The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4806 Kill With A Finger

Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth, made a faint sound, and then fell with a knife.

In the distance, Ao Guang and Ao Run remained silent, and no one spoke at all to stop them. Even if Ao Guang paid attention to the feelings of the dragon clan, he chose to remain silent at this time.

Without it, as Long Fei said.

He has given a chance.

But Ao Qin was stubborn, and there was no dragon in his heart. Forgetting the majesty of the dragon clan, he surrendered to Buddhism.

That alone is unforgivable.


"Kill Manjushri Bodhisattva? You. You are the Lord of the Dragon Court."

Ao Qin finally reacted, his entire face became extremely painful, fear, panic, remorse, and heavy emotions condensed on his face.

"No, no. Don't kill me."

"Sir, don't kill me, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender under the Dragon Court." Ao Qin asked for mercy.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Long Fei's battle shocked the world, and the name of Dragon Court shocked the heavens even more, and the name of the Lord of Dragon Court has become the supreme terror of the entire Earth Immortals world.

At this moment, when Long Fei revealed his identity, Ao Qin already understood what a stupid choice he made. And this choice is enough for him to use Death to prove the price.

"No need, your existence is no longer worthy of being a dragon. Dying under my sword today is also an explanation to the dragon family." Long Fei said indifferently.

The same as Da Luo, but the gap between Cultivation Base is simply incomparable. Coupled with the suppression of Long Fei's bloodline, this Ao Qin was a lamb to be slaughtered in front of Long Fei.

No resistance whatsoever.

Such a Daluo, compared with the previous Manjusri, is completely different.

"No, don't kill me. Dage, you plead for me, we are brothers." Ao Qin turned his eyes and said to Ao Guang.

At this time, Ao Qin no longer had the slightest arrogance, and all the previous impossibility had disappeared, and all he could show was fear.

"It's up to you. Since I've called you here, it's naturally for the development of the Dragon Clan. But you've already entered Buddhism." Ao Guang said fiercely, then turned his head away and stopped looking at Ao Qin.

At this time, Long Fei's knife had already fallen, and he was merciless and fell instantly.


The huge dragon head was directly stabbed by Long Fei, and the dragon's blood was so hot that it did not sink into the sea.

At this time, between the heavens and the earth, with the fall of Long Fei's knife, thunder and lightning instantly fell, and heavy rain fell, and the disaster reappeared.

However, Long Fei naturally didn't care about this. On the contrary, if there is a catastrophe between heaven and earth, for Long Fei, there is no harm. With Tushan Xiaorong in his presence, he will surely be able to gather the beliefs of the world to the greatest extent possible.

And this belief will naturally turn into the luck of the Dragon Court.

After killing Ao Qin, Long Fei's breath still did not dissipate, but his eyes looked directly at Ao Shun.

In an instant, Ao Shun's heart tightened, and he knelt down without any struggle.

"My lord, I surrender. I have long disliked the demon clan. My dragon clan and other noble clans dare to show off their might in front of me. If it wasn't for the development of the dragon clan, Xiaolong wouldn't bow down." Ao Shun said said.

He had already seen Ao Qin's ending, and he died tragically. This result made him completely lost his illusions.

Especially after hearing the identity of Long Fei, how dare he have any other ideas at this moment, there is no choice but to beg for mercy.

Long Fei is an unparalleled killing god. Bodhisattva, who is at the peak of Daluo, kills if he wants to, what does he count.

"What a servile kneeling." Long Fei sneered.

"My lord, Mingcha, the demon clan has nine-headed demon saints, which are extremely powerful. If Xiaolong does not have contact with them, I am afraid that my Beihai will no longer exist." Ao Shun quickly explained.

"Nine-headed demon saint?" Long Fei was stunned, the first thought that came to his mind was the nine-headed worm. Then he glanced at the Xihai Dragon King calmly, and when he saw that there was no response from the Xihai Dragon King, he looked back.

"Yes, the Nine-Headed Demon Saint Cultivation Base is so powerful that I can't bear it in Beihai. Sir, Xiaolong is also helpless."

Ao Shun's face was depressed and he was heartbroken.

The expression in Long Fei's eyes remained unchanged. Although he was very interested in the Nine-Headed Demon, there was no fluctuation in the performance of the Beihai Dragon King.

Dragons, do not accept betrayal.

Back then, Long Fei was able to clear the ancient world, so naturally he would not be merciful at this time.

"Don't be helpless, everything is just making excuses for your own cowardice."

"In this way, you are no longer worthy of being a dragon." Long Fei said, cutting off Ao Shun's thoughts directly. Then the blade of the king of the realm raised again.

Immediately, the grievance and pain on Ao Shun's face disappeared, and he looked at Long Fei in disbelief.

"No, no." Ao Shun said with a horrified expression.

He thought that Long Fei had already moved, and had already accepted the killing intent, but he didn't expect that he would turn his face in a blink of an eye, and he would take action when he said it.

But the response was a slap in the face.


As soon as the sword light passed, Ao Shun didn't even have time to react. He fell to the ground and died. Even when he died, he couldn't understand why Long Fei had to kill him when he had already surrendered.

In an instant, the entire Dragon Summoning Drum was submerged in endless dragon blood.

The Dragon Clan is an ancient race, the king of the sea. The dragon's blood does not melt into the sea, and it blooms with a strong dragon power and gathers together.

"Sir!" Ao Guang stepped forward and came to Long Fei with a pious face.

Originally, he was already in awe of Long Fei. Now that he knew Long Fei's identity, he was terrified at the same time, and he was even more obedient.

Especially when I thought of the two words Long Fei said before, my heart was inexplicably excited. Faintly, he felt that an era belonging to the Dragon Clan had arrived.

"In three days, I will gather the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. Except for the necessary people who stay behind to guard the Four Seas, the rest will follow me into the Dragon Court." Long Fei said.

The power of the four seas cannot be underestimated, so Long Fei will never give up. But it is also clear that Long Ting is his foundation.

Now that the four sea dragons have joined, the background of Longting is enough.

Next, naturally, the reenactment of the myth begins.

The next moment, Long Fei's figure flashed, and he returned to the Dragon Palace. He left the Dragon Palace with Xiao Susu, who had been packed crazily, and swept in the direction of the Dragon Court.

What Long Fei didn't know was that at this time above the Dragon Court, two figures were hiding in the void.

"What a terrifying breath, this is the place where the Buddhist Bodhisattva fell." A shadow said.

"This actually is not the point, don't you perceive the power of the Immortal Sect below? This is the real horror, and it is difficult to cast non-supreme Magic power." Another voice appeared.

The two looked at the dragon court below and were shocked.

"This place is terrifying, and we must not enter it."

"Yes, you are right, we should leave as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a disaster of killing." The two exchanged, shocked by Long Ting, and prepared to leave.

But, at this moment, a figure swept from afar.

The speed is fast, thousands of miles in an instant. This figure is Long Fei.

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