The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4649 Long Wushen Was Paralyzed (Below)

Purple light soars into the sky, soaring into the void.

Li Yuanba's people also reacted instantly and were about to step forward.

But it was stopped by Long Fei.

Long Fei waved his hand gently

"No, this part of Karma, I'll end it." Long Fei said.

Immediately, his eyes looked above the void.


Longyin shook the sky, and even the void of heaven and earth was shaken.

Long Fei's eyes were also slightly stunned.

From the appearance of Longyin before to now, it is only a blink of an eye, but Long Wushen's figure has traversed tens of thousands of miles.

Moreover, at such a distance, such a powerful Longwei can erupt, which is indeed beyond Long Fei's expectations.

But Long Fei remained motionless.

Stand up and wait quietly.

It was as if the supreme king was waiting for his sinners.

At this time, Long Aoxian laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, Long Fei, you little bastard."

"My father has returned, and when my father returns, you will surely die."

"Dog things, like your father, are all scumbags." Long Aoxian laughed wildly.

His eyes were full of grimness.

Long Fei turned his eyes.

"An eyesore."

"I gave you a face, didn't it?"

"Daddy doesn't shoot you because you don't deserve it."

"But since you are courting death yourself, then daddy will fulfill you." Long Fei's voice was cold.

He hates this kind of high-ranking, self-righteous people the most.

insulting yourself?

Does he have this qualification too?

The next moment, when Long Fei raised his hand, a ray of light flickered.

Immediately afterwards, the imprint of a party appeared on Long Fei's palm.

"Bloodline, deprive!"

Incomparably cold.

Just saying these four words, Long Fei was speechless.

And Long Aoxian looked at Long Fei with a big smile

"Blood deprivation? Hahaha, who do you think you are?"

"You are just a little bit of the dragon clan, and this Highness is the most noble Zilong."

"Only you, dare to tell me to peel,,,,,,"

Long Aoxian laughed.

Ridiculously smiling, the whole face became painful and ferocious.

Before the words were finished, the whole person turned into a dragon shape directly and uncontrollably.

However, the scales on the whole body started to fall off because of Gu Zi.

Clap la la la.

Pieces of purple scales fell directly into the void, and dragon blood drifted.

"No!" Long Aoxian roared.

Painful howls.

But it's no use at all.

After the scales are dragon horns, dragon tendons, dragon claws,,,,,,,


Just a breath of time, the dragon characteristics of Long Aoxian's whole body disappeared.


He fell heavily under the ruins of Longmai Mountain, and the casualties are unknown.

And at this time, Long Wushen's figure finally arrived

"Do not!"

"My son!" Long Wushen cried out in pain.

The dragon body rushed directly into the ruins.

Looking at Long Aoxian, who had turned into a human body and lost his vitality, Long Wushen's eyes were burning with anger.

"Long Fei!"

Long Wushen gritted his teeth.

Staring at Long Fei above the void, monstrous hatred radiated from his body.

"Grandpa is here! Don't shout so loudly." Long Fei said.

"I want you to die!"

"I want you to die!"

"Because of your father, let me belong to Zilong, and my wife died at the hands of Emperor Xuan."

"Now, my son is tragically killed in your hands again. I want you to die!" Long Wushen roared.

"Dragon Blast!"


Long Wushen, who was transformed into Wanzhang Long God, rose directly into the sky and rampaged.

Wherever he passed, he was directly knocked into rubble.


With a loud noise, Long Wushen's figure hit Long Fei heavily.

However, Long Fei's figure remained motionless. On the other hand, Long Wushen was directly bombarded by this strong anti-shock force.


Long Wushen's figure directly bombarded the Dragon Vessel Mountain.

The face of Baili Longmai Mountain, all under the huge dragon body of Long Wushen, turned into powder.

"No, it's impossible."

"I have already obtained the power of Longyuan left by Longzu, why is it not your opponent?"

"I do not believe."

Long Wushen is crazy.

The desperation turned into a dragon again and attacked Long Fei.

However, the result remains.

Long Fei still stood proudly above the void with a look of contempt.


"You have even lost the persistence of the Dragon Clan, and even the belief of the Dragon Clan has been trampled on the ground."

"Just you, are you worthy of Longyuan?"

Long Fei said disdainfully.

Even if Long Wushen has gained something, Long Fei will never believe that he has obtained the power of Long Batianmi to stay in the Longxu.

If Long Batian can take a fancy to such useless firewood as Long Wushen.

Long Batian is not worthy of being called Long Batian.

"Impossible, I have found the secret realm of Longxu, and I have refined the power of Longyuan, why is it not your opponent?"

"Why not your opponent?"

"I'm not reconciled!"

Long Wushen roared.

However, Long Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense, and he threw the Ancestral Dragon Seal in his hand into the void, directly covering Long Wushen.


"Don't you want revenge? Don't you want to forbear?"

"Aren't you willing to be a dog for someone else?"

"In this case, I will fulfill you, deprive you of the dragon blood, and demote you into a dog." Long Fei said indifferently.

With a thought, directly link the Ancestral Dragon Seal with own will

"In my name, seize the blood of the Dragon Wushen Dragon Clan."

Long Fei said loudly.

And as Long Fei's voice fell, endless mysterious light burst forth from the entire Ancestral Dragon Seal in an instant.

Brush brush.

The light fell from the sky and directly wrapped Long Wushen.

"no, do not want."

"Long Fei, please, don't take my dragon bloodline."

"We are of the same clan." Long Wushen instantly fell to the ground and bowed to Long Fei.

The huge gap has made him recognize it clearly.

If Long Fei wanted to kill him, he could do it with a snap of his fingers.

More importantly, if Long Fei were to deprive him of his blood now.

Then he will really have nothing and will die without a doubt.

But what he said now is a joke to Long Fei.

"Same race? Hahaha."

"How ridiculous. Long Wushen, you are really spineless."

"When I respected Emperor Xuan and bowed my head, when I was a pug, when I attacked Daddy, did you ever think about the same clan?"

"When I suppressed my father, locked him in a cage, and made him want to die, did he ever think of his family?"

"Now, same clan? It's too late."

"Destroy me."

Long Fei shouted, showing no mercy.

Even in the hand, the Zhenlong Nail appeared directly.

And Long Wushen, the moment he saw Long Fei's hand of the Zhenlong Nail appear, the whole person slumped to the ground.

Between the two strands, the yellow and white things flowed into a ball.

"Do not!"

Long Wushen still wanted to struggle, and in the roar, he was unwilling to break free from the shroud of the dragon seal.

However, to no avail.

It's just a breath of time, his dragon scales, dragon blood, dragon horns,,,,, just like before Long Aoxian, were all stripped away.

And at this time, the Zhenlong Nail also whizzed past Long Fei's hands, instantly piercing Long Wushen's head.


A nail directly penetrated the dragon soul.

And Long Wushen, at this moment, completely ended and disappeared.

But Long Fei wouldn't just let him go like this, and with his backhand, he directly captured a wild dog from an unknown place.

"In the name of my Long Fei, I will demote Zilong's bloodline as a dog." "After the third generation, you can re-cultivation and enter the Tao."

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