13 – 013. Blacksmith Village, Lookbranton

Caang! Caang!

Lookbranton arrived at the end of twists and turns.

Even though they arrived around evening, the village was noisy with the sound of iron banging.

The sound was so loud that every time the hammer was struck, my head buzzed.

I can’t say that there is no discomfort at all, but I heard the realization that I finally came to the village of blacksmiths.

“It’s great heat.”

“I know. I didn’t expect it to be like this either… … .”

Lookbranton was much hotter than the overcrowded front.

Even though it is geographically located in the northern part of the front, where the cold wind from the snowy mountains hits.

But it wasn’t completely incomprehensible.

The endlessly running waterwheel, the hot blast furnace, the sparking weapons between the anvil and the hammer, and the passion of the blacksmiths.

It would be understandable enough if all the elements gathered in one place to create the current heat.

“Everyone is concentrating on their own work.”

“Because if it was black limbs to the swordsman, it was a child to the blacksmiths. There aren’t many parents who neglect their children, right?”

“I guess so.”

“Certainly, even taking that into account, it’s a scene.”

Watching everyone pound the iron in unison, I felt like I was gradually falling for it.

Are my hands itchy too?

My body kept shaking as if I had to do something.

“Heh heh heh! A young stranger there! From the looks of it, it must be your first time in our village?”

“ah… yes!”

While watching Danya in awe, a loud laugh came from behind.

When I turned around, an old woman with a long white beard was walking towards me.

I bowed my back without realizing it at the dignified and grand age that I could feel from the appearance.

“hahahaha! You don’t have to be so formal! As much as our village values a free atmosphere, there are no restrictions on the actions of outsiders. You can watch as much as you like.”

“Is that so?”

“cancer! Rather, we blacksmiths like the attention of outsiders. The more people who look after you, the more powerful you become. Would you like to look over there for a moment?”

The old woman’s finger points to the smithy I was looking at just before.

“Now look at the house right next door.”

“Next door? oh… !”

the moment you turn your head. I quickly noticed the anomaly.

The pounding of the iron grew loud enough to tell that the hammering between the two forges had become more intense.

And the old lady’s laughter was more than that.

“Heh heh heh! It’s because everyone here is greedy. They use evil to get attention, or they show off even more to make them look only at themselves.”

“Shouldn’t you be concerned about your work?”

“Of course, their nerves are exclusively for iron. It is all unconscious behavior.”

“That’s great on its own.”

From nob le mt l. co m

Nerves are elsewhere, and the body responds to external stimuli.

The idea that all blacksmiths are in a state of trance made me scared.

It was said that if they held a sword instead of a hammer, they could reach the realm of the mind sword.

“Who is your grandfather anyway?”


He was about to scold Rene for being more formal.

The old man waved his hand and made an okay gesture.

“I am brand vilgreen. Nobu, a retired blacksmith and lord here in Lookbranton.”

“Bern Kulam greets the lord of Lukbranton!”

“I am Renee… !”

I glared at Renee as she was about to shout while raising her hand out of habit.

Then she reluctantly acted like me.

“René meets the lord of Luxbranton.”

“Heh heh heh! As I said before, we like a free atmosphere, so feel free to call the old lady.”

“No matter how comfortable calling the lord is… … .”

“Hey inspiration! I’m out of iron ore, so take more from your warehouse?”

“Do whatever you want, kid!”

A young man of the same age as me was calling the lord lowly.

Even so, the brand lord was responding with a laugh.

“Did you see it?”

“Okay, I’ll sing along to the atmosphere of this town. Are you done with this? Inspirational?”

“Ha ha ha! I thought he was a tough young man, but now I see he’s a fun friend! I love it!”

The lord’s mind went beyond being unique and was grotesque, but it wasn’t bad.

If I had to ask, it was similar to the owner of a pub I used to visit often.

The service was good, and he was a generous and customer-friendly person.

“Anyway, if you have any questions or complaints about the village, feel free to visit this old lady.”

“ah! Then, I plan to stay here for the night. Can you tell me a good inn?”

“It’s an inn… … . As a lord, I can’t pick and recommend it for a fair competition, but the closest place here is the fire-breathing rabbit inn.”

“thank you.”

“Thank you. Then have a nice day!”

The lord, who had been like a storm, left, and Rene and I, who remained where he had swept past, all laughed out loud.

It’s a completely different town from the front, but I thought I could have fun here too.


As night fell, the hammering that had been so loud ceased all at once.

Instead, all the inns in the village became noisy.

The reason was that blacksmiths flocked to the restaurant in the inn building.

“Kuh! After all, drinking while working is the best!”

“Agree with that! If it wasn’t for the alcohol, I’d be gone in less than two days and put down my hammer.”

“Ome! The alcohol is pouring in!”

Even though they weren’t dwarves, the blacksmiths all liked alcohol.

The taste of alcohol drunk after sweating is so special that you and I seem to be missing out on it.

So, I suddenly remembered the chicken and beer I ate in the world before I became possessed.

The Goddess I received after finishing the brain-breaking assignment. The tender leg meat meets the crispy batter to grease the tongue and stomach while the refreshing taste of beer permeates the body.

I just imagined it, but my mouth was drenched.

I thought I knew why the people drinking chicken and beer were crying and having s*x.



“Spit is leaking from the corners of your mouth.”

“Oh sorry! Unbeknownst to me, I showed a careless appearance.”

“You must be very hungry!”

“hmm… … Aren’t you wrong?”

Tears welled up at the fact that there is no chicken in this world. Unfortunately, I appeased my hunger by savoring the cuisine of another world.

By the time I finished eating rice while spending a leisurely meal with Rene.

Words I couldn’t get out of my ears came from the table next to me.

“Come to think of it, what happened to the demonic sword that accidentally flowed into the village this time?”

“Ah, you mean that? Even if you don’t, it’s a pain in the ass. No matter how much you knock, it will return to its original state. .”

magic sword.

Contrary to the holy sword, it was a sword with unclean power, and it was said that the dwarves made it for the demons.

While demons could not use holy swords, unusually, humans could also use demon swords. However, demonic sword users generally met a terrible end due to the demonic sword’s curse.

As a result, the Holden Kingdom banned the use of magic swords extensively.

‘… … Surely not?’

There is one reason why I show interest, even though I know that it is better to stay away from the demonic sword as much as possible.

It was because Bern used the magic sword.

Bern, who had a reason to become stronger in a short period of time, reluctantly borrowed the power of the magic sword.

After that, he succeeded in achieving his goal and asked the Dwarf to remove the demonic sword, but unfortunately, the demonic sword’s ego was awakened before that.

Awakened with the Ego Sword, the demonic sword became obsessed with Bern and cast a curse of possession on him.

A terrifying curse that will cause you to lose your life if you throw away your magic sword.

As a result, Bern was labeled an offender and stood on the road to misfortune.

‘Even for a happy ending, the magic sword must be destroyed… !’

The magic sword had a habit of flowing to those with the right wavelength.

The background of how Bern acquired the magic sword and the reason why the magic sword liked Bern were also based on those habits.

Therefore, the demonic sword will come to me someday, so I must destroy it beforehand.

So-called sword war. It was necessary to execute ‘Kill before it becomes my sword!’

“Teachers! Would it be all right if I sit with you for a while?”

“hmm? It’s the first time I see your face. Who are you?”

“I am a traveler who came across a kite and happened to stay overnight in this village! It’s nothing else, it’s because I’m interested in the subject the teachers just talked about!”

“aha! It looks like you want to hear more about the magic sword?”

“yes yes!”

“With your bare mouth?”

“Of course, I will pay for the teachers’ drinks.”

“hahahahaha! One drink was enough. The barrel is bigger than it looks!”


The wine was poured into my glass until it overflowed.

I looked at the field chiefs to ask what their intentions were, and they all smiled wickedly.

It seems I’ve fallen into a trap.

“As the distribution is large, our drinking partners will be able to do it too, right?”

“… … of course.”

“Heh heh! Please, I hope you don’t fall down soon.”

Professor Aeju’s only drinking partner for 2 years. The drinking battle with the uncle was a daily routine for me.

I have to use my experience at that time to defeat these damn blacksmiths.

It’s going to be tough. However, if I could destroy the demonic sword, I would gladly sacrifice my liver.


“Oops… !”

I barely swallowed the gastric juice that was trying to climb up my esophagus.

My mind was hazy. How many drinks have I had?

“Are you okay?”

“Okay, it’s okay… !”

A drinking battle that unfolded over a total of 3 hours.

Against the blacksmiths, who were inhaling alcohol like drinking water, I managed to get my hands on the victory.

If I hadn’t secretly used the detoxification magic in the middle, the defeat would have been mine.

I drank the water René gave me and soothed my sore stomach.

“So you’re thinking of going straight to the forge?”

“… … gotta go Why did I go through all this trouble! If you are tired, go in first and go to sleep.”

“all right. I will be waiting for you here, do you have to come back and explain the situation properly?”


Renee has become very worried these days. I wanted to give her some words of encouragement, but it was too much for now.

It seemed that he would only spit out strange words in his alcohol-dazed state of mind.

So I hurriedly took my sword and the key to the forge and left the inn.

“Ugh, it’s cold!”

As the cool night air entered my body, I felt a little clearer.

As I slowly walked down the street at night, I pondered over what I had to do.

First, go to the smithy where the magic sword is located. Open the door with the key and enter. I’m looking for a magic sword somewhere. After that, I break the demonic sword with all my might.

From nob le mt l. co m

Nodding his head at the perfect plan, he entered the forge.

The interior of the forge is filled with the fishy smell of iron and the pleasant smell of sweat.

Suddenly, I felt sick to my stomach and my mind was clouded. There is no time, you have to break the demonic sword while you are sober.

Grabbing my throbbing hair, I eagerly rummaged through the weapons that were scattered around the smithy.

However, no matter how much I searched, there was no weapon that looked like a magic sword.

‘… … Should I go back?’

I was deceived.

It was the time when I was about to leave the smithy with only such a sense of collapse.

[Do you need strength?]

The above sentence came directly to my head, not my eyes.

It wasn’t transmitted in the form of voice, so it wasn’t telepathy. It seemed like a completely new type of magic.

[I will ask again. Need power?]

My face contorted from the intensifying headache, but I managed to squeeze the words out.

“I do not need… !”

[Tell me a lie. Humans have always longed for power. There’s no way you don’t need power.]

“Could you please stop generalizing all human beings as power-mad? There are people who live happily without power.”

[What is the reason for denying power to such an extent? Wouldn’t it be nice to have power?]

“With great power comes great responsibility. Sometimes there is a force that is too burdensome to bear. Just like you.”

I drew my sword from my waistband.

I already knew that it wasn’t a demonic sword used by Bern because I already had an ego, but it didn’t matter.

Because it’s better if the demon sword doesn’t exist in the world.

[Now, wait a moment!]

I felt impatience in the sentence sent by the magic sword. It looks like you’ve figured out what I’m trying to do.

I have no intention of seeing it that way.

[I will make you an unconventional proposal!]

“ah! Because you don’t live?”

[Please! Just listen to me once! When you hear it, you will definitely be tempted!]

“… … .”

Thinking back on it, I feel a little pitiful, so I decided to listen to the final argument.

[I didn’t want to go this far, but I can’t help it.]

A magic sword that simmers slightly.

In case of detecting an impure action, preparations were made in advance to break the demonic sword.

Eventually, the demonic sword’s last argument came into my head… … .

[♚♚Demon of the Sow☆D♚♚$$ Unlimited Sword Skills☜☜Durability 100% Fixed※ ♜In case of Magic Swordsman♜Infinite Mana ¥ When certain conditions are met §§Necromancers§§★Superlative Black Magic★Gear Swordsmanship Opportunity to [email protected]@@ Contract immediately!]

You bastard, were you a demonic sword of time and space?

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