It was that morning, when the first rays of sunlight reflected on his eyelids. His eyes slowly opened….

In the ears, the crisp birds chirp happily. Under the tall trees are the complete formations, wild deer, hares… Pacing slowly on the grass, very leisurely eating the dew-soaked tips of the dew…

Watch the rays of sunlight shine through the gaps between the leaves and plunge into the misty jungle. Feel the fragrance of this fragrance. Looking at that dreamy scene… The boy who stood up stretched lazily. Fart after that. The huge tree under the strands forked, after breaking a small branch. Just jumped straight down from the height of more than 20 meters….

And it was at the moment of his jump, the little animals who were lazily enjoying the grass seemed to notice something. While turning his head in a panic, he began to run around. It’s just that… Although they felt the crisis coming, they didn’t know where the crisis came from, and one of the fawns, because of panic, jumped straight towards the boy’s side…

Looking at the flustered deer that was fleeing towards his whereabouts, the boy did not hesitate. The branch in his hand was instantly thrown out by it, and it was that moment… The deer, which was originally full of panic, fell silent in an instant….

Ten minutes later….

Green smoke rose from the fire in front of the boy. And above the fire, the smell of the faint and fragrant meat that was still roasted permeated. It’s just that… The nose asked about this smell, but the boy’s face was full of seriousness, and his gaze at this time did not focus on his morning today. At this time, half of his gaze was on the long knife in his hand that was being carefully wiped by him, while the other half… That, of course….

“Boom… Boom…” just as he thought. It was when he set most of his gaze in the direction he had been standing last night. As the bonfire came, the aroma of meat became denser, and the green smoke hovering above the sky also passed through the cover of the forest sea and fell into the eyes of those giants. The giants with low brain capacity are just like in previous days. With heavy steps, he rushed straight towards this side….

It’s just that… Six heads? … And… It’s still all… Listening to the dull footsteps, the young man who had already sheathed the long knife had slowly stood up. With an expressionless face, he looked at the six-headed giants who rushed out of the forest sea and revealed themselves in front of him, and his thoughts flashed, and the corners of his mouth already outlined a cold and crazy smile… It seems that there are a few pre-dinner activities today….

The boy who had such thoughts flashing in his mind began to run to the giant who saw him and seriously showed a faint surprise, and his steps were even faster… Hasten… In acceleration….

“Roar…” Looking at the small existence that is coming back to his side, hunting humans as instinct, for enjoyment, for fun… The giants began to roar excitedly. It’s just that there is only one human being… And with such a similar kind around … That’s not… If you fall behind your own kind… That’s not….

The brain capacity is not high, the giant behind the same kind began to accelerate, and the giant in front of him, who did not know what his own kind behind him, did not expect this change at all, so that he was already close to the teenager, and he who was trying to grab the teenager in his hand, the huge figure stumbled because he was hit by the giant behind him. And at the same time, in the giant stumbling. The young man looked at the giant who turned his head and roared at his kind, as if he was very dissatisfied with the other party’s interference with his hunting, and his eyes showed a smile full of teasing… But that smile quickly blurred… Because he had landed firmly on his arm in the dissatisfied turn of the giant. After that, the giant felt as if something had fallen on his arm, and turned around. The boy who was regarded as his prey was still in his amazement, quickly slashing past his shoulder…

“Roar?! Looking at the same kind who was originally yelling at himself, suddenly emitted a mist, and the giant who was originally rushing to the second place was a little dazed. But in a daze, looking at the human who jumped from the first shoulder. The giant’s instinct made his colleague with a huge mouth open with joy in his eyes, and his colleague also leaned out his palm to the human being who was in the void…

Is there no way to dodge? … The boy looked at the huge palm that rushed towards him, driven by instinct. He understands very well that the relative power of the giant feels the roar of the powerful wind between the huge palms, and feels the breath of death… The corners of his mouth slowly turned upwards… This feeling… It’s really….

Look at the big hand that can easily wrap yourself and squeeze it into a meat puree. As the boy continued to close his palms against himself, he narrowed his eyes….

It’s just that… This does not mean giving up… Rather….

“It’s so interesting! Hahaha! …”Rather… Crazy… But… Drunk! But! Enjoy! … After the moment when the young man narrowed his eyes, his eyes opened sharply, the smile at the corners of his mouth, the madness in his eyes, and the right hand holding the handle of the long knife trembling because of excitement, all clearly told the excitement of his master, the young man…

“Rub…” and the boy was extremely excited. As the giant looked at the prey that was about to arrive, the corners of his mouth instinctively split an arc. The knife that the teenager clenched was instantly unsheathed… It’s just that… After the crisp sound of the knife, looking closely, on the boy’s waist, the long knife was still well inserted in the sheath…

It’s just that… In front of the young man, the eyes were originally full of excited giants, but the look in his eyes was still slowly dimming… And in his body because of the action of inertial forces, continue to advance. His palms that changed and closed, and his thickness. The strong arm, with the midpoint as the axis, spreads along the arm to its neck, and at that one angle of inclination, it slips down….

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