and disappeared. Originally, his brother Heinz had great hope of taking over as emperor, but Heinz After learning that if he succeeded to the throne, he would most likely grant the White Wolf Church the right to elect the emperor, the three major churches clearly stood by Carl Franz's grandfather. On the side of Opold-Franz Friedrich, Heinz eventually lost his position as emperor due to a violent quarrel.

This deepened the conflict between the northern and southern sects. After his coronation, Karl-Franz used his political wisdom and diplomatic skills to carefully mediate the delicate relationship between the northern and southern gods of the empire.

"This time may be an opportunity. My Majesty, your army happened to rescue the White Wolf Knight and received him as a matter of course. No one can have any objection to your noble behavior." Galt immediately gave his own opinion. Suggestions, the emperor naturally adopted the great alchemist's foolproof plan: "You are right."

At the end of the day's march, the well-trained imperial troops set up camp and deployed defenses very quickly. Hundreds of Reik Guards quickly gathered in formation like swimming fish. The formations that were constantly adjusted during the march were as dazzling as art. .

The scout quickly brought new news: "Your Majesty, there is new military information!"

Karl-Franz took the wax-sealed letter from the Reich Guards. Even after a long march, the emperor's face showed no signs of fatigue. Only a small part of it was a gift from his extraordinary physique. More comes from the emperor's enthusiasm for mankind and his love for the empire. Many people who have met the emperor said that this guardian of mankind is like the sun, burning himself and warming others. Not long after he took the throne, this military formation The emperor who was born was deeply loved by the people of the empire.

After opening the envelope and looking at it for a few times, Karl-Franz slapped his thigh hard, and the treasured "Silver Seal" full-body armor forged by dwarf craftsmen on his body made a crisp sound: "Beautiful!"

"What happened, my majesty?" Galt approached with a staff: "Am I lucky enough to share the joy with you?"

The emperor sent the letter to Galt: "It was that Ryan, he killed Berig in a championship duel! The Ursine tribe was defeated. I really didn't expect that Nord actually has such a brave man!"

"Then my Majesty, our plan can be adjusted slightly. The pressure faced by Nord is greatly reduced. We can rush to the northern coast faster and prepare to ambush the barbarian army." Geert replied.

"Gelt, have you heard the story of Arthur, the first knight king?" The success of the war made the emperor very comfortable. His army could safely replenish supplies in Miljödenhaven, and then prepare to ambush the barbarians on the coastline. People.

"Yes, my majesty." Galt nodded. The emperor took out a few pieces of buttered bread and drank Bagman beer. Galt only ate meat. The Rick guards protected their beloved emperor. , Galt ate something casually, and every movement he made had the sound of metal friction, which made the emperor feel very uncomfortable: "Are you talking about the story of Marcus, the first Duke of Bordeaux?"

"Let me hear the story of King Arthur and his legend! After the ninth victory, Arthur and his knights rode north. After several days of journey through the shadows of the Ardennes Forest, they arrived The former elf city-state, now the forest city, the seaport Ronquilli." Karl-Franz did not answer Galt's words. He recounted this magnificent epic as if reciting a poem: "Arthur left Some of the knights were here to rest for a while, while he led the army to attack the green-skinned army ahead..."

"But Arthur's wish came true. This huge port was attacked by northern barbarians. The knights who were left to rest had to launch a stormy attack. The battle was day after day and night after night. Thousands of barbarians were attacked. Killed or driven into the sea, these ferocious enemies remained unmoved. They continued to fight madly and cold-bloodedly, because they only wanted to obtain the gaze of their bloody evil god. In frustration, Marcus, Lord of Bordero Standing up, he pointed at the champion of Chaos, Svenga, the fallen lord of Skarins, and challenged him." Gelt was also familiar with that epic, and he continued: "Beat me and win, or now. Get out of here!”

Karl Franz nodded, and the emperor took over: "For the sake of honor, Svenga cannot refuse this challenge. Many brave warriors died under Svenga's blood-soaked hands, but there was no fear in Marcus's heart. He knew that the Lady was with him. The warriors met on the tower of the lighthouse, and the Bretons fought on foot. The clouds roared, the storm roared, and heaven and earth seemed to cheer for the duel. And the elements seemed to be Secretly assisting, they displayed a strange light on Svenga's double hammers. The two of them fought in darkness, and the sound of the collision of gold and iron could be heard in everyone's ears. The sound could be clearly heard even under the tower. Finally, Marcus broke through the enemy's defenses and struck out with such force that they both fell to the rocks below. Svenga fell, and the Norscans had to take advantage of The ship returned to their cold home. This was the tenth great victory."

"It's so similar to that magnificent epic of that year. I have a hunch that this is the beginning of a series of legendary stories for this young man." Finally, the emperor made a summary: "If we are lucky, we can see that person tomorrow." Young people.”

"Yes, my lord."

The next day, the elite imperial army arrived at Miljödenhaven. What they saw were people filled with pride and hope, as well as Earl Albert who came out of the city to greet the imperial army. The Earl's army suffered heavy losses, and everyone led them. Injured, but they are full of glory and faith.

The emperor did not see Ryan in the crowd: "Where is the Nord hero who won the championship duel? Please come out, I want to see him."

"It's a pity that my Emperor, Ryan is not here." Albert shook his head.

"he got hurt?"

"No, he was only slightly injured and is not in the way. It's just that after the celebration party last night, Mr. Lane still had a task to do. He boarded the passenger ship to Marienburg at night." Albert explained For a moment.

" it?" Karl-Franz thought to himself that Marienburg is not very far from the capital of the empire. You can reach Marienburg quickly by going down the Reik River: "It seems that I Not very lucky."

After several days of marching, Imperial troops are stationed in the city today.

It was night, and the sky was full of stars. The great alchemist Galt walked into the depths of the manor wearing a gold cloak and holding a staff. Because he was worried that the emperor would be injured by the magical energy, Galt declined the emperor's invitation to come and see with him. ask.

"Your Majesty, your personal safety is related to the fate of the world, and you are the empire." These were the words of the great alchemist to persuade the emperor, and Karl Franz had no choice but to give up.

There were new residents in the manor, and Galt's arrival made them very "enthusiastic." Facing the ghouls rushing towards him, the great alchemist moved his staff lightly, and all three ghouls turned into stone statue.

Exactly the same, Galt quickly found the hidden basement entrance.

Feeling the huge energy that appeared in the air, Galt became more and more curious. The great alchemist wanted to know what happened in this basement.

He could only find a damaged relic of the ancient saint.

Is there something wrong with the ancient saint's masterpiece?


At this moment, Galt suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura appearing behind him. The great alchemist took out a scroll from his arms without thinking and tore it open. A golden retriever that was as tall as a normal person and four or five meters long emerged from it. He rushed out of the scroll and rushed towards the incoming person.

Six-ring magic, summon golden retriever!

There was a flash of golden light on the person who came, and the hound's scream turned into dust before it was too late. A tall figure appeared in the basement, and the entire basement was lit up by the cold golden light.

"Who are you?!"

The second update I promised today is so exhausting. I also sympathize with the Little Golden Man. He fought for the empire, was suspected and expelled, and finally had to join the undead camp. He curved his loyalty and was brutally stabbed in the back. And death is also extremely miserable.

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