The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4804 I Dare!

West Sea.

Compared with the East China Sea, although the West China Sea is equally magnificent, it has less wind and waves.

The West Sea Dragon Palace, since the Dragon King Prince became the Buddhist Bodhisattva, the situation of the entire West Sea has naturally become more ambiguous.

After all, Heaven Court and Western Spirit Mountain have always been in a competitive relationship.

As for Xi Hai, he naturally knows how to avoid the important and ignore it, at least on the surface, he is still very stubborn about Heaven Court, and he never dares to neglect.


Ao Shun, who was cultivating in the Dragon Palace, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Dragon Summoning Drum? What is Ao Guang doing?" Ao Shun narrowed his eyes, but he still turned into a giant dragon and circled away.

And this scene also happened in Beihai.

Beihai Dragon King just paused for a while, but also turned into a giant dragon and meandered away.

At this time, in the East China Sea.

Long Fei sat on it, looking at the magnificent Dragon Palace, and he was amazed, and Xiao Susu had been indulging in it for a long time.

But these things were not attractive to Long Fei at all. These things, compared with the original Tongxian world, the gap is too big.

"Sir, the dragon-calling drum has been sounded. If they want to come, they should come soon." Ao Guang said.

At this time, Ao Guang was equally uneasy in his heart.

The four sea dragons are originally a family.

But now they have gone their separate ways, and it has long lost its former glory.

And this is also the pain in Ao Guang's heart.

But in fact, what he is most worried about is that the other people will ignore the existence of Long Fei, and he is afraid that he will not even know how to die.

"My lord, Xiaolong dares to beg adults. If they don't know what's good or bad, can you give Xiaolong a chance, let Xiaolong persuade them, and give them a way to live?" Ao Guang said, his eyes full of desire and expectation.

"Okay." Long Fei replied.

He clearly knew the relationship between the four sea dragons, so he did not refuse. As for the outcome, it depends on their choice.


At this moment, a mighty drum sound came, and the entire East China Sea was shaken by this sound.

"The second child is here!" Ao Guang's eyes lit up.

At least, this result is not the worst, at least they can answer the call under the drum of dragons, which shows that they still have dragons in their hearts.

But Long Fei, there was a playful chuckle in his eyes. As soon as the drum sounded, Long Fei had already guessed that the Dragon King had arrived. However, the other party never rushed here, but ran to the dragon drum and knocked on the drum. It was clearly done deliberately, as if showing off his power and telling everyone his arrival.



Immediately afterwards, a slight but powerful dragon roar was transmitted directly into the Great Hall of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.


Undercurrents are surging, and countless East China Sea dragons all show a fearful expression.

This is the instinct of the dragon family, and this dragon is extremely powerful. And, this is the power of Dragon King. Even more tyrannical than Donghai Dragon King.

Ao Guang's complexion also changed at this time. Now, how can he still not feel it, this is a disgust.

Come, come, but don't give him a face at all, completely similar to a kind of equality, and even a state of arrogance.

But things are not over yet.



Two more beeps.

Immediately, two dragons descended, directly sweeping the East China Sea.

Under this terrifying dragon power, it directly became the doomsday of the entire Donghai clan. Except for the dragon clan, countless aquatic clans died tragically on the spot. Rao is the boundless East China Sea, and this time it hurts the bones.

At this moment, Donghai Dragon King's complexion completely changed.

One is not enough. He never thought that the Dragon Kings of the Three Seas would all appear in this way, clearly telling him that they were very dissatisfied.

"Let's go, it looks like they won't come to Dragon Palace Great Hall anymore."

"But it's just right. The entire Dragon Palace was destroyed in a short while." Long Fei said lightly.

That's it, there's nothing more to say. The attitude of the three of them was already so obvious that they entered the East China Sea and did not go to the Dragon Palace. They have already stated their attitude, they will not take the initiative to enter the Dragon Palace.

"Alright, I'd like to see if the three of them are going against the sky." Ao Guang said with indifferent eyes.

Among the four seas, the East China Sea has always been respected. He sounded the dragon-calling drum, but now he was turned against by three people, how could he bear it?

At the bottom of the East China Sea, where the dragon-calling drum is located.

The South China Sea, the North Sea, the West Sea, and the Three Seas Dragon King have turned into dragons and talked to each other.

"I haven't seen you for a thousand years, and the brothers are all good. Cultivation Base has already entered Daluo. It seems that the rejuvenation of my dragon clan is just around the corner." Beihai Dragon King Ao Shun said with a smile.

"The fourth brother is not bad. He even practiced new methods. But fourth brother, you are a dragon clan, can you also see the power of the demon clan?" Ao Qin said.

"Hmph, the second brother should take care of himself. And the third brother, although the Buddha's strength is strong, be careful to set yourself on fire." Ao Shun snorted coldly, didn't hide it at all, and went back directly.

For a time, the three of them were at a stalemate and competed in secret.

At this time, Ao Guang and Long Fei also happened to arrive here.

"Good, good, good!" Ao Guang said three good words in one breath.

But even a fool could hear it, it was a reprimand.

The three of them disapproved and looked at Ao Guang.

"Dage, the Dragon Calling Drum has not been sounded for more than 2,000 years. I don't know why it sounded this time?" Ao Qin said.

"Yeah, Dage, now we are each performing our own duties and cultivation. We are very busy." Ao Shun was extremely impatient. He seemed to be willing to come.

Only Ao Run was silent at this moment, waiting for Ao Guang to speak.

"What? Now that Cultivation Base has entered Daluo, he feels that his wings are hardened, and he wants to leave the East China Sea and establish his own door?" Ao Guang said in a deep voice, his eyes were full of anger, and every word was full of indifference.

At this moment, Ao Guang felt like a knife twisted in his heart.

The attitude of several people is too obvious, not only to reject him, but also to no longer trust the dragon family.

"Dage, this is a bit too much to say. If we really want to leave the East China Sea, can we still hear the call of the Dragon Drum?"

"Yeah Dage, don't we all come here without the sound of the dragon drum?"

"That's right, Dage, this is serious. After all, we are all involved with Karma. If we let them know, the sound of the Dragon Summoning Drum might cause unnecessary trouble," said the three of them.

Although he denied it one by one, his words were extremely casual, and he did not take Ao Guang's words to heart at all.

Ao Guang was silent and glanced at Long Fei silently, seeing that Long Fei was still calm and calm, without any reaction, his heart was extremely gloomy. "Okay, let you come this time, just to give you a chance. Now my dragon clan is about to recover, follow your lord, my dragon clan may be able to reproduce the glory of the past." Ao Guang said, straight to the point, for fear that the longer the delay, the performance of the three make the dragon

Flyover is not satisfied.


"Dage, am I right? My dragon family is already like this. In the world of Earth Immortals, Saint is the most important. How could my dragon family still have room to turn over."

"Yes, Dage, don't be fooled by anyone. In this world, who would dare to be the enemy of Saint?"

The three of them spoke in horror, not believing what Ao Guang said at all.

At the same time, several people looked at Long Fei. At this time, they still didn't understand that the reason for the sound of the dragon-calling drum this time was Long Fei.

And Long Fei, his eyes moved at this time, looked at the three, the corners of his mouth wriggled lightly, and said, "I dare!"

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