"Junior Sister Xiao, it's time o"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, it's better to come out quickly, otherwise..."

this time o

Li Yuanba stepped out of the hall in one step, the angry thunder in his hand slashed directly, and shouted: "Otherwise what will you do?"


That disciple reacted quickly enough, but he still didn't escape, half of his body was directly bombarded by Li Yuanba in the ground.

Blood burst from the top of his head, and he said in astonishment: "Your injuries, your injuries..."

Long Sanfeng said coldly, "Kill!"


Li Yuanba slammed it down with a hammer.

Headshot, spike!

Long Sanfeng said slightly: "We pretended to be injured and were surprised!"


"The four of you must cooperate quickly. This time, Hong Tianjue must not have another chance to backhand, understand?"


The four nodded their heads

After a few minutes, everyone in the Long family walked to the wedding compound.


The auspicious time has come, the wedding begins!

"There is a bridegroom!"

An Elder drake croaked, and all the guests in the compound stood up, and no one had a smile on their face.

Even Situ Hao had to put on a bright smile o

Chaotian Sect is no longer comparable to Southern Heaven Sect.

If he doesn't make a choice today, the Southern Heaven Sect may be wiped out tomorrow.

War Great Emperor Realm is too powerful o

The War Great Emperor Realm of the blood of the first emperor is even more powerful.

His last ambition was also dashed

this time o

Hong Tianjue came out wearing the bridegroom's clothes. There was not much expression on his face, but his eyes were full of contempt, and the magic in his eyes was even stronger.

compared to the morning o

The demon in his heart became stronger again.

Li Yuanba and the others forced it out

"The groom is so handsome o"

"Being able to marry the first genius of Nantianyu is the blessing of cultivation for the eighth generation of the Liu family's ancestors."

"If only I had a daughter o"

"Elder Liu may be the deputy Sect Leader of Chaotian Sect in the future."

"It's so enviable o"


A burst of envious discussions resounded in the large courtyard

Liu Ming had a wry smile on his face. He told his daughter from a young age that your future husband is Hong Tianjue, and it has always been like this marriage, but... Today, he does not want his daughter to marry Hong Tianjue, because Hong Tianjue Tianjue is no longer the Hong Tianjue he used to be


Now he can't stop it o

Hong Wantu sat on the high hall, his face was flushed, and the smile on his face never disappeared. Looking at the big Sect Leaders in the yard, his heart was very stunned, "From now on, it's all about me. That's right, hahaha..."

this time o

The wedding officiant shouted again, "Is there a bride?"

The sound fell o

On the other side, with the help of the two maids, Liu Luoxi said in red, wearing a big hijab, and walked slowly towards the hall.


Under the stage, Ye Ziyan shouted o

Before she could say the second sentence, Elder Ye pulled him down, stared at him, and said, "Do you want your father's life?"

Ye Ziyan bit her teeth and cried bitterly.

under the hijab

Liu Luoxi also burst into tears

"Elder Sister!"

Xiao Tiantian also shouted, but was also held back by Elder Xiao, shouting: "Liu Luoxi doesn't resist himself, what's the use of asking you to resist?"

"Be honest with me!"

Now that the general trend is done, it can't be changed o

The dragon family's mighty power can't be changed, what can their little Inner Sect Elders change?

Xiao Tiantian also burst into tears.

Liu Luoxi was sent to Hong Tianjue's side, the maid put Liu Luoxi's hand on Hong Tianjue's hand, gave a slight salute and then retreated.

Hong Tianjue approached slightly, took a deep breath, and said, "It's really fragrant!"

Liu Luoxi's body trembled.

Hong Tianjue went a step further, sticking to Liu Luoxi's ear, and said coldly, "Long Fei still hasn't appeared, he won't appear as a waste o"

"You die with this heart o"


Hong Tianjue sneered recklessly.

turn o

Hong Tianjue said again: "Relax, I will take good care of you tonight, I will make you want to die, and from now on you will become a plaything for me to vent, hahaha..."

Liu Luoxi's body trembled even more.

Tears flowed down her chin o

She's been strong, she's been trying to calm herself, don't be afraid o

even o

The moment she knelt down on the martial arts arena, she hoped that Long Fei would not appear again, but... now her heart is broken, and she is crying.

Heartbreaking o

She was like a little girl who fell into a dark abyss, sitting on the ground crying, screaming, "Long Fei, come and save me, Long Fei, come and save me o"

"I don't want to marry him, I don't want to, I don't want to..."

Tears rush o

but o

She didn't dare to say it out loud, because her father's life and the lives of those in the Long family were in the hands of Hong Tianjue.

Hong Tianjue saw Liu Luoxi crying under the hijab, he laughed even more joyfully, and said, "This feeling must be very cool, right?"


"You'll be more cool in the future o"

at this time o

The Elder reminded in a low voice, "Young Master, it's almost time."

Hong Tianjue nodded and said, "Got it"

immediately o

Hong Tianjue Liu Luoxi said with a gloomy smile: "You are my Hong Tianjue's woman after worshipping."

"The Long Fei you are waiting for won't come"

"I broke his guts in Huo Licheng, this trash dare not appear at all, hahaha..."


The Elder cleared his throat.

He said loudly: "The wedding is imminent. As usual, for the sake of more blessings, I still ask, is there anyone who opposes this marriage?"


"Elder Wang, what are you kidding? This is the biggest happy event in our Southern Sky Region. Who would object?"

"It's o"

"What did you say?"

"Hurry up and go to the church, we are still drunk and have a rest o"


Many Sect Leaders in the yard said loudly o

be opposed to?

Whoever eats bear heart and leopard gall is about the same, isn't the objection not courting death?

Who dares to challenge Chaotian Sect now?

Southern Tianzong?

Not enough o

Ye Ziyan was held tightly by his father

Xiao Tiantian is the same

Their mouths were covered, they wanted to stand up and object, but...

The host Elder smiled lightly and said, "Since there is no objection..."

at this time o

Long Sanfeng's voice shook and said, "I object!"

Li Yuanba stepped up and said, "I am against it too!"

"I object!"

"I object!"

The members of the Long family stood up one by one and said loudly o

this time o

Xuanjianzong's Sect Leader is also uncontrollable o

Soft Water Elder stood up and said, "I am against o"

Yuanling stood up, "I'm against o"

Niu Dahai also stood up and said, "I object, you are so ugly and want to marry a wife, your father never told you, look in the mirror and see how ugly you are?"

A disciple covered in blood rushed in in a panic.

also at this time

A heavy voice fell from the sky, "I object!"

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