The entire dark place was covered with a layer of coldness.

Even the red blood felt cold all over, as if to be frozen.

He glanced at Long Fei in horror.

Now... I'm only slightly moved, and I've never been angry, so I already have this kind of power. How terrifying would it be if it was really violent?

"Sir, calm down, I didn't know that these two belonged to adults, otherwise, even if the Lord of the Abyss fought to the death, I wouldn't let them do something to the people of adults." Chi Xue said suddenly.

"Fight? Are you not the Lord of Darkness? Could it be that there are people here who can stand up to you?" Long Fei was taken aback.

He didn't expect that on the Lord of Darkness's territory, there was still a person who made him jealous.

As the saying goes, lying on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly!

Now in this endless darkness, even letting Chi Xue say the words of life and death, it can be seen that the other party is not simple.

"The adults don't know anything. The Lord of the Abyss has an amazing origin." Chi Xue said.

"The origin is amazing? Tell me about it?" Long Fei was a little surprised.

Compared with the origin, the origin of the scarlet blood can be traced back to the first world, but such an existence will even sigh because of another person's origin, which is evident.

"He's not from the Supreme world. It's just that when he came to the fifth world, he came directly to my dark place, and then with great means, opened up an abyss world." Chixue said.

Between the words, the expression on his face also changed, as if the scene made him feel terrified when he recalled it.

"Then what?" Long Fei asked.

Without seeing the specific picture, Long Fei was not good at judging the opponent's strength.

With his current ability, it is not difficult to open up a world.

But it is not easy to create a world.

"Back then, I already ruled the darkness, so naturally I couldn't watch someone arrogant and domineering on my territory. I directly led the existence above the Wushuang system to attack. Then..." Chi Xue said, his face a little embarrassed .

Long Fei was interested and touched the bridge of his nose lightly.

"Just talk, don't make your mother-in-law's appetite." Long Fei was very dissatisfied with Chi Xue's behavior of stopping for a moment.

"Cough, cough, I dare not hide from my lord. In that battle, we were defeated and the entire army was wiped out. Except for me, no one came out alive from the abyss. Even me, it was only because of my self-destruction system that the other party accepted it. Hand." Chixue said, showing the fear of points.

"Almost let you blow yourself up?" Long Fei repeated.

The strength of the opponent is very strong!

Even though he wants to kill Chixue now, he can still make the opponent have no power to fight back, and even let him continue to have no chance to self-destruct the system, so he directly ends his life.

However, what Scarlet Blood said was back then.

Is the strength of the other party? Will it stay where it is?

Obviously not possible.

"If you say that, what you said just now is a bit watery." Long Fei said while rubbing his chin.

"Moisture? What do you mean by adults?" Chi Xue was slightly taken aback, and he didn't understand.

"Well, it's a lot of water. If you were forced to self-destruct the system in front of the other party, then now, you don't even have the qualifications to fight the other party to the death or the death. There is only one result. You die and he lives." Long Fei struck mercilessly.

Chixue's face was stunned, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He really wanted to refute, he is also the lord of darkness, is there such a thing as he said?

But when the words came to his lips, he thought of Long Fei's previous emotional changes, and the changes in the world caused by the changes made him swallow the words again and again.

Very dish!

He is really good!

At least, in front of Long Fei, he is like a dog.

Even, not to mention Long Fei, even in front of the little Taoist priest, there is no chance of winning.

"Then, what should I do now?" Chi Xue asked.

"What can I do? Since they've already called the door, why don't they just ignore it?" Long Fei said.

In any case, since Long Fei knew that Chen Zhong and others were in danger, it was impossible to sit back and ignore them.

He Long Fei must be worthy of his heart when he does things!

None of his people can move.

After speaking, Long Fei looked at Xuan Yang and the others.

"You first cultivate in this dark place for a while, I'll go and see, where is the Lord of the Abyss Sacred." Long Fei said.

"Damn, I'm going too." Xuan Yu was not happy as soon as the words fell.

"Be obedient, there may be danger there," Long Fei said.

Xuan Yu was silent.

Even Long Fei said there was danger, so it was definitely not an ordinary place.

Although she is more playful, she can still distinguish right from wrong.

"Okay, I see." Xuanyu pretended to be relaxed and said.

"Xiao Rong, Chi Xue, you two come with me. Junior brother, you protect your senior sisters." Long Fei ordered.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt Senior Sisters..." The little Taoist looked resolute.

Long Fei smiled, patted the little Taoist priest, and then left with Tu Shan Xiaorong and Chi Xue.

This time, he didn't use the floating world.

In this dark place, the absolute power controlled by Scarlet Blood, a few teleportation, went directly to the destination.

However, Long Fei's footsteps stopped.

In front of him is an endless darkness. And where they were, it was as if they had been cut open. Behind them was the world of darkness, and in front of them was the world under the darkness.

The endless dark aura gathered into a river, like a waterfall, pouring down, terrifying.

"This is the abyss world you said you opened up?" Long Fei was helpless.

What is this world that has been opened up?

It gave Long Fei the feeling that it was bigger than his entire dark place.

That is to say, the man from the beginning directly divided the entire dark place into two.

Chixue didn't dare to speak, let alone look at Long Fei's eyes.

Long Fei was in a hurry, and he was completely helpless about Scarlet Blood. But this is the end, even if he says more, it will not help.

"By the way, since the existence under this abyss is so terrifying, how do your people know their current situation?" Long Fei asked.


Even the Lord of Darkness should be afraid of the existence, and the people under him dare to go in and be undercover?

"This, the system controlled by that person before is a bit special. You can see what is going on or about to happen to some people through some media, so it becomes my right-hand man." Chi Xue said.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, this is a bit of a critique.

Involuntarily, his eyes turned to Tu Shan Xiaorong.

If Tu Shan Xiaorong also controls this power, wouldn't it be heaven-defying?

And Tu Shan Xiaorong's face also showed a look of incomparable expectation.

When Chixue saw it, he naturally knew that Long Fei was moved, and immediately said

"Did your lord take a fancy to the capabilities of this system? If so, then under this abyss, you may be able to give your lord a surprise!"

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