The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4683 The Power Of The End Of The Law

Super League.

suspended in the palace.

"It's China again. Does China want heaven-defying? People have been born before, and a mysterious force has come through thunderstorms."

"Now, has someone touched the power of the rules of the world?"

"Could it be that someone in China has already touched the immortals in their mouths?" In the war alliance, the war alliance leader Cruise said gloomily.

Immediately, a super soldier-like person stepped forward.

"Yeah, chief, we can't wait any longer. It's time for us to start the plan for the resurrection of the gods."

"Otherwise, the Chinese side will sooner or later become a vicious tiger and devour us."

"Yes, it is imminent. I already feel that the Satan of The Underworld is already reviving, and the roar from The Underworld has spread out of the earth."

"As long as we fiddle gently and open the last layer, the era of our super war alliance will come completely."

someone said.

In the words, there is great anticipation.

The eye of desire has burst into endless heat.

It seems that it has long been impatient.

Cruise looked at the pair of eyes in front of him and snorted.

"Okay, but to start the recovery of the gods, we must be prepared for both, and we must be faithful. This kind of power is in our hands."

"I don't want to, the gods are born, and we all become slaves." Cruise said.

This sentence won everyone's approval.

After all, they are all the lucky ones of this era, awakening super powers.

Therefore, it is natural to be unwilling to become a slave of the gods.

All they think about is to make the gods their strength and use them.

However, what they don't know is that when the door of The Underworld is really opened, everything they have is reduced to fantasy.

Of course, this is something.

And in the Super God Alliance in Western Europe.

At this time, it was also vibrating again and again.

"It's China again, is China forcing us to revive the culture of gods?"

A certain super god team member said.

If Long Fei were here, he would definitely feel it, shocking.

These are all too familiar to him.

There was once the existence he summoned in the ancient world.

This Super God League is simply the hardcore presentation of the League of Legends.

"No, it's too scary. What happens to China is China's business. As long as China doesn't come to affect us, the peace of the whole world will not be cholera."

"We shouldn't be summoning goddamn gods."

"After all, our purpose is to protect, not to invade." Immediately, another super god team member said.

"Besides, don't you think that reviving the gods is an act of digging one's own grave?" The team member continued.

His eyes were full of panic.

It was as if he had guessed something extremely terrifying.


In an instant, everyone fell silent.

"Looks like it's time for people to get in touch with China."

The alliance captain said.

His face was extremely calm, with a touch of solemnity.

Of course, even the Super War Alliance and the Super God Alliance are so strong.

Some other recovering power systems in the world have reacted more strongly.

In their view, China has become a decisive factor affecting their stability.

So, under the world, for a while, the dark tide was surging.

Turning the line of sight again, freeze the dragon flying.

Long Fei didn't know about the changes all over the earth now.

Of course, even if you know it, you won't care.

After all, it's not what it used to be.

In the face of absolute power, all the trails are turkeys, vulnerable to a single blow.

At this time, Long Fei and Xuan Yu were approaching the South China Sea.

Suddenly, Xuan Yu's footsteps stopped.

"No, it's my aunt's breath." Xuanyu's face instantly turned pale.

Long Fei was stunned.

"What's the matter? It's in the South China Sea now, isn't it normal to have your aunt's breath?"

"Moreover, your aunt's momentum is amazing now, she is already fighting, and she has the absolute upper hand." Long Fei said.

Although it does not emit Divine Sense power to perceive.

But Long Fei could still understand Aunt Xuanyu's breath.

After all, the breath of the sword lotus of the Buddha is overwhelming now, even if Long Fei wants to not perceive it, there is no way.

But Xuanyu shook his head frantically.

"No, I'm talking about the aunt's own power."

"That is to say, Auntie has touched the rules of this age of lawlessness. Even if the world recovers and the rules of lawlessness are about to dissipate, this is enough to make Auntie fatal."

Xuan Yu said hurriedly, extremely nervous.

Long Fei's expression was instantly condensed.

Xuanyu had said before that they were on the earth and could not use their own power at all, and could only use the cultivation methods of the earth.

Otherwise, it will be targeted by the power of the end of the law.

"That is to say, someone has taken action now and forced your aunt to use her own strength, which has already attracted the target of the last magic power?" Long Fei asked back, his eyes full of solemnity.

"Yes, big villain, hurry up, you must save Auntie."

"This amount of Magic power is terrifying."

"I must save my aunt." Xuanyu pulled Long Fei's arm nervously, full of pleading.

"Don't worry, Xuanyi is my woman."

"My woman, let alone the last magic power, no one can move even if the flood is recovering."

"You are waiting for me here." Long Fei put away his contempt, and at the same time aroused the monstrous killing intent in his heart.

In one step, go across the void.

At this time, the Taoist nun, also known as Xuanyi.

At this time, a surprising change took place in the body.

The breath of compassion disappeared, and the face was constantly changing, and the traces of the years quietly receded.

If it is said, she was a middle-aged woman with a charming charm.

So now, it's just a young woman I feel pity for.

All gestures are full of charm.

The beautiful face, the cold breath, the single face of the world, the arrogance of the blue sky, make it like a unique ice flower blooming between the heaven and the earth.

Makes people shudder.

"Isn't this the power of the earth?"

"You are courting death."

"Although the law of the end of the law has dissipated, the foundation is still there. Anyone who dares to touch it will lead to a desperate counterattack. You are dead." Both the shaman leader and the Seven Star leader finally realized something.

In panic, he kept retreating.

But there was a hint of excitement on his face.

It seems that at this time, Xuanyi, in their view, is looking for a dead end.

As long as she died, they would be safe and sound.

Finally, Longhu Daoist, he died.

They simply don't care more.

In the void, Xuan Yu frowned.

Feeling the more and more terrifying coercion above the head, like a sword hanging in the sky, Death is approaching.

"Since I have used it, I won't care."

"At least, before this rule comes, it's easy to kill you all." Xuan Yu said coldly, stepping out with a single sword.

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