The darkness spreads, shrouded in just a moment.

However, at the moment when this force was about to approach Long Fei, Chen Zhong shot.

Chen Zhong had already suppressed his anger in his heart.

This group of idiots dared not to surrender Longfei to their eyes.

As Long Fei's lackey, Long Fei can bear it, but he can't bear it.

He didn't know what Long Fei's plan was, so he didn't take action in person. But he knew that the moment Long Fei let him take action, it was already doomed, and Long Fei wanted to make this matter bigger.

In an instant, he stepped out and came to Long Fei, blocking all the darkness in front of him.

"God said, let there be light."

Chen Zhong's magic stick system was finally going to work. The moment Long Fei heard the voice, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It is no exaggeration to say that when he tailored this system for Chen Zhong, he was using it for Chen Zhong to act as coercion. It was only later that under the influence of the system power, Chen Zhong's system power became a little perverted.

Become the strongest god system.

It has exceeded Long Fei's plan.

The difference between the words is too great.

But fortunately, the essence of his magic stick is still there, and he can still shine at this moment.

It was as if Chen Zhong had directly incarnated into the God of Light. When he uttered a word, a dazzling light radiated from his body, directly illuminating the entire Galaxy Cluster.

What dark hands, all exposed under the light of this power.

"What? The power of light? How is this possible?" At the same time, the man from the dark council was also horrified, and an unprecedented terror appeared in his eyes.

As soon as this light force appeared, his power was instantly suppressed.

It can be said that this is a natural restraint.

"Darkness? The darkness of bullshit, this god is sitting here, all darkness does not exist in the world. Die for me!" He shouted loudly, stepped forward, and threatened him in an instant.

Outside of his body, the power of light also burned instantly.

It seemed that as his body moved, the darkness that had been submerged before was burnt out in an instant, turning into powder and disappearing between heaven and earth.

"No, it's impossible. I'm a member of the Dark Council. The power of darkness is supreme, and the light of the Star has to be eclipsed. How can it be suppressed by the power of light."

At the same time, another scream and horror sound fell.

The next moment, the person who came out of the Dark Council Star, turned his head and left, not daring to stop at all.

But now Chen Zhong's strength has been condensed to the limit.

How could he be given this chance to escape.

"If you want to leave, it's impossible. If you dare to provoke my son, you will be a dead person at that moment." Chen Zhong's voice fell, and he still doesn't forget to blow Long Fei.

"How powerful is my son, the proud son of the sky. No, my son is in the sky, and the heaven is not worthy of being with my son. Even if he wants to rely on a relationship, my son is also the master of the sky and the father of the gods. As for You, what are you, you dare to be arrogant in front of my son, and use Death to pay for your sins!"

Chen Zhong said suddenly.

Extremely arrogant.

Even Long Fei felt a little moved in his heart.

Lord of the sky, father of the gods?

Sounds like a good look.

But he knew better that this was just Chen Zhong flattering.

I have to say that Chen Zhong still has his eyesight, he knows when to be turbulent and when to hide. Now, he wants to stand out in this Supreme world, and wants to establish a lawless, arrogant and domineering personality in front of everyone.

It just happened to put the current idea of ​​own directly into the hearts of the people.

After all, it is better to let others show off your performance by yourself.

At this moment, Chen Zhong's power surged over, and the figure hidden under the darkness also vanished into nothing at this moment.

Under the impact of light, the so-called darkness is not worth mentioning.

When the darkness dissipated, the light became the only theme on the Galaxy Cluster.

Chen Zhong relied on his own means to forcefully crush, and the light covered the world.

This kind of breath can be said to be a powerful restraint for the dark council, which directly makes the power of darkness on the suspended star suddenly dim and pale.

However, Chen Zhong did not continue.

He can feel that there are still strong people above the star in front of him. If he makes a shot himself, he may not be able to resist, unless Long Fei himself makes a shot.

But now Long Fei's attitude is very indifferent.

So, he stopped.

Long Fei did not continue, but continued to provocatively say, "That's it? Are all the dark councils of this kind? Even with this kind of existence, dare to clamor with this young master? Still want to grab a position? Are you worthy?"

Long Fei's attitude completely made people dare not look directly at him, and he was arrogant and invincible.

It fully explains what it means to be fearless.

Countless people hate itching teeth, but they dare not speak out.

After all, the dark council is so powerful, and now they have chosen to forbear and not send out the same.

What qualifications do they have to speak in front of Long Fei.

"Okay, the green hills do not change, the green waters flow forever, Tiandang Mountain is right. No, Long Ting is right, today this beam is settled. I remember the dark council."

At this time, above the suspended Star, a deep and incomparable voice appeared, descending between heaven and earth.

"Remember? Don't remember, my son, I don't have much time to think about how many people are calculating behind this son. If you don't agree, let me go now?" Long Fei continued.


A person seems to be eating the dark council.

Everyone looked up above the void, they were waiting, they didn't believe that the Dark Council would directly admit counsel. Such persecution by an unknown person is bound to break out.

However, to their surprise, there was no response at this time.

The dark council seemed to have no response at all as if the king had not heard the voice.

Long Fei was clearly bored.

He is testing the bottom line of the Dark Council. If the other party really can't help but take action, then it is when the little Taoist takes action.

But unfortunately.

The Dark Council had more brains than he thought.

But is this the end of the matter?

No, it doesn't exist.

"It seems that your dark council is conceited. Now that you have conceded, Star will drop half of it for me. Where my Longting is, do you dare to stand tall?" Long Fei said loudly.

reverberates in this world.

The fall of this sentence has already shown Long Fei's attitude.

Below, the people on Silent Hill were also tense at this moment. They had guessed that Long Fei must be looking for something to stand up for.

Unexpectedly, the Dark Council will be dwarfed by half!

This... is already a naked declaration of war.

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