Deep in the Phoenix world, in the endless flames.

Liu Luoxi and the others had a chilling expression on their faces, full of anxiety.


Li Yuanba struck hard, but was directly backlashed by the power of flames, and his body fell heavily.

"I'm coming!" Zhang Yue roared, and the power of decay completely spread from his body.

With a tentacle, the endless power of decay directly corrodes the flames.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone behind him burst out with excitement.

And Zhang Yue, even more so.

Seeing the effect, it is even more desperate to release the power of decay in the body.

"The rotten emperor pattern, swallow it for me!"


Zhang Yue roared, the blue veins on his head burst out, and all the power burst out in an instant.

And in front of him, the circles of flames were directly swallowed by the power of decay.

As if, in no time, this prison constructed of infinite flames will collapse.

Behind, everyone saw this scene, and they were all excited.

They are one.

Letting them watch Qiaoqiao fight alone outside alone is more uncomfortable than killing them.

Especially Li Yuanba and others.

They never forget their mission.

Vajra's mission is to protect.

Guard Long Fei, guard everything Long Fei cares about.

But now, their sister-in-law is outside, fighting alone, how can they bear it.

Therefore, seeing that Zhang Yue's methods can destroy this flame cage, everyone is excited.

But right now.

An incredible scene happened.

I saw that the flames that had been corroded by Zhang Yue before were reborn again.

The cycle goes on and on!

Not only did it make up for the vacancy that Zhang Yue had rotted out in an instant, it also spawned more violent flames.


In an instant, Zhang Yue's power was directly melted by the flames.

It was Zhang Yue, and at this moment, his body flew out backwards.

The grim look on his face remained.

However, it was a little more unwilling.

Depressed comparison.

"Why, why is this happening?" Zhang Yue said in pain with a sad face.

At this time, Li Wuxin's face was grim, he stepped forward, and swung his sword out.


With a sword, the light of extinction flickered, as if to overwhelm everything and destroy everything.


Sword Ray surged, pouring directly into the endless flames.

In an instant, the endless flames were twisted into powder.

But with Zhang Yue's lessons learned, Li Wuxin will never take it lightly.

Between the backhands, another sword slashed out.


But this time, the sword of extinction was useless, and the flames increased instead of decreasing. If it wasn't for Li Wuxin's preparations, he would have been blasted away by this power.

Then, Tianling Spirit Power was monstrous and shot again.

Lin Yousheng, Luohan, Heidao, Yourou, Hong Qiuye, etc. shot one after another.

But in the end, it all ended in failure.

"It's useless, Aunt's method is not something you can break."

"This is what Auntie wants to keep us isolated from the world."

"Isolate us, and at the same time, isolate the crisis from the outside world."

At this moment, Xiao Wudi said.

At this time, Xiao Wudi has deep eyes and a vicissitude that does not match his age.

It seems that the battle of Star Monster World has made him really grow.

"Then what are we going to do? Are we watching my sister-in-law fighting alone?" Li Yuanba almost roared.

After integrating the bloodline of the mad war, he is even more jealous.

Let him watch Qiao Qiao helplessly, fight alone outside, and may even die in battle, and protect them.

This kind of living, for him, it is better not to.

At this time, Xiao Wudi is meaningfully looking out of the void.

"You can't, but I can!"

"Yuanba Uncle, all Uncles, protect my mother and several little mothers."

"Protect Miss."

Xiao Wudi said, his eyes were extremely deep.

Immediately, the large grinding wheel in his hand roared.

"Samsara Road, open it for me!"

Little Invincible shouted angrily.

Immediately, an illusory road loomed from the endless flames.

And the little invincible figure stepped directly into it.

"Xiao Wudi, come back soon, what are you doing?" Liu Luoxi shouted, panicking.

But Xiao Wudi looked back faintly and said

"I'm Long Fei's son."

"Long family, there are no cowards."

"Even if I die, I will never be afraid. I, still, live up to my father and give me the name of invincibility."

After speaking, the figure did not enter the road of Samsara, and disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, everyone was left with endless grief.

"No! I hate it, I hate it."

"Why, in the face of a crisis, is always so useless."

"Protecting sister-in-law and Wudi is what we should do. Why are they protecting us now?"


Li Yuanba cried bitterly, beating his chest and patting his feet, grief-stricken.

However, it was useless at all, I could only watch.

At this time, above the Phoenix world.

A slaying battle is breaking out.

Qiaoqiao ignited the real fire of the ten directions, burning the void, and directly blocked the way for the twelve people.

But twelve people, but it is not easy.

Between the shots, there is nothing but destruction.

Endless killing intent swept over the void, even if it was the real fire of the ten directions, it was too stretched and difficult to isolate.

"Hahaha, this is Shifang Zhenhuo? But that's it."

"What about real fire? We have experienced the killing of all worlds, and the killing intent can be annihilated."

"What's really hot, what's Phoenix is ​​inextinguishable, kill me!"

Zunjie War Envoy shouted, and the figure rushed in the flames and went straight to Qiaoqiao.

What's even more terrifying is that his power can be safe under the real fire.

You must know that even the ultimate realm king, under this power, has only one dead end.

Jojo's eyes suddenly moved.

Between the backhands, a wind feather appeared in his hand.

"Nirvana Phoenix Ling, behead!"

Qiao Qiao slashed the phoenix in her hand.


The light of the fire washed away the void and crashed down towards the Zunjie war envoy in front of him.


Zunjie War Envoy stopped his steps, his eyes were solemn, and he looked at the phoenix plume falling from the void, and directly blocked it with his arms.


In an instant, in front of Zunjie War Envoy, the infinite fighting intent was directly smashed.

Bang bang bang.

Zunjie War Envoy, the body was directly lifted off, and even his arms were split.

It's just, surprisingly, that there was not a drop of blood flowing out of this person.

Even if the body is split, there is only an endless killing breath that spreads out.

"Hahaha, can't you think of it? Want to kill me?"

"I've been waiting to condense the body of slaughter to condense the supreme battle spirit. I don't even have a physical body, how do you kill?"

"Several, don't be idle, kill this woman, then kill Long Fei's brothers and women together, and follow Zhou Zun to destroy the ancient world. So, let's fight quickly."

Zunjie War Envoy said.

And when his voice fell, the remaining eleven people shot instantly.

Almost everyone controlled an extremely terrifying killing intent and attacked Qiaoqiao.

And Jojo, her face condensed.

After looking at the Phoenix world, he then looked in the direction of the ancient world.

"Husband, I'm sorry!"

"Qiaoqiao can't accompany you further in the future. But don't worry, I will protect them even if I die." Qiaoqiao said, the corner of her eyes came first, and a tear slipped quietly.

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