“Bang…” As the flares burst in the air, a burst of yellow. The smoke of color spread above the gloomy sky….

“Stop…” Listening to the sound of the signal gun behind him, the young man who was leading everyone forward turned his head, and when he saw the signal flare, which represented a special situation, he did not hesitate and immediately stopped the advance of the team.

“What’s going on? And in his breath, the people who also turned their heads to look over there through the gap between the jungles muttered in confusion after wiping the cold water stains from their faces.

“Team one and two teams, go back with me and take a look, the rest, stand on guard…” For the doubts of the team members, the young man in the team leader ignored them, he just threw off the short blond hair full of water stains after planting the hat on his head, and shouted to the many team members who were a little surprised. After giving the order, he took the lead towards Na Huang. Go in the direction of the color flare….

The young man with short yellow hair, named Elvin Smith, is the current commander of the Survey Corps. In order to achieve the goal, in order to control the overall situation, although he will show extreme decisiveness and ruthlessness, but usually, under normal circumstances, he has 100% trust in his subordinates… And now, driving the horses, constantly towards the yellow. The direction in which the color smoke rises is close to… He didn’t think that he could do it for the mission, for the evacuation of the large army, knowing that staying was a dead end, but still very determined that his own team members who stayed would use signal flares to deceive themselves and others. Therefore, the moment he saw the yellow, colored smoke rising, he didn’t think much about it. Instead, the order of the detachment was given very directly. But… When he was about to reach the place where the signal flares were raised, he still reached out and stopped the advance of everyone… Not because of distrust, but because he is now the commander of the Survey Corps! If it was him, it wouldn’t matter. But… At this time, he had a very important mission.

Thus… He stopped the team from advancing, after making a few gestures to the people behind him. After making sure that everyone behind him understood, he dismounted ahead of his horse, used the three-dimensional mobile device, and began to wander through the huge trees. Looking at the leader of the advancing Erwin Corps, the remaining forty people divided into two groups, one group guarded the horses in place, and the other group also activated the three-dimensional mobile device to follow Erwin in the direction of the signal flare…

Two minutes later….

After the group found that there was no danger around, and followed by Erwin, one after another, everyone came there, and at this time it was full of the remains of huge giants, on the road that their own team had just passed. Looking at the full wreckage at this time, he looked at the two who were looking at each other speechlessly, looking at the debris all over the ground, leaving behind the two people who blocked the giant crowd. Erwin’s face was full of seriousness, and he walked straight towards the two…

“This… Is that so? “More than a dozen giants, five odd breeds. If you only need to sacrifice one member of your team to eliminate them all… Today’s human beings will not be forced to shrink in that small birdcage-like place. Therefore, looking at the wreckage all over the ground, after examining the ground, except for a certain small skeleton, the rest turned out to be when the head and body were separated. Erwin’s face was full of seriousness, and some inexplicable light flashed in his eyes and asked….

“Captain Erwin…” Looking at the two of them, the strong young man and the young man who was quite ordinary regardless of appearance, height and temperament, clenched his hands into fists, put one hand on his chest, and made a standard military salute behind his back with the other, and after looking at each other, he smiled bitterly… For the scene that the two of them saw with their own eyes just now, after calming down after being watered by the cold rain. Only then did the two realize how amazing and incredible the picture of the boy they saw, the hunting giant…

That one… Is it really human? … This thought, after the two returned to their senses, stood between the bones that covered dozens of square meters of land. It quietly occupied their minds… And it is this thought that makes them extremely fearful….

And now… When the commander of the Erwin Corps inquired about the events before and after. None of them knew how to tell the strange and unreasonable things that they and others had seen

“Well? Looking at the two who looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and didn’t know how to narrate, Erwin’s brows furrowed deeper….

Rain… In the silence of the two, there were more than twenty silent gazes, and the lower and bigger… And for a long time, when the sky was still covered by the rain curtain and turned into darkness. The two who had been silently organizing their words and thoughts for a long time finally slowly spoke….

“We… Came across a… With only one long knife and then simply using the flesh, he can hunt more than a dozen ordinary giants and five strange breeds… Young man…”It was in the eyes of the crowd that the strong young man and the ordinary young man began to compare and compare in detail what they had just seen and experienced… And listening to the two of them, Erwin, including many people from the Investigation Corps, their eyes became bigger and bigger…

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