At this moment, Long Fei couldn't bear it any longer.

He didn't want to see the little Taoist get a little grievance, and he didn't want to see the little Taoist bowing his head in front of them, and he didn't want to see that they still had the capital to be arrogant in front of the little Taoist. "You? You don't even know what the thing in my hand is. Do you think you can create miracles? Not enough. When the treasure in my hand absorbs the power of this little beast, I will directly use this power to suppress you. At that time, even yours

The system is above Supreme, and it's useless. Today, after all, the owner of this mountain is the last Ying Family. "Heavenly handle said wildly.

It seems that the shuttle in the opponent has incomparable confidence.

"Really? Use this power to deal with me? Ha!" Long Fei sneered and glanced contemptuously.

Then he directly ignored the two of them, turned to look at the little Taoist priest, "Let me come, leave it to me here."

Long Fei patted the little Taoist on the shoulder and said.

"I'm sorry, brother, I didn't do a good job, I failed your expectations, and I failed myself." The little Taoist looked aggrieved, and the blood in his eyes began to dissipate, as if he was a child who did something wrong.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. Thinking that in the Temple of Eternal Life, the little Taoist priest used his life to defend his picture, he secretly swore in his heart that no matter what today, the little Taoist priest would kill the two with his own hands.

"You have done a good job. Now I am here. When I disintegrate the power in his hands, their lives will be left to you. Once you protected me with your life, let me help you get what you want today." Long Fei said lightly.

When the little Taoist heard this, a gleam of light finally appeared in the aggrieved singleness, and he looked at Long Fei with anticipation.

"Really, brother?" The little Taoist knew that Long Fei was strong, but he also knew that the shuttle in front of him was unusual.

"Don't worry, it's just a small road. The eternal life shuttle is not their thing." Long Fei said lightly.

The little Taoist nodded heavily, since Long Fei had said it, he believed it.

The next moment, he walked directly down the road to the sky and came to Chen Zhong's side.

And Long Fei turned around instantly and looked at Tian Shan.

"Are you ready to die?" Long Fei asked, killing intent rising.

He had never hoped for a person to die like he did now, as if he had returned to the beginning, back to the time when he was targeted by the Xuan family.

"Death? It depends on how you want to die? Using the power of this little beast to kill you, I think you will be more pleasantly surprised." Tian Shan proudly raised the shuttle in his hand.

"By this? Naive. However, I would like to ask you, are my things easy to use?" Long Fei sneered.

"What?" Tian Shan's face changed instantly, looking at Long Fei in disbelief. At this moment, his face was full of surprise.

"I ask you, are my things easy to use? However, no matter how you use them, use my things to kill me? What do you think?" Long Fei sneered.

His eyes were full of ridicule.

The next moment, Long Fei's eyebrows opened, and a coffin emerged from the eyebrows.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, the power of immortality exploded, swaying between heaven and earth. At the same time, the shuttle in Tianshan's hand began to tremble violently.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible, this is the treasure that the messenger gave me." Tian Shan panicked instantly.

At this moment, with the appearance of the coffin in Long Fei's eyebrows, the shuttle in his hand was directly out of his control, struggling to leave, as if he saw his own master.

"Give it to you? My things, I don't open my mouth, who dares to call the shots? If you stole my things, they are yours?" Long Fei sneered, his eyes full of indifference.

At the moment when Long Fei's voice fell, the shuttle broke free from Tian Shan's hands in an instant, and came directly in front of Lai Long Fei.

Long Fei stroked it lightly, then threw it away, and landed directly on the coffin of immortality.


The shuttle fell directly on the coffin of immortality, within a groove.

And there are several such grooves, that is to say, the current coffin of immortality is not complete. If there is a chance to get a complete coffin of immortality, what level of power will it reach?

However, even Long Fei himself did not expect that the coffin of immortality would be so powerful that a single accessory could disintegrate the power of the little Taoist priest.

Although it is said that this thing restrains the power of the little Taoist priest, it is also extremely terrifying. Even if it is aimed at others, under the Supreme peak system, there is no escape, and it is directly dead.

"It seems that I have to think about this in the future. I don't know anything about the power of the coffin of immortality." Long Fei sighed in his heart.

"Impossible, how could this happen, who are you, who are you?" Tian Shan roared, with extreme suspicion in his eyes.

"Who am I? I'm the father of the person behind you." Long Fei said lightly.

The Temple of Promise!

Now it is certain that if the power related to the coffin of eternal life can be sent to the hands of Tian Shan, then there is nothing to say. The person behind him must be the Temple of Promise.

Long Fei never had a good impression of the Temple of Promise. Because of the ancient ancestors, because of Nezha, and now with the little Taoist priest, Long Fei actually had an idea in his heart that he wanted to destroy the Temple of Promise.

It's just that I really don't understand this power now, so I can only take it step by step.

"Presumptuous, you are too presumptuous, do you know what kind of existence that is? You dare to speak rudely!" Tian Shan was almost desperate in his heart.

But still struggling. "Isn't it the Promise Temple? Are you so surprised? It's you, a person from the Supreme world, who actually hooked up with the Promise Temple. I really don't know how the Supreme world would tolerate a moth like you. But it doesn't make a difference, anyway, today after

, everything about you in this world will disappear without a trace. "Long Fei said, his tone still light.

But the more it is like this, the more tortured it is for Tian Shan, and the more it wants to refute.

But when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know how to speak at all.

"You don't need to say anything. If you want to threaten, just keep your mouth shut. I don't even care about the people behind you. What you say is superfluous." Long Fei said lightly.

The next moment, Long Fei directly punched.

This punch, he did not use any power, it is pure flesh, it is the most ordinary power. No way, Long Fei's current strength is really too strong, if any kind of power is used, they may kill their father and son. But he also promised the little Taoist priest that the lives of the two would be handed over to him to harvest. So now, Long Fei only

Can so.

But that's it, this power is not something they can bear.


With a loud noise, the Tianshan father and son were directly slammed into the ground by Long Fei's punch. Facing such a punch, they didn't even have the strength to resist, and they were directly suppressed.

With one punch, the two lost half their lives.

It can only be said that it is not that they are too weak, but that Long Fei is too strong. "Okay, Junior Brother, I'll leave the rest to you." Long Fei said lightly.

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