The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4383 Burst, Burst, Burst!

In the whole air, only Long Fei's voice echoed.

What if it evolved?

What if you get stronger?

The explosion is still the same.

"Boy, you are too ignorant. In front of you, we are heaven."

"In front of the sky, you are an ant, you dare to say that the sky is turned upside down?"

"It's not foolish enough!"

Three reprimands, still full of disdain.

"Many people said these things to daddy, but they all died in the end." Long Fei responded coldly.



Anyone who presses on his head will have only one result, and that is Gang.

As for the body of the three emperors, the difference is too far.

At least, for now Long Fei, there is no powerlessness.

At this time, five Medicine Pills suddenly appeared in Long Fei's hands.

Experience Dan!

At this time, all Long Fei wanted was to upgrade.

If the sword of the town cannot be cut, then use the strongest method directly.

In a single thought, Long Fei swallowed it directly.

"Drugs? Are you stupid?"

"In a pinch, do you think drugs work?"

"What an idiot."

The three emperors are still disdainful, and there is a faint mockery above the three heads.

But Long Fei had nothing else to do, so he carried out his own actions.

"Ding, congratulations to the player who swallowed the experience pill and gained 30 billion experience."



When the third experience pill is swallowed, the system will no longer remind.

Because the experience is full.

At this time, Long Fei also stopped swallowing.

Anyway, the experience pill is in my hands, I can swallow it whenever I want.

In an instant, the aura on Long Fei's body began to change, and one after another, the extreme strength wrapped Long Fei tightly.


A flash of light!

Long Fei upgrades directly.

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is super perfect Sixth Stage, upgrade experience 0/700000000000 points."


A force penetrated Long Fei's whole body, and it was indescribably comfortable.

All the means and skills are back to full.

Now, and Long Fei, what he wants is the current state.

"Well? It's a breakthrough? What's the use of a breakthrough? But it's still an ant."

"It's ridiculous. Do you think it will be useful after breakthrough?"


Three heads and one word.

He didn't take Long Fei seriously at all.

Even if Long Fei has made a breakthrough, he still doesn't care.

But at this time, Long Fei raised his head lightly.

"Childish? Soon you will know what's the use of daddy after breakthrough."

Long Fei said coldly.

The mind is directly fixed on the system.

The hand of the road!

This skill is comparable to a taboo, and now it can finally be used again.

This power is too great.

Even the system is carefully explained, and even the first-level can only be used once.

Originally, Long Fei was reserved for Zun Zhou.

But now, can't wait.

These three emperors, with his existing means, could not explode at all.

But giving up, Long Fei was definitely not reconciled.

"Don't you want to know what's the use?"

"Then daddy will let you know now." Long Fei's eyes flashed with madness.

Immediately afterwards, a hand was slightly raised.

Immediately afterwards, the entire space began to be chaotic.

A powerful force of the world began to gather from the void.

But this time, there was no response from the heavens.

Only a handful of super powerhouses felt this breath and their eyes moved.

"Here it again, who is in control of such means? Is this going to suppress the heavens?"

"I don't know, who is unlucky this time?"

"It seems that this time Myriad Worlds is a world of struggle."

These voices were made by those super realm kings, each with shock in their eyes.

Especially after feeling this inducing force, he accelerated frantically, wanting to avoid as soon as possible and head to the center of Myriad Realms.

As for Zun Zhou, this time, he ignored it.

Just after opening his eyes slightly, he continued to immerse himself directly.

The screen turned, and Long Fei was even more distracted at this time.

This move is familiar, he raised his hand instantly, and then slowly fell.

Boom boom boom!


A pair of hands, as if encompassing all the supreme power in the world.

Instantly fell from the sky.

At this moment, the three emperors finally changed color.

The three heads began to sway wildly, each with an incomparably terrifying look on their faces.

"This is the breath of Tao"

"Impossible, how could he, an ant, control this kind of power? This is the power that even adults are chasing."

"I can't resist! Let's go!!"

The three Great Emperors opened their mouths one after another, their eyes split open, and they were incomparably terrified.

In the end, he didn't even have the courage to take action, so he wanted to escape.

However, it is impossible.

Long Fei took drugs frantically until he leveled up. Waiting is now, can they let them retreat?

Absolutely not.

"Run? Who gave you this qualification?"

"Aren't they pretending to be one by one? Didn't they say that daddy is an ant?"

"Didn't you want to see the sky? Daddy will show you now!" Long Fei said coldly, word by word.

Every time a word is spoken, a pair of hands will press forward.

At the same time, above the entire void, the mighty power of the universe, crushing the aura of the heavens, is even more violent.

In an instant, the entire space is contained.

It seems that the fall of this palm will destroy the entire space.

Nothing exists, everything disappears.

And at this time, the body of the three emperors, like hitting a wall, was directly bounced back.

Puff puff!

in unison.

Above the three heads, a stream of blood instantly spit out.

"Boy. No, Your Excellency, have something to say."

"Killing us won't do you any good, I can feel the aura of me waiting in you."

"It can be seen that you must have a close relationship with our power inheritors. If you stay with us, we can train them to become invincible warriors for you, and accompany you to laugh at the world."

The three emperors spoke hurriedly one by one.

But Long Fei, the sneer at the corner of his mouth is indeed getting stronger and stronger

"What, you admit it?"

"Is this not going to work?"

"Isn't it heaven in front of daddy?" Long Fei said indifferently, as if he had never heard of it.

There was not even any reaction in his heart.

The power of the Great Emperor's inheritance was revealed by the system, and it was only a matter of time before becoming an emperor.

Need to use them to train?

Simply a joke.

The faces of the three emperors turned cold, and there was no way to beg for mercy, and their faces became hideous again.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. Do you really want to die?"

"You have to know that the more you kill us, the more condensed the means of adults in your body will be."

"To kill us is to commit suicide! You can't imagine the power of adults."

The three emperors said.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and light flashed in his eyes.

Once again, just like beheading Luo Yuan before, Long Batian's shadow was drawn out by several people again.

Long Fei felt a little bit, and sure enough, he was able to perceive that piece of dragon scale, and there was a bit of recovery.

However, this could not be the reason why Long Fei let go of a few people.

"You're right, but, even so, so what?"

"What if Longbatian recovers?" "Daddy is not afraid! Now, let me blow it up!"

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