The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4653 Terrorist Means

Long Batian's voice appeared again.

And Long Fei's heart was suddenly shocked.

"System space?"

"Why did I enter your system space?" Long Fei shouted, his heart tightened and he was a little confused.

For the first time ever, panic appeared in his eyes.

completely passive.

Even, from the beginning to the end, Long Fei didn't know why he entered Long Batian's system inexplicably.

"I'm Cao, the system girl, the matter is serious." The first reaction in Long Fei's heart was to contact the system girl.

But what's even worse is that this time, Long Fei can't even perceive the existence of the system girl. —

In an instant, Long Fei's face turned pale and his fist clenched.

"Invincible punch!" Long Fei shouted.

Suddenly, a punch was thrown.

However, this punch was directly like a bombardment in nothingness, and there was no response.

"Blade of the Realm King, come out for me!" Long Fei shouted again.

However, a more terrifying result appeared.

At this moment, even the Realm King's Blade did not respond, and this punch was as if it had never appeared before.

"Devil Killing Sword!"

Long Fei didn't give up and shouted again.

However, the result remains the same.

No response.

"The system has failed!"

In an instant, an extremely terrifying result flashed in Long Fei's mind.

At this time, Long Batian's laughter appeared again

"Hahaha, stupid."

"Long Fei, I've said it long ago, I know exactly what you mean."

"And, your mind, I know better."

"I had long expected that you would definitely chase after everything, because I liked your system, and you also liked my system."

Long Batian said arrogantly.

At the same time, a figure appeared in the almost empty space around him.

Still illusory.

Even the soul counts.

But just like that, it brought a kind of Death oppression to Long Fei.

It seems that in this space, Long Batian's power is unmatched.

"So, I have activated the system in advance. How about my Batian system?" Long Batian said.

In the voice, there is an incomparable arrogance.

It seems that he has returned, just like in the past, dominating the world.

"Batian System?"

Long Fei repeated in his mouth.

"It's really awesome." Long Fei thought to himself.

Incredibly bitter.

This is no longer a simple suppression on Cultivation Base.

Rather, it is suppression at the system level.

Now, everything is clear. The violent system under his control, even if he has a system girl, there is still an absolute gap in front of Long Batian's Batian system.

Otherwise, the system girls will not be able to contact them.

Even all system skills are no longer available.

In other words, the own system, in this system space, has been abolished.

"Boy, see, this is the gap between you and me. So, let me leave things like destroying the world."

"Feng Shui takes turns."

"You have put daddy's soul in your system for so long, now you can also taste it, how it feels in the space of daddy's system." Long Batian's voice appeared again.

The next moment, Long Fei only felt a darkness in front of his eyes, as if all perceptions of the outside world were blocked.

"Long Batian, I'll be your ancestor."

Long Fei cursed loudly.

Extremely unwilling.

But got no response at all.

Long Fei forced himself to calm down, and kept spinning in his mind, trying to hook up with the girls in the system.

But still no response.

"I'm f*ck, I'm the same system owner, is the gap that big?" Long Fei felt powerless in his heart.

All along, he has been relying on the system. As for oneself, the most powerful is the power of the clone.

Of course, there is also a clone buried in the coffin in the coffin of immortality.

It just hasn't merged yet.

Also unavailable.

"Huh? Yes! I still have the power of immortality."

"The coffin of immortality is the ultimate power of the Promise Temple, and the system girl said that the Promise Temple is an existence comparable to the Supreme plane."

"Does that mean that the power of immortality, even the system power of Long Batian, can be suppressed?"

In an instant, the fire of hope ignited in Long Fei's heart.

Suddenly, Long Fei's mind sank, and his soul instantly penetrated into the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

This wasn't the first time he wanted to touch the power of the coffin of immortality.

However, the first two times were unsuccessful.

The second time, although with the help of the system girl, he gained a lot of power.

But it is still too far away to discover the true secret of the power of immortality.

In the blink of an eye, Long Fei's divine soul had already sunk into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking at the coffin of immortality hanging high in the endless sea of ​​consciousness.

For the first time, Long Fei had an extremely strong desire for the coffin of immortality.

"The coffin of immortality, I don't know if you have your own Spiritual Sense."

"But if there is, today, as the Lord of Eternal Life, I order you."

"Give me the strength to help me break through this predicament."

"Otherwise, if I die, the first thing I do is to seal the sea of ​​consciousness forever, and you don't even want to reappear in this world."

"In other words, daddy is your master, the only master. After me, no one can get you."

"Remember, this is an order."

Long Fei faced the coffin of immortality and said word by word.


In an instant, a violent tremor suddenly erupted on the entire coffin of immortality.

As if angry.

In response to Long Fei.

But Long Fei did not take a step back.

At this moment, facing the means of Long Batian.

Long Fei urgently needed the power of the system in his heart.

And the only thing that can re-awaken the system is this eternal power.

So, no matter what, Long Fei might give up.

"Don't doubt my words, daddy has never been a coward in his life."

"If you don't help me, even if Daddy is desperate, he will not be able to complete Long Batian." Long Fei said firmly.

Long Batian calculated him all the way.

In the end, do you really make a wedding dress for him?

Even if he died, Long Fei would not be reconciled.

So at this moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Even if he tried his best, Long Fei had to try.

To Long Fei's surprise, after saying this, the restless coffin of eternity calmed down.


Click click!

The coffin of immortality directly and automatically opened a gap.

Then, a light of eternal life rushed directly into Long Fei's eyes.


With a flash of light, Long Fei's Divine Sense returned directly to the body.

Then, Long Fei directly activated the Eye of Eternal Life, and penetrated the surrounding nothingness with the power given by the coffin of Eternal Life, trying to rush out of Long Batian's system space.

However, the result made Long Fei slightly disappointed,

Fortunately, this time, Long Fei could clearly feel that the connection between himself and the system had returned.

"There is always a way out."

"Long Batian, I want to kill daddy."

"You're not worthy!" Long Fei's eyes scowled, and he directly contacted the system.

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